30 Minutes of Walking Benefits

30 minutes of walking benefits and tips for making it a habit

Are you exercising for your health?
“I know I should exercise but can’t keep up…”
“I don’t want to do hard exercise…”
Aren’t there a lot of people who think like this?
Here I introduce you to the 30 minutes of walking benefits and tips to make it a habit.

You don’t need special equipment to walk, and it’s easy for anyone to start.
One of my friends started walking 13 years ago.
At first, she started walking to lose weight, but she fell in love with walking, and even now, 13 years later, she still walks every day.

Start walking today! I would be happy if you think so.

The physical and mental benefits of walking

First, I will introduce the physical and mental benefits of 30 minutes walking.
There are many effects of walking, but I will introduce some for you who want to start walking.

Benefits for the body

When you walk, your body uses up energy.
30 minutes walking will consume about 100Kcal of energy. 100Kcal is roughly 38g of bread or 63g of rice.
Some people may wonder, “Is it just a 30-minute walk?”
But what if you do it every day?
100Kcal x 365 days = 36,500Kcal
They say that 7,200 Kcal is required to reduce 1 kg of fat. You will burn 5kg of fat by keeping up 30 minutes walking through one year!

In addition, walking increases energy consumption, reduces fat, and reduces weight to prevent and improve lifestyle-related diseases.
Obesity is defined as a BMI over 25 in the Obesity Classification (Japan Obesity Society).
Obesity and lifestyle-related diseases are closely related, and the risk of lifestyle-related diseases increases.

There are various lifestyle-related diseases as the following;

high blood pressure

Even if you don’t see an improvement from obesity by walking, you can still see the prevention and improvement from lifestyle-related diseases.

Mental benefits

Next, let’s talk about the 30 minutes of walking benefits for your mental health.
Aerobic exercise like walking promotes the secretion of β-endorphin in the blood.
As a result, they say that it promotes the increase of alpha waves, relieves mental tension, and brings you pleasure and psychological health.
Beta endorphins are also known as natural pain-relieving drugs in the brain and are famous for their ability to promote feelings of euphoria and ecstasy.
Surprisingly, walking releases pleasure hormones.
In addition, walking reduces negative emotions such as tension, depression, hostility, fatigue, and confusion and increases positive emotions such as vitality.
I have experienced that walking reduces worries and anxiety and increases exhilaration and fulfillment.

The first step to making 30 minutes walking a habit

“Even if you know the effects of walking, it doesn’t last long.”
I will introduce the first step to making walking a habit.

Start with a 5-minute walk.

As a point to start walking, it is to start with 5 minutes first.
From the beginning, it is essential not to be enthusiastic about “Let’s walk for an hour!”.
Try 5 minutes every day.
When trying to create a new habit, it is much easier to stick to it if you start with something too small.
The brain doesn’t like sudden changes.
An hour’s walk can provide too much shock on your brain.
Start with 5 minutes. It will eventually lead you to 30 minutes of walking and its benefits in the future.

Recommended time for walking

Morning is the recommended time for a 5-minute walk.
Walking in the morning feels great.

Here are three benefits of walking in the morning.

Regulating the biorhythm
Serotonin secretion
Increased health awareness

The human body has an internal clock.
Sunlight, exercise, and diet effectively adjust your body clock rhythm.
Exercising by walking in the morning, bathing in the sunshine, and eating will set your body clock.
Also, when exposed to sunlight, a hormone called “serotonin” is secreted.
“Serotonin” stabilizes mood and appetite.
And exercising in the morning will increase your health awareness.
You will learn to choose healthy foods and move your body naturally.
A morning walk can change how you spend your time afterward.
For this reason, I strongly recommend you walk in the morning.

Points to note when walking

Here are some things to keep in mind in walking:
Have you ever heard that you should walk with a long stride and a big wave of your hand?
I think it’s essential to walk with that kind of posture.
However, you don’t need to walk with long or fast strides when you have just started walking. It just increases your fatigue and makes you annoyed.
The most important thing about posture is to stretch your spine.
Take comfortable strides. That’s it.
In addition, let’s do it at a reasonable pace according to your physical condition and physical strength.
Also, there is a risk of dehydration, so don’t forget to drink water frequently.


This time, I introduced the effects of walking and tips for making it a habit for those who want to start walking.
Walking has benefits both physically and mentally.
Also, your life rhythm will be in place by making it a habit.
I have been walking for more than ten years too, and it has made me physically and mentally healthy.
If you continue for a year, you can feel the change of the four seasons and feel happy about small things every day.
People of any age can walk, and since it does not require any special equipment, it is easy to start.
Although the exercise intensity is low, it is possible to continue.
Would you like to incorporate walking into your life?
I hope your life gets better.

Take a Japanese anti-aging secret through a natural supplement!

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.


The best anti-aging lifestyle

Recommended anti-aging Lyfestyle methods

Anti-aging methods are all things that anyone can do daily. You may be able to keep your body youthful by improving your Lifestyle and slowing down the aging process. Here are some of the best anti-aging lifestyle tips.

Get good quality sleep.

Getting good quality sleep is crucial because your body secretes growth hormones during sleep. Growth hormone activates metabolism, so it not only repairs damaged cells but also maintains the skin’s firmness.
A good night’s sleep is a good night’s sleep within the first 90 minutes of falling asleep. Growth hormone secretion decreases with age, but good-quality sleep promotes secretion.
To get good quality sleep, let’s bathe in the light of the sun in the morning and during the day. Before you go to bed, take a warm bath to warm up your body and make it easier to relax and fall asleep. Therefore, it is vital to regulate the internal rhythm.

If you don’t sleep enough at night, you’re more likely to get lifestyle-related diseases, and your body won’t be able to rest appropriately. It causes many disadvantages.
The necessary amount of sleep varies by person. According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “Sleep Guidelines for Health Promotion,” 6 to 8 hours is appropriate.

Refrain from drinking

You will also need to consider the best anti-aging lifestyle in your drinking habit. When your body decomposes alcohol, it generates active oxygen that causes aging, so it is desirable to use it sparingly. The recommended amount of alcohol is about one drink a day. In addition, let’s be conscious of making a rest day about three days a week.

A nightcap induces drowsiness but makes it easier to wake up in the middle of sleep, resulting in poor sleep quality. On days when you drink alcohol, we recommend enjoying it with dinner.

Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise is perfect for anti-aging. Exercise improves blood flow and keeps your body functioning young. Exercise also prevents muscle wasting. If you increase your muscles by moving your body, your basal metabolism will also increase. Exercise can also prevent obesity, so it helps you to avoid lifestyle-related diseases.
For example, light exercise such as walking will improve the function of antioxidants that decompose active oxygen and prevent oxidation of the body. In addition, it is safer to refrain from strenuous exercise that causes shortness of breath, as it increases active oxygen.

Take a Japanese anti-aging secret through a natural supplement!

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Vitamin K benefits for bones

Vitamin K tends to short for your bone formulation

In recent years, vitamin K benefits for bones have become apparent.  However, since it is first used in your liver and then acts on the bones, it tends to be deficient for bone building. A lack of vitamin K worsens the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Among vitamin K, an increasing number of papers indicate that vitamin K2 may be more effective than vitamin K1. Vitamin K1 is found in green vegetables, and vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods such as natto. Paying attention to your diet and avoiding fractures and osteoporosis are the keys to a long and quality life.

The general properties of Vitamin K

Let’s take a look at the more general properties of vitamin K. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps blood clot. You will find vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) richly in green leafy vegetables, seaweed, green tea, vegetable oil, etc. Intestinal bacteria in your body will synthesize vitamin K2 (menaquinone)
In regard with the Vitamin K benefits for bones, it activates osteocalcin (a calcium-binding protein) present in bones, promoting the deposition of calcium into bones and preventing outflow. It is also used in the treatment of osteoporosis as it encourages collagen production and improves bone quality.

Remarks in intaking

Vitamin K is fat-soluble and resistant to heat, so cooking with oil, such as frying, is recommended. The fact that many fermented foods like natto and cheese contain rich vitamin K shows such thermal durability of vitamin K.
If you take warfarin (a medicine that prevents blood from forming blood clots), too much vitamin K in your blood may make it less effective. If you are taking such medication, you should consult your doctor and avoid foods that contain a lot of vitamin K, such as natto, broccoli, and spinach.

Foods Rich in Vitamin K

Green leaves and fermented foods contain rich Vitamin K.

Spinach, broccoli, mulukhiyah, natto, wakame seaweed, seaweed, cheese, etc.

Take Vitamin K from Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex!

You can also take vitamin K through supplements. Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vitamin K among its vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)

Satsuma Mandarin Orange – Delicious Winter Tradition in Japan

Satsuma mandarin orange, the base of Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex

The key functional ingredient of Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex is a kind of carotenoid, β-Cryptoxanthin. It is added to the product in the shape of the extract powder of Japanese Satsuma mandarin orange.

Japanese mandarin orange, called “Mikan” in Japan, is one of the most popular fruits there. Just for your knowledge, we have picked up some explanation about this tasty fruit from the website of the Japanese agricultural association. (https://life.ja-group.jp/food/shun/detail?id=78)

Plenty of vitamin C essential for beautiful skin

It generally refers to “Wenshu mikan,” which has soft skin. You can peel it by hand. Born in Japan from Chinese citrus fruit, it is a fruit to represent the winter of Japan. Various varieties of “Satsuma Mandarin Orange” exist.

Their brand names are based on the places of production and cultivation method. It is available all year round and is grown in greenhouses from May to September. It is a treasure trove of vitamins necessary for recovering from fatigue, preventing and recovering from colds, and making beautiful skin.

Nutrition of mandarin orange (Wenzhou Mikan)

Rich in vitamin C. The pith and bags of mandarin oranges contain vitamin P, which they say strengthen capillaries. So please don’t throw them away and eat them together. β-Cryptoxanthin is the orange component of mandarin oranges. It is noted for its anti-cancer effect.

Green Satsuma Mandarin Orange

Do you know green Mikan? It is one of the popular Japanese mandarine oranges, the unripe fruits of Mikan. Its diameter is about 2 cm, harvested in the latter half of July.
Polyphenols, which strengthen blood vessels and exert anti-allergic effects, are in large amounts in the skin, bag, and pith. Unripe mandarin oranges are overwhelmingly more common among mandarin oranges.

Intestinal Environment – the key of your good health and beauty

We get nutrients from the food we eat every day to survive. We take necessary nutrients into the body through the small intestine and discharge unnecessary things such as food waste as feces. Defecation is a critical activity in our lives.

However, stool contains a lot of information that informs the condition of the large intestine. Feces, a barometer of health, is 80% water. In constipation, water is down to around 70%, and it may be more than 90% in diarrhea. 20% of ingredients other than water are “food debris,” “peeled intestinal mucosa,” and “intestinal bacteria.” Each gram of stool contains 1 trillion of these intestinal bacteria, and the type of bacteria varies from person to person.

The approximately 1,000 types influence the intestinal environment and 100 to 1,000 trillion intestinal bacteria living in the intestine. Intestinal bacteria include good bacteria that have a positive effect on people, harmful bacteria that have a terrible impact on people, and opportunistic bacteria that work in favor of good or bad bacteria.

The “intestinal environment” is determined by the balance of these three intestinal bacteria, and the state in which good bacteria work predominantly is called a “good intestinal environment” or a “good intestinal environment.” Depending on the power of good bacteria that work well and harmful bacteria that work negatively, the health condition of the intestines changes day by day.

Menopause and Fatigue

Approximately 70% of menopausal women suffer from “menopause and fatigue”.

What are your symptoms?

After strenuous exercise or long periods of backbreaking work, we all feel tired and lethargic. However, it usually goes away with rest and sleep. However, women in the menopausal generation may feel tired all the time. Hobbies and small errands that you used to enjoy are not enjoyable for you any more. “I don’t want to do them,” “It’s troublesome to meet people,” and “It’s a hassle to go out.” It leads to a decrease in motivation and energy, depression, and irritability. There are many things around the menopause and fatigue.

What is the cause?

As women age, their ovarian function declines, and estrogen (female hormone) levels drop sharply. A part of the brain, the hypothalamus, controls the secretion of estrogen. But it can’t make the body secrete estrogen no matter how many commands it issues. Eventually, it confuses the hypothalamus. In this way, the brain and body become unbalanced due to hormonal imbalance during menopause. (About five years before and after menopause).  Menopause is when the body and brain work hard to restore this imbalance. It causes hot flashes (hot flashes, hot flashes, sweating), coldness, stiff shoulders, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches, depression, and anxiety.  A variety of emotional and physical disorders can occur.

In addition, menopause is also a time of significant changes in life, such as increased work responsibilities, nursing care for parents, and independence for children. These stresses in life can be a burden on the mind and body without knowing it. Most people will recover after menopause, so it is essential to spend time in a “slow rhythm” without blaming yourself or worrying that you may be lazy for not being able to care for yourself properly. Menopause and fatigue is a natural issue. Also, during this period, physical strength declines, and health changes are significant, so it is crucial to keep in mind healthy habits that you can do without overdoing them in your daily life, such as eating and exercise.

Disturbance of autonomic nerves

*The hypothalamus in the brain controls the secretion of hormones, but at the same time, it also plays a role in adjusting the autonomic nervous system. In this way, when the hormones are imbalanced in menopause and the hypothalamus is confused, the balance of autonomic nerves is disturbed. The autonomic nervous system has active sympathetic nerves that work mainly during the day and parasympathetic nerves that work at night for relaxation. During menopause, the autonomic nervous system tends to be disturbed due to hormonal imbalance, but keeping regular routines and taking care of breathing will help adjust the autonomic nervous system.

Breathing stimulates the sympathetic nerves with inhaling and the parasympathetic nerves with exhaling. So it will put your body into sleep mode, that you take deep breaths while consciously exhaling slowly before going to bed. A good rest is essential to alleviate sluggishness and fatigue. Please be aware of this.

easy self-care against menopause and fatigue

Aglycon-type isoflavone has shown to have an effect similar to drinking estrogen. It is one of the great ideas to take supplements with this special isoflavone. Take supplements or get them from your diet.
(Juveriente®’s EFFISOY® is the only supplement to contain the Aglycon isoflavone outside Japan.)

It would be better to take vitamins that are effective against the issues from menopause and fatigue from well-balanced foods, such as vitamins B1, C, and E, in your daily diet.

Foods that contain a lot of each are as follows.

(Vitamin) B1: pork, eel, liver, brown rice
C: green and yellow vegetables (broccoli, red peppers, etc.), fruits (strawberries, lemons, etc.), potatoes (potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc.), green tea
E: Nuts (almonds, etc.), avocados, green and yellow vegetables (pumpkin, mulukhiyah, etc.), olive oil

If you continue to have only sharrow sleep, you won’t be able to get rid of fatigue enough, and you won’t feel well. Avoid being sleep-deprived by keeping moderate exercises and adjusting your daily rhythm.
Menopausal women tend to get tired quickly when their sleep is short because of the lack of estrogen.

Support from family and friends is also essential. It would be nice if people knew that menopause is easy to get tired and that they could feel free to talk about their worries. And ask for help with household chores when you need it.

Natural Immune Booster, Effisoy®

Are you looking for a strong immune booster supplement?

We are all under the severe threat of COVID-19, but, as everybody knows, there is no vaccine yet, unfortunately. You may be looking for some medicines or supplements to make you immune immediately. But, no one resolution has a drastic effect. But we have to protect ourselves through various basic and natural hygiene and health practices.

The first and most important things are that you wash your hands and throat frequently. The number of people affected by the flu is lower by 60% compared to last year in Japan. It will be attributed to the improvement of such basic hygiene practices. So they will also be protective against other viruses, including COVID-19.

Another important thing is to keep up your immunity sound. There are many factors to affect your immune system.

Believe or not, (or maybe already well known?) smiling is one of the most definite immune boosters. You can read many studies nowadays. (For example, here is one by Mayo clinic.) In addition to smiling, there are also some basic practices. Having some exercises, taking various foods, sleeping well, and managing your stress. (Read this Huff Post article for such solutions.)

The other popular answer is that you take fermented foods. Over 60% of your immune cells and antibody protein against aggressors exist in your gut. Fermented foods will keep up the better balance of your enteric bacteria and support such immune cells and antibodies.

Yogurt will be the most familiar fermented food for you. But other fermented foods, Miso (fermented soy), Natto (fermented soy), Kimchi, etc., may be hard for you to eat.

Effisoy will be an easy and natural alternation to such Asian fermented foods. Its key ingredient is the extract of fermented soybean germ. Effisoy works as a natural immune booster through multiple courses not limited in the sense that it is made of Japanese fermented food.

First of all, we need to explain to you its effect as made of the fermented soybean germ, AglyMax. Fermented soy is off course, known to support the immune system. 

This natural ingredient has another excellent feature, high antioxidant capacity. It is higher than some great antioxidant ingredients, Gingko Biloba and Pine Bark extract, as shown in the table.

An excellent antioxidant also supports your immunity.

There is one more course. If your sleep is improved and your mood swing is stabilized, it will also prop up your immune system. Effisoy will help you as an immune booster through such multiple courses.

menopause natural relief and anti aging product

Magical Remedies in Your Backyard (Natural Anti Aging Techniques #3 by Kristen Sawyer).Juveriente®

It’s amazing how the skincare industry can advertise a thousand different creams, each with a promise of a miracle cure for sun spots or laugh lines, when one of the most powerful remedies waits in your own backyard and the grocery store. Aloe vera is one of the best remedies you can apply to your skin, both during menopause, which can cause the skin to dry, as well as part of a daily routine to hydrate, nourish, and love the skin a little deeper.

Aloe vera has long been known as a cure for burns. Whenever a child gets a burn on the hand from touching a hot dish, or a teenager spends too much time out in the sun without sunscreen, aloe vera is the go-to remedy. But this succulent, part of the Asphodelaceae family, contains a powerful cocktail of antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. It is powerfully anti-inflammatory, and inflammation is one of the major struggles with aging. Aloe vera, when applied topically, works as a smooth exfoliant. The enzymes gently cleanse away dead follicles, and can help prevent future signs of aging.

Renewing the Skin
aloe vera gel benefits for skin
aloe vera gel for skin

The triple dosage of beta carotene, vitamin C and E all help provide the skin with more elasticity as the antioxidants smooth and nourish the contours of the face. Simultaneously, the giberellin in aloe vera acts as a growth hormone which helps the skin heal old scars or wounds. This same ingredient can work with sun spots as well. The combination of these active ingredients and the antioxidants help to create a mask that soothes and cleanses at the same time.

Applying the Green Gel

Incorporating aloe vera into a daily routine is simple. If your skin is oily, aloe vera can work as a moisturizer as well, meaning you can apply it in the morning after cleansing the face. At night, after cleansing, gently rubbing aloe vera into the face and neck is all that is required. You can cut a stem from an aloe vera plant if you live in an region where the succulent grows or where you can grow one inside. You can also buy the processed aloe vera gel at the store, though the actual plant is best. Cutting the stem of an aloe plant is a small practice in gratitude in and of itself. If you want to add an extra dose of healing power, look for an aloe vera gel that also contains the oil of calendula, a flower known for its healing properties and strong antioxidants.

Aging Gracefully
aloe vera skin care benefits

Ultimately, when the body ages, the greatest remedy to the process is the powerful act of acceptance, of leaning into aging with grace and curiosity. Everybody is different, and the skin often holds the woes of decades prior. The layers of the skin show damage that was inflicted years before. Too much tanning, battles with acne, scars from times long ago–these are the current decorations that the skin holds. Every woman’s skin is her own story. By applying a gel, like aloe vera, with care is not just to nourish the skin with simple, natural ingredients; it is also a ritual in self-love. Rubbing soothing aloe vera into the skin, looking at your beautiful eyes in the mirror–these small practices are curative in and of themselves. Your skin will thank you, but your heart will be even more grateful that you’re taking time to look at the beautiful woman you are, to love each line as the laugh that it held, and to nourish the skin that has carried you through this world thus far. That skin, your body, are prepared and preparing for many more adventures to come. Menopause is by no means the end. It is a new beginning.

To find natural solution to your menopause symptoms is the best solution, which is inexpensive and safe as well. Today Juveriente® brings you the best and all natural relief for menopause.

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