Collagen for bone and joint health

Estrogen, one of the female hormones, promotes collagen production in the human body. It retains the firmness and luster of the skin. If female hormones are insufficient, collagen production will not go well. You will need to balance female hormones in natural ways. But today, we will discuss collagen for bone and joint health.

Decrease in bone quality due to deterioration of collagen
for bone and joint health

Collagen for bone and joint health is critical in caring for bone health. Calcium is not the only component of bones. About 50% of the volume consists of collagen. Bone requires hardness and suppleness; “bone density” due to mineral components such as calcium creates hardness, and “bone quality” due to collagen makes suppleness.

rebar concreteIf you compare the bones to a reinforced concrete building, the reinforcing bars that make up the framework are collagen, and the concrete is calcium. Calcium and other substances adhere to where the elastic collagen stretches the tissue to form the bone. Just as a building crumbles when rebar deteriorates, bones cannot stay maintained without healthy collagen.

Osteoporosis, likely to cause bone fractures, is a condition in which calcium and other substances decrease, creating gaps in the bones and making them fragile. Bone density is an indicator of this. However, we have recently found that osteoporosis can occur due to the deterioration of bone collagen, even if there is no problem with bone density.

Risk of deteriorated collagen for bone and joint health

The cartilage in the knee joint is only a few millimeters thick!

Knee joint pain is more common among middle-aged and older people than osteoporosis. Many of them are due to the deterioration of cartilage function due to aging.
Cartilage is an elastic and soft bone that contains a lot of collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid. It exists in the joints between bones and plays a significant role in absorbing the impact during exercise. Still, it is a thin layer, and the knee cartilage is only a few millimeters thick.

As we age, the collagen fibers in our cartilage deteriorate, causing the cartilage to wear down and become unable to act as a cushion. The bones come into direct contact with each other, causing pain. In addition, since the subchondral bone, which is the base of cartilage, is strongly impacted, it also causes bone deformation. Collagen for bone and joint health plays such a critical role.

What foods contain a lot of collagen?

Foods that contain a lot of collagen for bone and joint health are animal foods and marine foods. Animal foods include chicken wings, bones, pig feet, and beef tendons. Marine foods include shark fins, flatfish, fish skins, and eels. In addition, gelatin is a food made by heat-processing animal collagen. Gelatin is absorbed faster than collagen contained in food, so you can easily take collagen by mixing it with drinks or using jelly.

Rebalance your hormone and refresh your collagen synthesis capacity.

We have been discussing the deterioration of collagen for bone and joints due to hormonal imbalance and how to address it. While intake of collagen from foods is crucial, it will also help you if you improve the root cause, hormonal imbalance in an natural way.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016.

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA, and then help men and women respectively in line with their natural systems. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including your collagen synthesis capacity. It is not limited only for menopause people, but also after menopause or older.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Menopause make you sleepy. Why? How can I address it?

Why does menopause make you sleepy?

If drowsiness and sluggishness persist, menopause may be the cause. When you think of menopause, you may imagine poor physical conditions peculiar to women. However, recent studies have shown that menopausal disorders can occur in women and men. Thus, menopause make you sleepy in both genders.

In this post, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner the typical symptoms of menopause, the characteristics of male menopause (LOH syndrome), and why menopause make you sleepy.

What are menopausal disorder?

Menopause is a term that refers to the period from the 40s to 50s when the secretion of sex hormones declines. For women, it generally refers to the period before and after menopause when the secretion of the ovarian hormone estrogen decreases. You may have an image of a period peculiar to women for menopause. But it also affects men. For men, menopause occurs after age 40 when testosterone levels in the testicles decrease.

Menopausal disorders are mental and physical disorders that are likely to occur during menopause.

Common symptoms of menopause are called menopausal disorders. The menopausal disorders are very similar to those of autonomic imbalance. Both disorders include physical symptoms such as hot flashes, palpitations, shortness of breath, abnormal sweating, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, frequent urination, and psychiatric symptoms like depression, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disorders.

Menopausal disorder for men is called male menopause (LOH syndrome). Male menopause is characterized by symptoms peculiar to men, such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction (ED), in addition to the above. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, “Awareness Survey on Menopausal Symptoms and Disorders,” the proportion of men and women with the slightest impact on their daily lives has reached approximately 30%. (*)

*Source: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. “Awareness Survey on Menopausal Symptoms and Disorders.”

Two causes why menopause make you sleepy

A common symptom of menopause is excessive daytime sleepiness. Especially in women, sleep disorders are common during menopause. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey Results,” about 40% of women in their 40s and 50s average less than 6 hours of sleep, and sleep time is shorter than before menopause. You can see that in a report of a Japanese health ministry. (*)
Some may wonder, “Why am I sleepy during menopause?” They say that there are two leading causes of why menopause make you sleepy.

    1. Hormonal imbalance
    2. Disruption of the sleep cycle due to aging

During menopause, the secretion of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone decreases, causing hormonal imbalance. Disturbances in hormone balance lead to disruptions in the autonomic nervous system that regulates the body. Therefore, menopause often make you sleepy.

Menopause is also when the sleep cycle is likely disturbed due to aging. Sleep time decreases with age and the number of awakenings in the middle of sleep increases. The decrease in the number of REM sleep, which affects the quality of sleep, is one of the reasons why menopause make you sleepy.

Human sleep consists of REM sleep, during which you dream, and non-REM sleep, in which you rest your brain. Since REM sleep is the pre-deep sleep phase, a decrease in REM sleep frequency leads to inadequate sleep.

*Source: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. “Results of the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey”.

How to deal with menopause that make you sleepy

Menopause is a disease that can affect anyone regardless of gender. How should I deal with the symptoms of menopause? Here are two ways to deal with menopause.

    1. Live a regular life
    2. Consult an expert

First, it is essential to review your daily lifestyle to improve the autonomic nervous system disorder peculiar to menopause. If you find it difficult to sleep during the day, try the following lifestyle habits to improve the quality of your sleep.

    1. Keep wake-up and bedtime consistent
    2. Soak in the sun every morning
    3. Keep exercising regularly
    4. Get relaxed with habits such as reading and stretching before bed
    5. Do not look at your smartphone or TV screen for a long time before going to bed
    6. Avoid drinking a nightcap, etc.

When you are unsure, please consider talking to your family doctor. If abnormal sleepiness continues, there may be a hidden cause other than menopause. It is essential to consult a medical institutions.

When menopause make you sleepy, try a natural supplement from Japan.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA, and then help men and women respectively in line with their natural systems. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss. It is not limited only for menopause people, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Laughter and smile for health

Laughter and smile for health. It’s a science.

We have thought historically that laughter and health are closely related. There are sayings such as “People who laugh a lot are less likely to get sick” and “Laughter is a miracle drug with no side effects.” In recent years, research has focused on the effects of laughter as an actual medical matter. Laughter activates natural killer cells (NK cells) in the body, which boosts the immune system, helping to prevent and improve various diseases. We have scientifically proven that “laughter and smile for health” actually works.

Less laughter and smile with the stressful society and issues with aging

However, our today’s so-called stressful society lessens opportunities to smile. In addition, worries increase with aging, such as illness and decline in physical function increases, and we get less and less likely to be able to smile.

If you have few chances to smile, it makes you feel depressed and prolonged depression can lead to a decline in appetite, muscle strength, and cognitive function. It is severe in the field of nursing care, and it can have a negative impact not only on the person but also on the family around them.
We will discuss the power and effects of “laughter” today.

What risks occur in people who “do not laugh”?

At first glance, it may seem like a superstition that people who laugh a lot are less likely to get sick. However, did you know many researchers have scientifically elucidated the relationship between laughter and health from various angles?

For example, a research group led by Associate Professor Kentoki Takeuchi of the Nagoya University Graduate School of Preventive Medicine tracked about 14,000 older people who didn’t need nursing care for three years and compared the frequency of laughter in their daily lives and their subsequent laughter—analysis of the relationship between smile frequency and nursing care needs. As a result, they found that compared to those who “laugh almost every day,” those who “rarely smile” were 1.4 times more likely to be certified as needing long-term care.

In addition, in a study comparing “people who rarely have the opportunity to laugh” and “people who laugh almost every day, the risk of cognitive function decline was 2.1 to 2.6 times higher.(*1 ) There are also reports such as “The rate of stroke is about 1.6 times higher, and the rate of heart disease is about 1.2 times higher.”(*2)

*1: Osaka University Graduate School Associate Professor Tetsuya Ohira et al.

*2: from a paper by the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine research team


Based on these various studies, the dementia treatment, rehabilitation, and preventive effects of laughter are attracting attention in the medical and nursing care fields.

What exactly happens when you make a smile for health?

Surprisingly, 3,000 to 5,000 cancer cells are born every day, even in the body of a healthy person. Natural killer (NK) cells, a type of lymphocyte, firmly exterminate substances that adversely affect the body, such as cancer cells and viruses that invade the body. A smile for health activates these NK cells.

When people laugh, it transmits excitement to the “diencephalon” that controls the immune control function. Then it will subsequently secrete a large amount of signaling substance, good peptide. It activates NK cells, and NK cells attack cancer cells, viruses, and other “causes of disease” one after another. That’s the mechanism of immune power-up.

Conversely, when the brain receives negative information, such as sadness and stress, the function of NK cells slows down, and the immune system powers down. Thus laughter and smile for health are vital.

In addition, brain substances such as “dopamine,” which reduces anxiety and stress by laughing, “endorphin” that relieves pain and calms nerves, “serotonin” called the happiness hormone, and the love hormone “oxytocin” are secreted. They also have a relaxing effect. As a result, the whole body approaches a healthy state.

There are so many benefits of laughter and smile for health!

The power of laughter reduces stress and boosts immunity. But the effect doesn’t stop there.

Activates brain function

When stressed, the brain becomes tense, lacks oxygen, and dull. Conversely, when you laugh, your brain relaxes and takes in a lot of oxygen, which activates your brain cells and makes them work more actively. Activation of the hippocampus, which controls human memory, improves memory and thinking power.

Promote blood circulation

Breathing when you laugh hard is similar to deep breathing and abdominal breathing. A lot of oxygen is taken in the body by laughing, blood circulation improves, and metabolism becomes active.

Balance the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic nervous system, which is dominant during daytime activities, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is dominant at night and when relaxing. Only the sympathetic nerve becomes dominant when disturbed, and the excitement continues, increasing blood pressure and pulse. When you laugh, your parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, and your mind and body relax. The disturbed autonomic nerves are balanced, stabilizing the mind and body.

Muscle strength up

The action of laughing moves the abdominal muscles, diaphragm, intercostal muscles, facial muscles, etc. Thus, your muscle strength will increase by keeping doing it. The consumption of oxygen increases and the movement of the internal organs becomes lively and active.

As you can see, the effects of laughter and smile for health are wide and varied. Expectations are high for its various effects. It doesn’t stop in daily life. It also works in actual medical settings, such as lowering blood sugar levels in diabetic patients, alleviating pain in rheumatism patients, preventing hypertension, and preventing cerebral and myocardial infarctions.

How can I laugh and smile for health more frequently?

Even though we know it’s good for our health, it’s tough to laugh and smile so frequently with nothing fun. Here are some easy laugh training methods that anyone can do.

Relax facial muscles

The human face has various facial muscles, such as the frontalis muscle on the forehead, the orbicularis oculi muscle around the eyes, and the orbicularis oris muscle around the neck. First, relax these muscles.

・Open your mouth wide and slowly, saying “A-E-I-O-U”. The point is to be so enthusiastic that your mouth is about to burst.
・Stretch under the nose and move the muscles of the entire face freely.

Try to laugh

Whether it’s a remembrance laugh or a smirk, try laughing so loudly that your stomach crumbles for a minute. It’s pretty hard, but it will be good training to grab the trigger to laugh.

Listen to comedy shows

The opportunity to laugh is not born from the air. Watching comedy shows and comedy movies on TV, reading humorous novels, etc., it is essential to find more and more fun things on your own. And don’t be afraid to laugh out loud when you think it’s funny.
The important thing is to do the action of “laughing” and “smiling.”

It seems that NK cells increase even if you make a fake smile or only raise the corners of your mouth.

Balance your hormones to make your self easy to laugh and smile for health.

We have discussed about “smile for health”, but also health will make you smile. A natural supplement to balance your hormone will make you feel comfortable and makes you relaxed and easy to laugh and smile.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. It has gained reputation as a menopause supplement. In addition, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including metabolism recovery, fatigue mitigation, etc.. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Age and appetite

Why age and appetite are inversely proportional?

Have you ever felt that your appetite has become thinner, such as your stomach becoming full quickly or feeling heavy? Age and appetite have a close correlation. From age 50 onwards, many people find it challenging to eat the same amount of food as they used to. Why do such changes occur?

The reason why you eat less is that your body functions change with age. Let’s take a look at what changes happen to age and appetite.

Stomach function declines with age.

As we age, the elasticity of the stomach gradually decreases. Decreased elasticity means the stomach does not expand enough when food comes in, so you can’t store much food at once and cannot eat as before.
In addition, since your stomach can’t resolve foods with much oil well, it causes discomfort, such as feeling heavy in the stomach, and people tend not to like rich foods.
In addition, the peristaltic movement that moves food from the stomach to the small intestine also deteriorates, so digestion takes longer. As a result, food stays in the stomach for a long time, and you don’t get hungry immediately.
If too much food remains in the stomach, hyperacidity (excessive production of stomach acid) can occur.
Reflux esophagitis is one of the health concerns you must be especially careful about from age 50.

As we age, the functions of the esophagus as well as the stomach gradually decline. Compared to other organs, the changes are said to be small. Still, the peristaltic movement that sends food to the stomach weakens. The place connecting the esophagus and the stomach closes due to the weakening of the sphincter muscle. It becomes difficult.
On the other hand, as explained above, the stomach is prone to hyperacidity. As a result, stomach acid can flow back up from the stomach into the esophagus. It is the course of how reflux esophagitis happens. It often causes Nausea and heartburn.

Changes in functions around the mouth

In addition to changes in the stomach and esophagus, functions around the mouth also decline with age. One is a decrease in saliva. When saliva decreases, the inside of the mouth becomes drier, and periodontal disease and stomatitis increase. The pain and discomfort associated with it can make it challenging to eat.
And the chewing power also goes down. Muscle strength for chewing and swallowing weakens, and teeth are lost due to tooth decay and periodontal disease, making eating hard foods and choking difficult.
Then, the taste buds (organs that sense taste) on the tongue atrophy, making it challenging to feel tastes. It makes seasoning stronger for older people. When the ability to discern taste declines, the food you used to eat will no longer taste good, leading to a loss of appetite.
The decline in these functions related to eating is a primary reason age and appetite are inversely proportional. However, at the same time as the diet becomes thinner, people in their 50s and older have a lower metabolism compared to when they were young. You don’t have to worry too much about it because you don’t need as much energy as you did when you were younger.

What to do when you’re hungry

When eating becomes thin, reflux esophagitis is likely to occur, which increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Improving the state of eating less will be a countermeasure to prevent this.
Specifically, one way to do this is to eat foods that are easy to digest, especially those rich in carbohydrates and amino acids (such as low-oil foods, tofu, etc.). It’s easy to eat even after 50 years old, and it’s easy to eat vegetables.
However, people in their 50s and above lose muscle mass, so we recommend actively eating meats such as steaks containing oil. If you can’t eat it anyway, you should take a lot of soy and fish instead of meat.
Soy is a precious source of protein when you don’t feel like eating heavy foods like meat.

Eat less, but still, be well nourished.

As we age, we will inevitably eat less. However, if you don’t eat much, you will become malnourished, leading to the poor physical condition due to muscle weakness and being too thin. You don’t need to eat over the amount you can, but pay attention to the balance and take the necessary nutrition properly.
To make the meal more enjoyable, we recommend eating it with your family and friends and incorporating seasonal ingredients. Let’s continue without overdoing it while making good use of eating out, ready-made foods, and food delivery.

Balance your hormones and recover metabolism and appetite

Japanese staple, Miso, fermented soybean paste, helps Japanese women to balance their hormones in and after menopause. When it’s not easy outside Japan, we recommend to take it by a natural supplement.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. It has gained reputation as a menopause supplement. In addition, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including metabolism recovery, fatigue mitigation, etc.. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Bone health is another critical issue

By the way, bone health is another critical issue for menopause and after menopause, or even for older women. Age and appetite issue will also affect it. You may take less nutrition for bone health when your appetite weaken. A natural supplement may make it up.

A cohort study in Japan reports that blood concentration of Beta cryptoxanthin, which is richly contained in Satsuma mandarin orange, shows a strong correlation. But, it is rather indigenous to Japan and China, and hard to take for people in other regions.  Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” brings you its essence to you as a natural supplement. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Dry hair during menopause and other issues

In your 40s and 50s, you may feel or might have felt that your hair is dryer and less manageable than it was when you were younger. It is dry hair during menopause.

 The secretion decrease of female hormones

Menopause and hair are closely related. Estrogen is a type of female hormones responsible for hair growth and maintenance. Most people in their late 20s, when female hormone secretion peaks, are in good hair condition. Hair bounce and volume are also sufficient. In your 30s, female hormones decrease gradually, and dry hair. Dry hair during menopause tends to absorb moisture and get frizzy in humidity.

When you reach menopause in your 40s and 50s, the female hormone secretion drops sharply, and the quality of your hair declines, such as loss of firmness and stiffness, hair thinning, and dryness. This trend becomes more noticeable, and, in addition, the hair may get thinner.

Life style and dry hair during menopause

Unhealthy lifestyle habits can disrupt the balance of female hormones. So the first thing you should do is review your lifestyle and keep it better.

Sleeping well, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding stress are essential. I also recommend taking foods to balance your hormones. In Japan, it is common sense that fermented soy food helps balance hormones. They usually take it as miso soup.

Hair care items for your age

Scalp condition change with age

In addition, the scalp environment changes with age, so please review your hair care items and use hair care products that suit your scalp.

You may suffer from hair getting frizzy, hair loss, and thinning hair as you age. Even though your hair is naturally straight, it can become frizzy as you age because the loss of estrogen causes the loss of hair elasticity and bounce. But the scalp condition change is also a critical cause. The sagging scalp distorts pores, and damage such as perms and hair coloring accumulates.

Also, although the timing differs from person to person, some people suffer from thinning hair due to increased hair loss due to decreased female hormone secretion and dry scalp.

Pick hair care items in line with your issues.

hair care items for menopasue
Shampoo, conditioner, hair care

Both issues, the deteriorated hair condition and hair loss, will make you look old if left untreated. Let’s start hair care in line with the condition of your age including the dry hair during menopause.

Cover up the lack of volume in your hair with a styling product that gives luster and manageability to unfamiliar, acquired curly hair.

Two characteristics of hair quality changes with aging are loss of bounce and dry hair during menopause. It is vital to use hair care items that give strength and elasticity to weakened hair and moisturize to prevent dryness.

Some recommendations

For those who have started worrying about changes in hair quality due to aging, we will introduce two hair care products that you can easily continue daily to improve lost hair bounce and dry hair during menopause.

natural foodsShampoo and treatment are the most familiar and everyday hair care items. When hair quality changes due to aging, the shampoo, and conditioner you have used since you were younger may no longer suit you.

The detergency of shampoo varies depending on the type of surfactant contained.

Suppose your hair is getting weaker and thinner as you get older. In that case, we recommend using a product with a mild detergency that leaves a moderate amount of sebum to maintain moisture on the scalp, which tends to dry out.

Specifically, we recommend you an amino acid-based or betaine-based shampoo.

The conditioner used together may include keratin, a protein that makes up most of the hair, and hematin, which combines with keratin to repair the hair and adjust the texture, giving the hair firmness and elasticity.

Help balance your hormones with a natural supplement

Japanese staple, Miso, fermented soybean paste, helps Japanese women to balance their hormones in menopause. When it’s not easy outside Japan, we recommend to take it by a natural supplement.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. It has gained reputation as a menopause supplement. In addition, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including hair quality deterioration. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

How to take a Japanese bath at home – take the benefits of Japanese women’s primary health habits

Japanese Bath is one of the principal health routines among Japanese people

There is one daily routine that everybody says as obviously a principal routine for health, but Westerners don’t have in mind. A Japanese bath bathing habit. You may wonder how to take  a Japanese bath at home, but it’s hard to do it without a dedicated facility, a bath room (not a toilet, but really a “bath” “room”), equipped with a Japanese style deep bathtub and a body washing space.

The cultural difference of sense may also be a challenge. It’s hard to replace the hot water by each person of a family in a day. It’s natural for Japanese families to use the same hot water within a family. But it may be uncomfortable for people from other cultures.

Benefits of Japanese bath

Hot Spring is a typical place to improve bad circulation for Japanese. Before talking about how to take a Japanese bath at home, I like to review the health benefits of it.

Relieves fatigue and relaxes

When you take a Japanese bath, your body temperature rises, and your metabolism increases. It will efficiently discharge the waste products and fatigue substances accumulated from the body. The bloodstream carries oxygen and nutrients to every corner of the body. Hence, the body Feels refreshed, and fatigue is relieved.

In addition, when the body is warm, the tension in muscles and joints is relieved. Some people may suffer shoulder and back pain due to computer work at home, but we can say that these pains are likely to be improved by bathing because the muscles are tense.

In addition, when you take a bath, the function of the parasympathetic nerve becomes dominant. When it happens, it is easy to feel the relaxing effect, and it will solve the stiff mind and body, and you will feel more comfortable.

Metabolism improvement and skin improvement

When your metabolism increases by a Japanese bath bathing, your skin will improve. Most Japanese women feel their skin refreshed, like getting back younger every night by long bathing. Repeating it every day will keep up the healthy skin condition constantly, even when not after bathing.

Bad circulation improvement

When water pressure is applied to the body by bathing, it also applies to the subcutaneous blood vessels. It pushes out blood like a pump, and the heart’s movement becomes active. As a result, it improves blood flow and lymphatic flow.
Improving blood flow also relieves coldness, so we recommend bathing for those who suffer from chronic coldness.

Good sleep

When a person falls asleep, the core body temperature (the temperature inside the body, such as the brain and internal organs) drops. This function enables smooth sleep onset and comfortable sleep. Even if you don’t do anything, your body temperature will naturally drop, and you will feel sleepy.

Take a Japanese bath for 1-2 hours before going to bed. For good quality sleep, it is ideal for the skin temperature to be high and the core body temperature to be low. By taking a bath, you can sleep soundly at night by increasing blood flow in the skin, dissipating heat from the skin, and lowering the core body temperature.

How to take a Japanese bath at home, or is there an alternative measure?

As discussed above, you need dedicated facilities to take a Japanese bath home. If you can do it, it’s lovely. But it’s impossible for most people for various reasons, including the expensive cost, space, etc. But you don’t need to give up from the quest how to take a Japanese bath at home. There are alternatives effective enough.


Yes, this will be the most viable and realistic option for everybody to improve bad circulation. Don’t think the foot bath is only for your foot care. It is just a safer variation of the full-body warm water immersion, and it warms up your whole body only with your feet and legs soaked. It is a common-sense among Japanese women.

You will often see the recipe for the bath ingredients, but the primary matter is the warm water. Bath ingredients will add up further benefits, but it’s already beneficial without them.

Japanese love footbath for better circulation
Hot spring footbath is popular in Japan.

It will provide the thermotherapeutic effect as the warmed blood circulates all through your body. If you soak your calves even up to the half, you will also take the water pressure effect. The improved bloodstream will (1) warms your body up (2) discharges your body wastes and facilitate your metabolism (3) mitigates your fatigue (4), loosens up your body (5) helps your internal organs (6) supports you to fall asleep better.

I will explain the details how to take foot bath below.

Showering long

Unfortunately, you can’t raise your core body temperature just by showering. Instead, the shower stimulates the skin and increases the sympathetic nerves, making it easier for the autonomic nerves to become unbalanced. However, there will be days when you just can’t take a bath. In such a case, try to warm your neck in the shower. I will explain you the details of how below. 

How to take the footbath as an alternative of Japanese bath


(1) Footbath is far safer and less hefty for your body than full-body warm water immersion or various exercises. But, it still puts some tax on your body depending on your age or the health condition. If you have any concerns, start from some low temperature (around 100F) and short time (about 20 mins). Adjust the temperature, lengthen the soaking time, and gradually monitor your blood pressure and your general health condition.

(2)Take the water adequately to avoid dehydration. A glass of water before the footbath will help you to discharge your body wastes. You can keep up your metabolism by taking some water after the footbath.

(3) Take care of the dryness of your legs. When you add any bath ingredients, take care of any problems on your skin.

(4) I recommend some tools and bath agents, but we are not involved in any of them and can’t take any responsibility. Research those tools and ingredients under your responsibility before you buy and use them.

Footbath Buckets

Any buckets or foot spa with a heater will work. I like the simple foot bath bucket by the famous Japanese manufacturer, Inomata. (Watch out cheaper imitations!) It will be convenient if you take a foot spa with a heater, but you need to study if the size is right for you.

Footbath Ingredients

Even only the warm water without any ingredients will warm you up and provide you various benefits. But some bath ingredients will extend its health benefits. Many people recommend Epsom salt. It is one of the popular ingredients of Onsen (natural hot spring) and helpful for your health. Bath ingredients made in Japan will offer you a more complicated and similar-to-nature formula and health benefits for your luxury.

It will also be beautiful to add some aroma and enjoy the relaxing flavor.

How to do

Pour warm water into the bucket. Soak your feet with some hot water beside you. Start with some lower water surface cause you will need to add the hot water to keep up or adjust the water temperature. Try from as short as 20 minutes if you have any health concerns. Some women enjoy it for about an hour.

One more tip

If you don’t go bed immediately after the foot bath and like to keep your feet warm, it will be better that you pour some cold water on your feet. Otherwise, your body will try to cool down the warmed feet as a natural reaction.

How to take the Shower as an alternative of Japanese bath

It is essential to keep your neck warm.

Try to warm your neck in the shower. The duration will be 3 – 5 minutes. In case of old people or those who are not in a good health, 1 – 2 minute(s) will work enough. 

When the neck warms up, the temperature-controlling sensor in the preoptic area of the brain works, blood vessels expand, and the parasympathetic nervous system increases.

The areas to be warmed are the base of the neck and the back. At the bottom of the neck is a cluster of sympathetic nerves called the stellate ganglion, which regulates blood flow to the head, shoulders, and neck. When you warm up here, the sympathetic nerves decrease, and the parasympathetic nerves dominate. In addition, since thick blood vessels run in the back of the neck, the preoptic area responds by warming this area.

Keep the shower head as close to your skin as possible.

The point of application is to bring the shower head as close to the skin as possible. When you shower from a distance, the water droplets irritate your skin, making it easier for your sympathetic nerves to react. It is a good idea to get as close to the skin as possible so that you can feel it as a “mass of hot water” and warm it to massage it. The temperature and time should be about what you feel comfortable with. And even after taking a shower, it’s a good idea to warm your neck by, for example, putting a hair dryer on the back of your neck when drying your hair or placing a hot towel on it (be careful of burns).

This natural hormone balancing supplement will add further improvement

In addition to the alternatives of the Japanese bath bathing, this natural supplement will help your health in the same course, improving your metabolism by hormone balancing.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016.

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including improvement of metabolism for weight loss, skin refreshment and better sleep.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Body odor during menopause

Are you in trouble with body odor during menopause? Causes and what you can do

Body odor during menopause varies by different causes. Hormonal change is one of them. On the other hand, the general aging odor, which usually evokes us middle-aged men, happens to women, too. Middle-aged and fatigue odors sound similar to aging odor, but we distinguish them due to their different causes.

What kind of smell is aging odor?

A walking womanAging odor refers to body odor that becomes stronger at about age 50, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman.
Middle-aged oily odor is often confused with aging odor. It smells like fermented foods such as yogurt and cheese or old oil. It is often mixed with aging odor and exacerbates it in people’s 40s and 50s.

In your 20s, the smell of sweat from your armpits is the major part of the body’s smell. It weakens a little in your late 40s and early 50s. At the same time, the middle-aged oily odor becomes stronger, and then the aging odor gradually becomes stronger.

Places where aging odor and middle-aged oily odor occur

menopause woman's hairMiddle-aged oily odor tends to occur after sweating. It is often stronger in the back of the neck and the back of the ears, where you have sticky and oily sweat. Thus it tends to transfer to your pillow.
On the other hand, aging odor mainly arises in the chest and back, where sebum secretion is active. It often remains in the clothes of the person from whom the smell originated or even in the place where he/she was.

It is not only men! Women also have aging odor

Aging odor was used to describe the smell of middle-aged and older men. However, we know that aging odor occurs in women as they age. It shapes a part of body odor during menopause.
Female hormones usually suppress the excessive secretion of sebum. But the secretion of female hormones decreases during menopause. As a result, it promotes sebum secretion, and 2-nonenal, a skin gas that causes aging odor, is released more and more as we age.

In addition, sweat that flows in hot flashes and hyperhidrosis, two typical menopause symptoms, contain lactic acid, and it is better to pay attention to middle-aged oily odor.
Even for women, after middle-aged and older age, the components that generate unpleasant odors increase, making them smell aging odors. At the same time, the materials that give off pleasant body odors decrease.

For women, “lactone”, a component of fragrance that makes you feel the sweetness peculiar to women, is diffused. However, research results show that after age 35, the released lactone decreases sharply. It emphasizes the body odor during menopause.

What causes body odor during menopause?

Skin gases cause body odors when released at the oxidation and decomposition of secreted sebum and sweat components. Aging odor and middle-aged oily odor are classified as different odors because the elements of skin gases differ.

Cause of aging odor

Shiseido, the most prominent Japanese cosmetics brand, researched body odor and discovered that “2-nonenal” is the main component of body odor in middle-aged and elderly people. They named it “aging odor.” Sebum distribution decreases with age, but the amount of palmitoleic acid and lipid peroxide in the sebum, the raw material for 2-nonenal, increases, so the odor increases with age.

Causes of middle-aged oily odor

On the other hand, “middle-aged oily odor” is a smell named by Mandom. They are one of the famous Japanese cosmetics brands for men. They discovered a component of skin gas called “diacetyl.” “Diacetyl” is generated when bacteria indigenous to the skin decompose sweat containing lactic acid. Middle-aged oily odor tends to be especially strong on the back of the head and the neck we sweat much.

Beware of stress and fatigue odors!

Intense stress can make aging odors stronger. When stressed, it generates active oxygen, oxidizes sebum, and strengthens body odor.
Body odor may also include fatigue odor. When ammonia in the blood increases due to physical fatigue and psychological stress, it produces a pungent smell.

Is there a hidden illness behind body odor during menopause?

Diseases such as constipation, diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, seborrheic dermatitis, and decreased kidney function can cause odor. If you suddenly feel a strong odor, you may have a hidden disease and need to consult a doctor. (This is not limited to menopausal women.)

How to deal with body odor during menopause? Five odor cares

How to deal with aging odor?

You can mitigate aging odors by taking appropriate measures.

Wipe off sweat

Routine care for sebum and sweat is the key to suppressing the generation of 2-nonenal and diacetyl. Do not let sweat remain on your skin; wipe it off with a handkerchief or sweat-wiping sheet.
Sweat itself has no odor. If you leave sweat unattended, the bacteria on the skin’s surface grow with it and generate the odor. Keeping your skin clean, such as wiping it off when you sweat and changing your clothes frequently, can reduce odors.

Soak in a bathtub

Spending long hours in an air-conditioned environment, many people lose the opportunity to sweat to regulate their body temperature. When the chances of sweating decrease, the function of the sweat glands deteriorates. It decreases the secretion of waste products in the body through sweat, and body odor tends to become stronger.

You can stimulate sweat gland function by soaking in a bathtub and warming the body. (The Japanese-style bathtub is not readily available elsewhere, and we recommend long showering or footbath as alternatives. (Here are some explanations of how.)

Wash one’s body carefully

You can clean away sebum and sweat by washing the body’s surface. Thoroughly wash areas that produce a lot of sebum, such as behind the ears, back of the neck, chest, and back, with soap. In particular, they say the scalp has more sebum than the T-zone of the face. Make sure to lather the shampoo well and not leave the shampoo residue on the scalp and hair.
However, scrubbing too much will increase the secretion of sebum indeed. Wash gently and carefully.

Use medicated soap

It is effective to use medicated soap containing ingredients that suppress the activity of bacteria that cause aging odor. By using medicated soap, you can create an environment where various bacteria can’t multiply actively even after sweating; thus, aging odor is less likely to occur.
For medicated soaps, we especially recommend polyphenols, which can expect to have high antibacterial and deodorizing effects. In addition, “Persimmon Tanitan,” “Tea catechin,” and “Bamboo vinegar liquid” are the ones with a good reputation in Japan.

Use antiperspirant

Using antiperspirants and deodorant sprays is an effective way to suppress aging and middle-aged oily odor. Antiperspirants come in cream, roll, and spray types. Cream and roll types that can be applied directly to the skin are the most effective deodorizing. In addition, the spray type is preferable because you can spray it on hard-to-reach places such as the back.
In addition, you can choose the feeling of use according to your preference. For example, you can pick those with powder that makes your skin smoother or those that give you refreshed feeling when you use it.

Lifestyle habits that prevent body odor during menopause

How to prevent aging

While sweat and body care are crucial to restrain aging odor, it is also essential to take measures from within. Keeping a healthy lifestyle will also help prevent aging. So what should we be careful about?

Don’t smoke

When you smoke, your blood vessels constrict, making it difficult for your blood to circulate. When the blood flow is blocked, it hinders the discharge of waste products and strengthens the odor of sebum.
In addition, the nicotine in cigarette smoke moves from the lungs to the blood when it enters the body and is dispersed through the skin. The smell of tobacco adds to the already challenging mixture of aging odor and middle-aged oily odor. For the sake of body odor and health, we recommend refraining from smoking.

Take a diet that suppresses aging odor, middle-aged oily odor, and fatigue odor

Daily meals are also essential in preventing the deterioration of body odor during and off menopause.

A diet that does not lean towards meat and fish

A well-balanced diet is vital to prevent aging. A diet that is biased towards meat and fish will increase the secretion of sebum. In addition to animal proteins such as meat and fish, it is necessary to devise ways to incorporate vegetable proteins such as soy products that suppress the generation of active oxygen. Of course, plenty of vegetables and the right amount of carbs are also essential. Eat a well-balanced diet to avoid malnutrition.

Foods with antioxidant properties

2-nonenal, which causes aging odor, is also generated by increased active enzymes, so actively take foods with antioxidant properties. Citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, nuts contain vitamin E, green and yellow vegetables such as pumpkin and carrots contain a lot of β-carotene and carotenoids, and blueberries, wine, and bananas contain polyphenols. These foods have rich antioxidant properties.

Ingredients that regulate the intestinal environment

Adjusting the intestinal environment leads to the prevention of fatigue odor. It is crucial to increase the number of good bacteria in the intestine and reduce the number of harmful bacteria for a better intestinal environment. Harmful bacteria break down undigested proteins and amino acids that reach the large intestine, producing ammonia and other substances that cause bad odors.
Foods containing rich dietary fiber, such sea weed, mushroom and oligosaccharides, help increase good bacteria intestine. It will restrain the generation of ammonia, the cause of the bad odor, and help discharge other odorous substances with the stool. That is, it suppresses the aging odor.


In this article, we have introduced the causes, treatments, and prevention of aging odor. Age-related odor occurs at a certain age, regardless of gender, while menopause is also one of the causes of aging odor. However, you can suppress aging odor by taking appropriate measures. Prevention and countermeasures against aging odors require an external and internal approach.
By reviewing daily life, such as eating habits and body odor care, let’s live a healthy life without worrying about aging odors.

Take a soy food as a natural supplement

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. While it has gained reputation as a menopause supplement, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Besides is, its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

How to improve blood vessels naturally / For your healthy life expectancy

How to improve blood vessels naturally for your healthy life expectancy

Watch out for rust and burns in your body

Last year, centenarians reached and exceeded 90,000 in the USA and Japan. (Surprising to see the number of centenarians per population in Japan!!.) When this happens, how to extend the “healthy life expectancy” that allows people to eat, bathe, and go out on their own in daily life becomes a significant issue. A doctor of anti-aging medicine claims “How to improve blood vessels naturally is crucial.” The key is your body’s oxidation (rust) and saccharification (burn).

Aging agents

Pay attention to rust and burns in your body

As a 17th-century English physician already said, “People age along with their blood vessels,” the susceptibility of blood vessels to aging has long been known. Professor Michiya Igase of Ehime University School of Medicine (anti-aging medicine) says, “To live a healthy old age, keep your blood vessels young that deliver nutrients and oxygen to every corner of your body. In pursuit of how to improve blood vessels naturally, pay attention to rust and burns in your body. ,” he emphasizes.

Rust: reactive oxygen or oxidation

Rust is the corrosion of metal caused by the redox reaction of oxygen and water. In the body, “reactive oxygen,” which is unstable and highly toxic, damages DNA, causes cancer, and ages blood vessels and other tissues. It is also known as “oxidation.”

Burns: Saccharification

Charred proteins are “advanced glycation end products” (AGEs) degraded by binding sugars. It is the “burns,” or saccharification. In recent years, it has begun to attract attention as the leading cause of aging, such as wrinkles and spots in the skin, arteriosclerosis in the blood vessels, osteoporosis in the bones, and dementia in the brain.

Antioxidant in food

90% of the taken oxygen is used for energy production, but about 2% of it becomes active oxygen. Many factors increase it, such as stress, lack of sleep, smoking, strenuous exercise, and overeating fried foods.olive oil

We have an enzyme (SOD) to degrade active oxygen. Still, it decreases with age, so it is essential to take antioxidant substances. Typical examples are α-hydroxy acids, abundant in pineapples, and vitamins C, E, and A.

“Olive oil and garlic are the first foods that reduce active oxygen,” says Igase. The antioxidant activity of the former is 10 times that of vitamin C. Garlic is rich in vitamins C and E and activates SOD.

Behind the deliciousness

AGEs increase due to smoking, drinking alcohol, and excessive intake of carbohydrates and fats. Glucose in the blood binds to proteins and is taken in from food. “Most of it is excreted, but about 7% accumulates” (Igase)
It is produced in food through cooking. It does not increase below the boiling temperature but dramatically when cooking, such as baking or frying.

When heated, the Maillard reaction turns reducing-sugar and protein brown and generates AGEs. The caramel color of well-fried onions, coffee beans, roasted meat, cookies, and bread shows the Maillard reaction. The same is the brown color of chocolate. Be careful not to overeat this kind of food. However, charring by heating is slightly different from the Maillard reaction.

Artificial sweeteners

artificial sweetnersWatch out for artificial sweeteners often used in sweets and soft drinks. It produces AGEs 10 times faster than glucose. It is easy to accumulate when the blood sugar rises rapidly after eating. So it is said that a diet method, eating vegetables at first, then protein, and finally a small amount of carbohydrates, is also effective.
General health methods such as aerobic exercise and other physical activity, smoking cessation, getting enough sleep, and eating a good breakfast also mitigate or restrain the increase of AGEs.

How to improve blood vessels naturally with your daily habits

Active oxygen and AGEs are two significant factors in aging, but their countermeasures have much in common. “Aging can be prevented and treated. Improve your blood vessel health daily. It will extend your healthy life expectancy and prevent aging in other parts of your body, such as your skin and brain,” Igase said.

How to improve blood vessels naturally; deal with active oxygen and advanced glycation end products


Active oxygen

1 Take Antioxidants
1.1 α-hydroxy acids
1.2 Vitamins C, E and A
1.3 Polyphenols
1.4 Catechin
1.5 β-carotene, etc.
2 Foods such as olive oil and garlic
3 Avoid fried foods

Advanced glycation end product

1. The order of meals is vegetables → protein → carbohydrates
2. Don’t eat too much sugar and fat
3. Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
4. Prefer boiled or steamed foods to baked or fried foods.
5. Eat a good breakfast


Active oxygen

1. Quit smoking and drink less
2. Avoid stress
3. Get enough sleep
4. Avoid strenuous exercise and exercise lightly
5. Avoid UV rays

Advanced glycation end product

1. Quit smoking and drink less
2. Avoid stress
3. Get enough sleep
4. Moderate exercise centered on aerobic exercise

How to improve blood vessels naturally, with a natural supplement

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. While it has gained reputation as a menopause supplement, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Besides is, its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Common causes of insomnia in elderly

Sleep changes with age. There are some common causes of insomnia in elderly. They make older people sleep shallowly, awakening in the middle of the night and early morning awakening increase. In addition, insomnia appears when a person suffers from a mental or physical disease that interferes with sleep.

(Please also refer our another article, “How can I get myself to fall asleep?”)

Sleep changes with age

As we age, our physical strength declines, we develop presbyopia, and our hair grows gray. The common causes of insomnia in elderly lie in such changes in sleep with age.

Comparison of sleep between young and old people

Older people tend to go to bed and wake up earlier than when they were younger. This is due to age-related changes in the biological clock, and not only sleep, but also many physical function rhythms that support sleep, such as blood pressure, body temperature, and hormone secretion, are brought forward. This is one of the common causes of insomnia in elderly. In this context, early morning awakening in elderly is something normal. Go to bed when you feel sleepy, and if you wake up early and can’t get back to sleep, get out of bed and utilize your morning time.

In addition, sleep becomes lighter in elderly. When we see sleep EEG, deep non-REM sleep decreases, and light non-REM sleep increases. Therefore, even the urge to urinate or the slightest noise will often wake you up.

Maybe you are in bed too long?

Sleep wellEarly to bed and early to rise is OK. But don’t go to bed only because you have nothing to do when you’re not sleepy. It may also be one of the common causes of insomnia in elderly. It makes falling asleep worse and awakening in the middle increases. As you get older, the amount of time you can sleep gets shorter. Trying to have the same amount of sleep as when you were young is unreasonable.

It is known that older adults spend more time in bed. That is, you spend less time sleeping and more time in bed. As a result, the amount of time spent in bed without sleep increases, and the level of satisfaction with sleep decreases.

Mental and physical stresses on older people

Various stresses may make older people susceptible to insomnia. There may be mental stresses from retirement, bereavement and living alone, inactive and lackluster daily life, mental and physical diseases, and side effects of drugs to treat them, etc. There will also be physical stresses like nighttime chest tightness due to angina pectoris or myocardial infarction, frequent urination due to prostatic hyperplasia, itching due to skin pruritus, pains due to rheumatoid arthritis, and many more limitlessly. Drugs for such disorders are also common causes of insomnia in elderly.

Daily habits

In addition, lifestyle habits (lack of exercise, working night shifts, etc.) and luxury items (drinks containing caffeine and alcoholic beverages) that did not affect sleep in your youth can also cause sleep disorders now.

If you have insomnia or drowsiness, treatment starts by identifying the right cause and taking suitable measures.

Special sleep disorders

Besides all the above general issues, there are special sleep disorders that older people are prone to. They are apnea syndrome, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder, etc. These special sleep disorders have their own treatments and cannot be cured with ordinary sleeping pills. If these sleep disorders are suspected, we recommend you consult a doctor specializing in sleep difficulties.

Sleeping pills prescribed by doctors are usually safe, so you don’t need to worry too much. However, older people are more sensitive to sleeping pills than younger people (smaller doses are more effective). Their ability to excrete them from the body is weaker, and older people must use them more carefully. Sleeping pills with fewer side effects, such as dizziness, have recently been reported.

Dementia sleep problems

People with dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, sleep more lightly than their peers, and various sleep problems can be seen. It is said that people with severe dementia cannot sleep continuously, even for a short period, such as one hour. People with dementia experience insomnia at night and naps during the day. It leads to an irregular sleep-wake rhythm and reverses day and night. In addition, a dizzying state called “delirium” often appears because it is difficult to stay awake. At times like this, they become easily agitated and sometimes aggressive due to anxiety, increasing the burden of caregiving. Some people with dementia have a phenomenon called sunset syndrome, in which abnormal behaviors such as wandering, irritation, excitement, and strange voices are conspicuous from the evening to bedtime. This is also thought to be related to abnormal sleep-wake rhythms.

sick old man in bed

Unfortunately, no drug therapy is known to be effective for sleep disorders in dementia patients. Even if the effect appears, it is often temporary, and long-term use should be avoided. If you use such sleeping pills and sedatives excessively because they work low, too much usage can lead to severe drowsiness, aspiration, falls, broken bones, etc., resulting in a lower quality of life. As a result, an increased nursing care burden. Here are some tips for coping with sleep disorders in people with dementia: There is no immediate effect, but we recommend you to keep doing them patiently. While using these as references, please try to “provide them stimulation during the day as much as possible to wake them up,” “maintain a daily rhythm with a regular routine,” and “eliminate factors that interfere with nighttime sleep.”

To help people with dementia sleep

Most of the following will also help to address common causes of insomnia in elderly even without dementia.

Adjust the sleeping environment (room temperature, illuminance)
Soak up the sun in the morning
Make bedtime and awakening times regularly
Arrange meal times regularly
Avoid naps/do not use the bed during the day
Physical exercise at set times (avoid more than 4 hours before going to bed)
Do not drink excessive fluids after the evening
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine
Coping with pain adequately (often unnoticed)
Avoid taking dementia medications (cholinesterase inhibitors) Afternoon

Balance your hormone with a natural supplement for the better sleep

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Foods that help bone strength, and habits to weaken your bones

Prevent bedridden! Foods that help bone strength and that weaken your bones

Calcium is essential to keep bones strong and durable. However, many people lack calcium, which is vital for strong bones. A calcium-deficient diet is a major cause of weak bones. When bones become fragile, fractures, being bedridden, and locomotive Syndrome* can greatly hinder daily life. This article introduces foods that help bone strength and dietary habits that weaken your bones. Change your eating habits to improve bone strength.

What is Locomotive Syndrome*?
It refers to the state in which the ability to move, such as standing and walking, a basic human movement, is degraded.

Benefits of healthy bone strength

Strengthening bones means building healthy bone strength with high bone density. Strengthening bones reduces the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures associated with aging and helps prevent people from needing long-term care and becoming bedridden.

In addition, the method of strengthening bones is closely related to suppressing joint cartilage wear, so it is highly effective in preventing joint and back pain.

Let’s learn about lifestyle habits toward healthy bone strength to live free from fractures and joint pain.

Check items for lifestyle habits that weaken bones

First of all, I will introduce lifestyle habits that are at risk of weakening bones. Check if any of the following items come to mind.

Does anything come to mind?

  1. No milk or yogurt during the day
  2. Rarely eats three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  3. I like snacks and eat them often
  4. I think I’m obese
  5. No habit of exercising
  6. Bow legs

The more items that apply to the above, the weaker your bones may be without realizing it. Hence, you need to be careful, such as improving your lifestyle.

Also, bones tend to weaken with age, and post-menopausal women have an exceptionally high risk of osteoporosis.

Extreme diets put your bone strength at risk.

extreme diet

However, it is not only middle-aged and elderly people who need to be careful about lifestyle habits that weaken bones. Suppose even young people are on extreme diets or have severe dietary restrictions. In that case, their bodies may become malnourished, and their bone density may become similar to that of the elderly.

A decrease in bone density leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis, so try not to restrict your diet unreasonably.

Calcium is a nutrient that keeps bone strength.

Bones comprise calcium, proteins such as collagen, and phosphorus. Calcium is the nutrient that makes bones particularly hard and robust. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, 99% of which is found in bones and teeth.

Bone takes in calcium from the blood and repeats regeneration every day. Suppose there is a shortage of calcium and nutrients that support calcium. In that case, the bones will try to replenish calcium even if they dissolve themselves, causing further calcium deficiency.

Main foods that help bone strength with rich calcium

Foods high in calcium include:

Foods that you should actively take to help bone strength;

  1. Milk, dairy products (yogurt)
  2. Soybeans, processed soybeans (tofu, okara, natto, all Japanese foods!!)
  3. Seafood (dried shrimp, small fish)
  4. Vegetables (Kale, Moroheiya)
  5. Seaweed
  6. Satsuma mandarin orange: helps bone metabolism from the cellular level

However, one thing to remember is that if you only eat dairy products, even though they contain a lot of calcium, you will lack other nutrients. A balanced diet with various foods that help bone strength is ideal.

Take the essence of Satsuma mandarin orange with a natural supplement

A cohort study in Japan reports that blood concentration of Beta cryptoxanthin, which is richly contained in Satsuma mandarin orange, shows a strong correlation. But, it is rather indigenous to Japan and China, and hard to take for people in other regions.  Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” brings you its essence to you as a natural supplement. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Nutrients that help bone strength by supporting calcium absorption

Calcium taken from foods is absorbed in the intestine, but calcium is difficult to absorb. Therefore, it is essential to combine nutrients that support calcium absorption.

Nutrients that support calcium absorption and foods rich in them include: It is recommended to take calcium-rich foods together, as this will improve the overall balance of the diet.

  1. Protein (collagen): meat, fish, tofu
  2. Vitamin C: vegetables, fruits
  3. Vitamin D: mushrooms
  4. Vitamin K: broccoli, moroheiya
  5. Magnesium: soybeans, almonds

Nutrients that don’t help but even interfere with bone strength

Even if you take a lot of calcium, it will be challenging to strengthen your bones if you follow a diet that prevents calcium absorption or a lifestyle that weakens your bones.


Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for the body, but too much interferes with calcium absorption. It is often contained in processed foods, so be careful if you eat out or eat convenience store lunches.


Be careful not to take too much salt as it interferes with calcium absorption. If you overeat cheese or small fish to get enough calcium, you will overeat salt, so be careful.


Excessive consumption of alcohol impairs the absorption of calcium. Try to keep it to an appropriate amount or make a liver-free day.


Cigarette nicotine also interferes with calcium absorption and increases the risk of osteoporosis. People with a smoking habit can expect the effect of strengthening their bones simply by quitting or reducing the number of cigarettes.
In addition, people who do not have the habit of moving their bodies quickly weaken their bones, so caution is required.

Summary: Prevention of bedriddenness! There are foods that help bone strength and foods that weaken it.

Bone density, which indicates bone strength, decreases with age. In particular, they say women significantly lower bone density during menopause, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, extreme diets and dietary restrictions are not recommended for middle-aged and elderly people but also for young people, as they cause a decrease in bone density.

Adequate calcium intake and moderate exercise are essential factors in maintaining bone health. Try to avoid foods and lifestyle habits that interfere with calcium absorption.

As mentioned above, there are foods that help bone strength and foods that weaken them. We should be careful in daily life.

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