What are the Health Benefits of Eating Fish?

Introduction to Fish Nutrition

Welcome to the world of fish nutrition! Fish are not only a tasty and versatile addition to our diets, but they also provide a myriad of health benefits.

Incorporating fish into your regular meal plan can contribute to heart and brain health, assist in maintaining a healthy weight, and promote overall well-being. Some of the key nutrients found in fish include omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, and essential vitamins and minerals.

Dive into this introduction to fish nutrition to explore their unique nutritional profiles and consume them to maximize their health benefits. Bon Appétit!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are the most standing out functional nutrient of fish. They are abundant in various types of fish. Some fish particularly high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring, and tuna.

There are tons of Omega-3 supplements. They will, of course, help you, but, not to mention, you can take far more balanced health benefit complex, including Omega-3 fatty acids, by eating natural fish.

Role of Omega-3s in Heart Health

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in heart health.

These essential fatty acids help in reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and improving blood vessel function. They also decrease triglyceride levels, which can contribute to a lower risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, Omega-3s aid in regulating the heartbeat, preventing abnormal heart rhythms, and reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Omega-3s and Brain Function

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in maintaining healthy brain function, too.

The numerous health benefits of omega-3s include improved cognition, memory, and mood. These essential nutrients help in building cell membranes throughout the body, especially in the brain, where they are necessary for optimal neural function.

Additionally, omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may protect against neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Eating fish regularly can positively impact your brain’s function and provide long-term benefits.

High-Quality Protein

High-quality protein with lower calories is also a crucial health benefit of eating fish. However, it is not a famous benefit like Omega-3 fatty acids. It refers to the essential amino acids our body requires for various functions, including muscle growth, tissue repair, and robust immune systems.

Consuming fish is an excellent source of these proteins without high calories. It is easily digestible and absorbed by our body. Not only does it contribute to overall health and well-being, but it also helps in maintaining a healthy body weight and preventing age-associated muscle loss.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals play essential roles in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Fish is an excellent source of these vital nutrients, providing a wide range of health benefits.

Vitamin D and Bone Health

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for maintaining overall human health, specifically bone health. It plays a vital role in calcium absorption, which is crucial for the strengthening of bones, and aids in preventing conditions like osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Additionally, vitamin D helps in maintaining a healthy immune system, reducing inflammation, and supporting muscle function.

One of the best natural sources of vitamin D is fish, particularly fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.

B-Vitamins and Energy Production

B-vitamins are essential nutrients for maintaining our overall health, as they play a crucial role in the production of energy. Eating fish can highly contribute to obtaining these necessary B-vitamins, such as B1 (thiamin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamin).

Thiamin is vital for converting carbohydrates into energy and maintaining proper nerve function, while niacin assists in breaking down food to produce energy and support a healthy nervous system.

Moreover, pyridoxine helps metabolize amino acids required for energy release and is involved in the formation of hemoglobin, essential for transporting oxygen throughout the body. Lastly, cobalamin enables energy production, red blood cell synthesis, and proper neurological functions.

Eating Fish Promotes Healthy Skin and Hair

For Healthy Skin

The anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3 fatty acids can help alleviate skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. Additionally, these essential fatty acids maintain the skin’s elasticity and hydration, preventing premature aging and wrinkles.

For Healthy Hair

Fish is rich in proteins, which are crucial for strong and healthy hair. Regular consumption of fish can help prevent hair loss, as it provides essential amino acids that promote hair growth and thickness. Moreover, fish contains vitamins and minerals like Vitamin D, zinc, and selenium, all of which contribute to a healthy scalp and hair follicles.

Fish Consumption and Mental Health

Though not known widely, fish also plays a vital role in good mental health.

Reducing Depression and Anxiety

Reducing depression and anxiety involves adopting various strategies, and one such approach is maintaining a balanced diet. Consuming fish can provide certain health benefits that help in combating these mental health issues.

Fish, particularly those rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, have been linked to improvements in brain function and overall mental well-being. Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in regulating neurotransmitters, reducing inflammation, and promoting brain health. Studies have shown that individuals who regularly consume fish have a lower risk of experiencing depression and anxiety.

Thus, incorporating fish into your diet can be an essential step in alleviating adverse mental health symptoms and fostering overall well-being.

Risk Reduction for Certain Diseases

Some clinical reports claim that fish reduces the risk of certain diseases. Here I introduce you to some of such claims. But please note that we cannot determine something medically, and you need to consult with doctors when you take these ideas.

Lowering the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease can significantly improve one’s quality of life, especially in later years. Recent studies have shown eating fish as part of a balanced diet can considerably reduce the likelihood of developing this neurological condition. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which are crucial for maintaining brain function and overall brain health.

Incorporating fish into your diet regularly promotes improved cognitive function, reduction of inflammation, and can even slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in those already affected. The American Heart Association recommends consuming at least two servings of fish per week, particularly fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines.

Fighting Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases

Fish, particularly fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids as we have discussed above. They have potent anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids can help alleviate chronic inflammation, reducing the risk and symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis.

Conclusion: Incorporating Fish into Your Diet

In conclusion, incorporating fish into your diet offers various health benefits. Consuming fish regularly may help improve heart health, support brain function, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin and hair. Additionally, fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and essential nutrients like vitamin D and selenium. B

y including fish in your meal plan, you can significantly contribute to a well-rounded, nutritious diet that supports overall health and well-being. So, go ahead and enjoy a delicious serving of your favorite fish dish and reap the health benefits it brings.

Take Effisoy® if hormonal imbalance with aging lies behind your health issues.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA. Rebalancing the precursor will eventually recover your hormones in line with your natural balance. It will help you refresh your various functions, including the alleviation of menopausal disorders. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Fermented Foods You Can Buy: Top 20 Options for a Healthy Gut

Limitless benefits of fermented foods

Fermented foods have been gaining popularity due to their numerous health benefits, particularly for gut health. Rich in probiotics, these foods help improve digestion, boost immunity, and aid in overall well-being.

In addition, fermented foods offer numerous anti-aging and beauty benefits due to their rich nutrient content and probiotic properties. By introducing healthy bacteria into the digestive system, fermented foods aid in better nutrient absorption. It leads to improved skin health and a youthful glow. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that combat oxidative stress. Then it protects your skin from damage and maintaining its elasticity.

Moreover, the probiotics found in fermented foods help in reducing inflammation, which is linked to skin conditions such as acne and eczema. Including these flavorful and nutritious foods in your diet can contribute to a radiant complexion and delay the signs of aging.

In this article, we will explore the top 20 fermented foods you can easily buy to incorporate into your diet. From kimchi to kefir, these options offer a delicious and diverse way to nourish your gut and promote a healthy lifestyle. So, let’s dive in and discover the best choices available for your health journey.


Traditional Korean Side Dish

One of the most popular fermented foods you can buy is kimchi.

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made from fermented vegetables like cabbage and radish. It is often seasoned with garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes, providing a tasty and spicy flavor. Rich in probiotics and essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins A, B, and C, kimchi is an excellent choice for improving gut health.


Tangy German Fermented Cabbage

One of the top fermented foods you can buy is sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is made by fermenting cabbage, and it contains various strains of beneficial bacteria. It also provides a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. To enjoy its full benefits, look for unpasteurized, raw sauerkraut, which contains live bacteria, as opposed to pasteurized versions that lose the active cultures during the pasteurization process. Incorporate sauerkraut into your diet by adding it to sandwiches, salads, or even as a side dish for an easy and delicious way to boost your gut health.


Fizzy, Probiotic Tea Drink

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from sweetened tea and a specific culture of bacteria and yeast, known as a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast). This effervescent drink has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits, which are attributed to its probiotic content and organic acids. Kombucha is often consumed for its potential to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and provide beneficial antioxidants. It comes in various flavors as it can be infused with fruits, herbs, and spices during the fermentation process. You can find this unique fermented food at many grocery stores and health food shops, either in the refrigerated section or the natural products aisle.


Nutrient-Rich Fermented Soybean Cake

Nutrient-rich fermented soybean cake, commonly known as tempeh, is a traditional Indonesian food made by fermenting cooked soybeans with a specific type of mold, Rhizopus oligosporus. This process transforms the soybeans into a firm, cake-like consistency that is rich in nutrients, such as high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. Tempeh is also a fantastic source of probiotics, which promotes gut health and boosts the immune system.

Being a versatile ingredient, tempeh can be found in various dishes, such as stir-fries, salads, sandwiches, and even as a meat substitute in plant-based diets. Due to its numerous health benefits and popularity among vegetarians and vegans, tempeh is now widely available for purchase in grocery stores and health food shops. When looking for nutrient-rich fermented soybean cake, make sure to check the ingredients for any added preservatives or flavorings to ensure you get a healthy and natural product.


Crunchy Fermented Cucumbers

Pickles, or crunchy fermented cucumbers, are a popular snack and side dish in many cuisines around the world. They are made by immersing cucumbers in a brine solution, allowing them to ferment and develop a tangy, sour flavor. Fermentation is a natural process that helps preserve food, enhances its nutritional value, and adds a unique taste profile. There are many types of pickles, including dill, sweet, bread and butter, and spicy varieties. Apart from enhancing your meals, pickles also provide various health benefits such as improved digestion and support for the immune system, thanks to the probiotics created during fermentation. Pickles can be easily found in grocery stores, specialty shops, or even made at home for a customizable taste experience!


Probiotic Dairy Staple

Yogurt is a popular fermented food and a probiotic dairy staple. It is produced by the fermentation of milk through the action of beneficial bacteria, primarily Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These bacteria convert lactose, the naturally occurring sugar in milk, into lactic acid, giving yogurt its characteristic tangy taste.

As a healthy fermented food, yogurt offers a range of benefits. It is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and vitamins, including B12 and riboflavin. Furthermore, the probiotic bacteria present in yogurt support gut health by maintaining a balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive system. This can help improve digestion and boost the immune system.

Regular consumption of yogurt has also been associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, yogurt is often suggested as a suitable option for those who are lactose intolerant, as the fermentation process reduces lactose content, making it easier to digest.

When shopping for yogurt as a healthy fermented food, look for varieties that contain live, active cultures and are free from added sugars and artificial ingredients. Some popular options include Greek yogurt, which is strained to remove excess whey and has a thicker, creamier texture, and Skyr, an Icelandic-style yogurt that is also high in protein. Remember to always check the labels for quality assurance.


Fermented Milk Drink

Kefir is a fermented milk drink originating from the Caucasus region, made by adding kefir grains to cow, goat, or sheep milk. Kefir grains are a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeasts that break down lactose and other compounds, leading to a tangy, slightly effervescent beverage. Rich in probiotics, kefir has various health benefits such as supporting digestion, enhancing the immune system, and promoting overall well-being. It is available in various flavors and can be found in supermarkets, natural food stores, or online. Its versatility allows it to be consumed on its own or used as a base for smoothies, salad dressings, and more, making it a popular choice among fermented foods.


Japanese Fermented Soybean Paste

Miso, a fermented food originating from Japan, is known for its numerous health benefits. Made from soybeans, koji (a specific mold fungus), and salt, it comes in various flavors and colors. Fermented foods like miso are rich in probiotics, which help support gut health by populating the intestines with beneficial bacteria. A healthy gut can improve digestion, boost immunity, and even enhance mental well-being.

Moreover, miso is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds. It contains essential amino acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammation. Additionally, miso is rich in isoflavones, which have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Another noteworthy fact is the high correlation between more miso soup consumption habit and less menopausal disorder experience, which was found through a cohort study by National Cancer Center Japan (NCCJ), a Japanese national institute.

Fermentation resolves the isoflavone’s connection with sugar and turn it absorbable for anybody, while most of it is discharged before enough digestion without the fermentation.

However, it’s essential to consume miso in moderation due to its high-sodium content. Incorporating miso into soups, dressings, or marinades can be a simple way to enjoy its health benefits while adding flavor to your meals.

It is a good idea to take the fermented isoflavone through a supplement.


Japanese Sticky Fermented Soybeans

Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented soybeans and is known for its unique flavor, aroma, and sticky texture. Rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals, Natto is a popular choice among health-conscious individuals. In English, it is still called “Natto.”

This kind of fermented products offer a range of health benefits. They are improved digestion and better gut health, as they contain probiotics. (Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut flora.)

To buy Natto and other fermented foods, try visiting your local health food store, Asian supermarket, or shop online at specialty retailers. Be sure to store them properly to maintain their freshness and quality. Some fermented foods require refrigeration.

Sourdough Bread

Delicious and Tangy Bread Loaf

Sourdough bread is a delicious and tangy bread loaf made from a fermented mixture of flour, water, and a natural leavening agent called wild yeast. The fermentation process results in the unique flavor and texture of this artisanal bread. Sourdough is a popular choice among fermented foods you can buy due to its potential health benefits and wonderful taste.

The making of sourdough relies on the slow fermentation of a mixture called a starter, which consists of flour and water that has been exposed to wild yeast and bacteria. This process allows the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants in the dough to become more easily absorbed by our bodies. Some studies suggest that the slow fermentation process might be more friendly for people with gluten sensitivities.

When you’re shopping for sourdough bread, look for a true artisan loaf with a slightly sour, tangy taste and a lovely chewy texture. You can find authentic sourdough breads at specialty bakeries, farmers’ markets, and many grocery stores.


Refreshing Fermented Slavic Beverage

Kvass is a traditional Eastern European fermented beverage commonly made from rye bread. It has a slightly sweet, tangy flavor and low alcohol content, making it a popular non-alcoholic option for those seeking the health benefits of fermented foods. Rich in probiotics and beneficial enzymes, Kvass supports digestion and overall gut health. You can find Kvass in speciality stores, farmers’ markets or online.


Indian Yogurt-Based Drink

Lassi is a traditional Indian fermented drink made from yogurt, water, and various spices or fruits. It is known for its excellent health benefits and refreshing taste. Being a fermented food, lassi is rich in probiotics, which improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

There are several types of lassi you can buy, including sweet lassi, which is flavored with sugar or fruits like mango, strawberry, or peach, and savory lassi, which is seasoned with spices like cumin, mint, or salt. You can find lassi at most Indian grocery stores, specialty food shops, or even mainstream supermarkets. In some places, it is also available as a ready-to-drink beverage in various flavors.

Additionally, you can find lassi mixes that you can easily prepare at home by simply adding water or milk. These mixes come in both sweet and savory varieties and make an excellent addition to your daily diet as a source of probiotics and calcium.


Balkan Fermented Vegetable Spread

Ajvar is a delicious, versatile spread made from red peppers, aubergines, garlic, and spices that originated in the Balkans. Though it is not fermented like some other popular condiments, it is a great addition to the world of flavorful foods you can buy.


Korean Fermented Soybean Soup

Cheonggukjang is a traditional Korean fermented soybean product that offers numerous health benefits. It is made by fermenting boiled soybeans for a short period, which results in a pungent aroma and rich, savory taste. Cheonggukjang is known for its unique flavor profile, making it an excellent ingredient in various dishes such as soups, stews, and side dishes.

As a fermented food, Cheonggukjang is rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that support digestive health and strengthen the immune system. In addition, it contains essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and minerals that contribute to overall well-being.

If you are looking to buy Cheonggukjang, you can often find it at Korean grocery stores and online specialty shops. Some other popular fermented foods you can consider trying are kimchi, natto, miso, sauerkraut, and yogurt. Each of these fermented foods offers unique flavors and health benefits, making them a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet.


Salvadoran Fermented Cabbage

Cortido is a traditional Salvadoran fermented dish made from cabbage, carrots, and spices. In English, it is often referred to as “Salvadoran fermented cabbage” or simply “Salvadoran sauerkraut.” It is similar to German sauerkraut and Korean kimchi but has a unique flavor profile due to the addition of local spices and ingredients. Like other fermented foods, cortido is rich in probiotics, which promote gut health and improve digestion. If you’re interested in trying this delicious and nutritious fermented food, you can often find cortido at authentic Salvadoran restaurants or purchase it from online retailers specializing in international groceries.

Beet Kvass

Fermented Beetroot Tonic

Beet Kvass is a traditional fermented beverage originating from Eastern Europe, particularly Russia and Ukraine. It is made from beets, salt, and water, which are left to ferment for a few days to several weeks. This natural fermentation process creates a healthy, probiotic-rich drink full of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, and nutrients. Beet Kvass is known to aid digestion, support liver function, and provide a natural energy boost. As a popular addition to the range of fermented foods you can purchase, it can be found in various health food stores or online shops.


Okinawan Fermented Tofu

Tofuyo, a traditional Okinawan fermented tofu, is a unique and flavorful delicacy that originates from the Ryukyu Islands in Japan. Known for its potent aroma, rich taste, and numerous health benefits, tofuyo serves as an excellent addition to your culinary adventures and exploration of fermented foods.

Primarily made from soybeans, rice mold, and red koji mold, the process of making tofuyo involves three main stages: fermenting, aging, and preserving. The fermentation stage typically lasts several months, which results in the tofu’s signature taste and texture. Among the health benefits, tofuyo is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, making it suitable for various dietary preferences.

To try this unique Okinawan specialty, you can find tofuyo in specialty food markets or through online retailers that offer international cuisine. Enjoy it as a small appetizer, side dish, or as part of a traditional Ryukyuan meal for a truly authentic dining experience. So go ahead and add tofuyo, the Okinawan fermented tofu, to your shopping list and relish the rich world of fermented foods.


Delicious, Probiotic Fermented Honey

Fermented honey, known as mead, is an ancient alcoholic beverage made from honey, water, and sometimes additional ingredients like spices, fruits, or herbs. Mead has been enjoyed for thousands of years and is considered one of the earliest fermented beverages. Fermented honey provides many of the benefits associated with fermented foods, such as improved gut health and immune support due to the natural probiotics present in honey.

Today, mead can be found in various forms, such as sweet, semi-sweet, dry, or sparkling. You can buy mead at specialty liquor stores, through online vendors, or at mead festivals and tasting events. Some local breweries and wineries may also produce mead as part of their offerings. With today’s growing interest in fermented foods and craft beverages, there are more options than ever for those looking to explore the world of fermented honey.


Japanese Fermented Rice Beverage

Amazake, a traditional Japanese beverage, is gaining popularity worldwide due to its unique taste and numerous health benefits. In English, Amazake can be directly translated to “sweet sake,” though it is non-alcoholic or has a very low alcohol content. Made from fermented rice, Amazake is rich in enzymes and probiotics, making it a perfect addition to the list of fermented foods you can buy.

Not only does Amazake taste delightful with its mild sweetness and light texture, but it also boasts nutritional benefits. As a source of simple sugars and complex carbohydrates, it provides a slow release of energy throughout the day. Moreover, the probiotics found in Amazake contribute to a healthy gut, while the enzymes aid in digestion.

To enjoy Amazake, you can find it in Japanese supermarkets or health food stores. Additionally, Amazake can be incorporated into various dishes, such as desserts, smoothies, and salad dressings. With its unique flavor and health benefits, Amazake should not be overlooked when exploring fermented foods from around the world.

Probiotic Supplements

Potent, Convenient Capsules

Probiotic supplements are a potent and convenient way to support a healthy gut microbiome. These capsules are packed with beneficial bacteria that help balance and maintain optimum digestive health. While fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi are excellent sources of probiotics, not everyone has the time or inclination to consume them regularly.

This is where probiotic capsules come in handy, as they are easy to incorporate into a daily routine. Many individuals find them to be a more efficient option than seeking out probiotic-rich foods. Furthermore, supplements often contain a higher concentration and variety of bacteria strains, ensuring you get a diverse mix of beneficial microorganisms.

When choosing a probiotic supplement, look for ones that contain multiple strains and have a high CFU (colony-forming units) count. It indicates the number of live bacteria present. Consider opting for products that are tested for quality and potency. Also, choose those with a delayed-release mechanism to ensure the probiotics survive stomach acids.

In conclusion, probiotic supplements are an excellent alternative for those who cannot or do not wish to consume fermented foods regularly. These potent, convenient capsules may help support a healthy gut, promote regularity, and contribute to overall well-being.


Incorporating fermented foods into your diet can significantly benefit your gut health and overall wellness, including anti-aging and beauty.

With these top 20 options, you now have a variety of delicious and nutritious choices to include in your meals. Don’t be afraid to explore different types of fermented foods and find the ones that suit your taste and preferences. Remember, a healthy gut leads to a healthier and happier you. So, start enjoying the goodness of fermented foods today, and unlock the path to improved digestion and better immunity!

Take the benefit of fermented isoflavone through our supplement

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA. Rebalancing the precursor will eventually recover your hormones in line with your natural balance. It will help you refresh your various functions for your beauty. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Healthy Tips for Eating Out: Making Smart Choices at Restaurants

Plan Ahead and Research the Menu

To make healthier choices at restaurants, plan ahead by researching the menu online, choose smaller portions, opt for grilled or steamed dishes, and avoid high-calorie drinks and desserts.

Choose Restaurants with Healthy Options

Eating out can sometimes feel like a challenge when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, by choosing restaurants with healthy options, you can enjoy a meal without the guilt. When selecting a restaurant, research their menu online and look for establishments offering dishes that focus on vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Consider restaurants that provide nutritional information or customizable menu items. Avoid buffets and fast-food chains which often lack healthier options.

Remember, it’s possible to enjoy dining out while prioritizing your well-being.

Study the Menu Before You Go

By studying the menu before you go, you can make informed decisions and avoid impulsive choices. Check the restaurant’s website or use apps to preview the menu. Look for dishes with lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of vegetables. Consider portion sizes, and think about sharing or taking leftovers home. Be mindful of added fats and sugars, and opt for dishes that are grilled, steamed, or roasted instead of fried.

Don’t hesitate to ask the server for modifications like dressing on the side or swapping a side dish to make your meal healthier. Enjoy your dining experience while staying on track with your health goals.

Control Your Portions

When eating out, opt for smaller portions or share dishes. Choose grilled, steamed or baked options, and pack half the meal for later to avoid overeating.

Share Dishes with Friends or Family

When eating out, share dishes with friends or family to enjoy variety while controlling portion sizes. This helps you sample different flavors and maintain a balanced diet without overeating.

Ask for a To-Go Box from the Start

When eating out, request a to-go box at the beginning of the meal. This helps with portion control, as you can immediately put half of your meal away, preventing overeating and promoting healthier habits.

Make Healthier Choices

Select Lean Proteins and Grilled Options

When dining at a restaurant, consider choosing lean proteins and grilled options to stay on track. Opt for dishes that feature chicken, turkey, or fish, as these are often lower in fat and calories compared to red meat.

Avoid fried or breaded items, and instead, choose items that are grilled, broiled, or steamed. When ordering, ask for dressings and sauces on the side to control the amount you consume. Don’t hesitate to request modifications to dishes to better align with your dietary preferences.

Go for Whole Grains and Vegetables

When dining out, prioritize dishes containing whole grains and vegetables to maintain a balanced and nutritious meal. Choose options like brown rice, quinoa, or whole grain pasta, which provide essential nutrients and fiber for better digestion.

Additionally, opt for steamed, grilled, or stir-fried vegetables instead of deep-fried options to reduce your intake of unhealthy fats. Don’t hesitate to ask your server for substitutions if needed or request extra veggies in place of less nutritious sides.

By making mindful choices and incorporating whole grains and vegetables into your meal, you can enjoy dining out without compromising your health goals.

Be Mindful of What You Drink

Opt for Water, Tea, or Unsweetened Beverages

When eating out, it is also essential to make smart choices about what to drink with your lunch and dinner.

Choosing water, tea, or unsweetened beverages is a simple yet effective tip to help you control calorie intake and stay hydrated. Sugary drinks are often high in calories and can contribute to weight gain and poor health. Instead, opt for water, which is calorie-free and essential for bodily functions. Unsweetened tea also provides antioxidants without added sugar or calories.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption

One of the key tips for eating out healthily is to avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Overindulging in alcohol can result in additional empty calories and can impair our judgment when choosing healthier food options. In addition, moreover, it will paralyze your sense to feel full, and you often tend to eat far more than usual.

Instead, opt for low-calorie non-alcoholic beverages such as water, unsweetened iced tea, or sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice. If you prefer to drink alcohol, choose lighter options such as a wine spritzer or a light beer, and be sure to consume moderately, following the recommended guidelines of one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

By making mindful decisions about alcohol consumption when dining out, you can enjoy a satisfying meal and support your overall health and wellness.

Anti-Aging Benefits of Vitamin C – Unlock Your Youthful Radiance

Introduction to Anti-Aging and Vitamin C 

Anti-aging refers to the process of slowing down or reversing the aging process to maintain a youthful appearance, improve health, and extend lifespan. Vitamin C, an essential nutrient, plays an important role in anti-aging due to its antioxidant properties and role in collagen synthesis. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals and environmental stressors, while its involvement in collagen synthesis helps maintain skin elasticity and strength. Consuming Vitamin C through a well-balanced diet or supplements can support youthful skin and overall health, making it a key player in anti-aging strategies.

What is Anti-Aging?

Anti-aging refers to the methods, treatments, and products aimed at slowing down, preventing, or even reversing the natural aging process. The main goal of anti-aging is to maintain a youthful appearance, improve overall health, and extend one’s lifespan. Some common anti-aging approaches include skincare routines with antioxidant-rich ingredients, like vitamin C, that help protect the skin from damage caused by environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollution. Vitamin C is known to boost collagen production, reduce inflammation, and help maintain a more youthful, radiant appearance. Additionally, anti-aging strategies may also encompass lifestyle changes like regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress management to promote overall well-being and combat the signs of aging.

The Role of Vitamin C in Anti-Aging

Vitamin C plays a significant role in anti-aging due to its powerful antioxidant properties and its involvement in collagen production. As an antioxidant, it neutralizes free radicals that cause oxidative stress, which contributes to the aging process. By minimizing oxidative damage, vitamin C helps maintain skin health and elasticity. Moreover, this essential nutrient promotes collagen synthesis, a protein responsible for the skin’s firmness and structure. Adequate collagen levels prevent sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines. Incorporating vitamin C in your diet and skincare routine can dramatically improve skin appearance and slow down the aging process.

The Science Behind Vitamin C and Anti-Aging

Antioxidant Properties of Vitamin C 

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a potent antioxidant that plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health and fighting the signs of aging. Its antioxidant properties help protect skin cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules produced by environmental factors such as pollution, UV radiation, and smoking.

Free radicals can damage the skin by breaking down collagen, leading to wrinkles and loss of elasticity in the skin. Vitamin C neutralizes these harmful molecules, preventing cellular damage and promoting collagen synthesis. By boosting collagen production, vitamin C enhances skin’s firmness and elasticity and effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Moreover, this versatile vitamin also helps in lightening dark spots and evens out skin tone by inhibiting melanin production. In addition, vitamin C possesses anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to a healthier and more youthful complexion.

Vitamin C and Skin Hydration

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in skin hydration and overall health. Being a potent antioxidant, it helps neutralize harmful free radicals that contribute to skin aging. Moreover, Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, a protein responsible for maintaining skin firmness and elasticity.

By promoting collagen production, Vitamin C helps improve skin hydration, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and gives your skin a more youthful appearance. Additionally, it helps in repairing damaged skin cells caused by environmental factors such as pollution, sun exposure, and smoking.

Including Vitamin C in your skincare routine can help you achieve a hydrated, radiantly smooth, and youthful complexion.

Reducing Hyperpigmentation with Vitamin C 

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, proven to be highly effective in addressing hyperpigmentation by inhibiting melanin production in the skin. As an essential component of anti-aging skincare, it helps in fading dark spots, promoting even skin tone, and boosting collagen production. Incorporating a high-quality vitamin C serum into your daily routine can significantly improve skin appearance and combat signs of aging. Regular use of vitamin C products will leave the skin looking brighter, younger, and more radiant.

How to Include Vitamin C in Your Skincare Routine 

Here are some tips to include Vitamin C in your skincare routine.

Identifying the Right Vitamin C Product for Your Skin

To identify the right Vitamin C product for your skin, consider factors like concentration, skin type, and additional ingredients. Opt for a stable, anti-ageing formula that suits your needs and always perform a patch test before use.

How to Apply Vitamin C Serums and Creams

To effectively apply vitamin C serums and creams for anti-aging benefits, follow these steps:

1. Cleanse your face: Gently wash your face to remove dirt, oil, and makeup, leaving your skin fresh and clean.

2. Use a toner (optional): If desired, apply a toner to balance your skin’s pH levels.

3. Apply the vitamin C serum: Use a dropper or your fingertips to apply a small amount of serum to your face and neck. Gently massage it into the skin, focusing on areas with signs of aging or uneven skin tone.

4. Wait for absorption: Allow the serum to fully absorb into your skin for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.

5. Apply a moisturizer: Apply an appropriate moisturizer to lock in the serum and keep your skin hydrated.

6. Sun protection: Vitamin C makes your skin more sensitive to sun exposure. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

Repeat these steps daily, using the serum and cream both in the morning and evening for optimal results. Consistency is key to achieving the anti-aging benefits of vitamin C.

When to Expect Results from Vitamin C Application 

Results from Vitamin C application for anti-aging benefits can vary depending on factors such as skin type, concentration of the product, and individual skin concerns. Generally, noticeable improvements in skin tone, texture, and elasticity can be seen after 2-4 weeks of consistent use. For optimal results, it is recommended to apply Vitamin C in the form of serums or creams to clean skin daily, ideally in the morning under sunscreen. Keep in mind that patience and consistency are essential for the most effective outcome when introducing vitamin C into your skincare routine.

Other Benefits of Vitamin C Beyond Anti-Aging

While vitamin C effectively helps you in its anti-aging properties as we have discussed, its health benefits extend far beyond promoting youthful skin. In this paragraph, we will explore these additional advantages.

Wound Healing and Repair

It plays a crucial role in wound healing and repair by promoting collagen synthesis, which is vital for maintaining skin strength and elasticity. Furthermore, vitamin C has potent antioxidant properties that combat free radicals and reduce inflammation, helping to accelerate the healing process. It also improves immune function by supporting the production of white blood cells, which defend against infections.

 Improving Heart Health

It plays a crucial role in improving heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease. This essential nutrient aids in lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, and preventing the buildup of plaque in arteries. Vitamin C also helps increase the production of collagen as we have been discussing and it is also necessary for maintaining the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. Furthermore, its function as a powerful antioxidant fights against harmful free radicals and can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Enhancing Iron Absorption

Vitamin C supports iron absorption by reducing ferric iron (Fe3+) to ferrous iron (Fe2+) and forming a complex with it, making it more soluble and easily absorbed by the body. This enhanced absorption helps increase iron availability, especially from plant-based sources, contributing to better overall health, including combating anemia and fatigue.


Beauty sleep for skin: How can I improve my sleep quality for my skin?

Beauty sleep for skin

Beauty sleep for skin is one the matters most women want to know.
Just as an example, you tend to shorten your sleep time when you’re busy working late at night or doing housework,
Regarding sleep, “The golden time for your skin is from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Sleeping during that time is better to keep your skin’s cycle intact.”

We often hear, “It’s good to sleep eight hours daily.” But even if you know it as knowledge, not many people can do it.
Sleep and skin have a deep relationship. You will need beauty sleep for your skin because your sleep tends to be irregular as you grow up.

The deep relationship between skin and sleep

Lack of sleep makes getting rid of daily fatigue difficult and causes rough skin. Mammals live in a system that sleep repairs the damage received during the day. That’s the reason. In other words, lack of sleep is the enemy of beautiful skin. Here, we discuss the specific relationship between sleeping and beautiful skin.

Sleep affects skin turnover.

Skin turnover is the metabolism and rebirth of cells that occur in the outermost layer of the skin (epidermis).
When you get beauty sleep, the growth hormone that encourages this turnover will be secreted. Growth hormone not only supports the promotion of turnover but also promotes cell division and protein synthesis. It also works to recover fatigue and skin damage during the day. For this reason, we can say that taking high-quality sleep, which is beauty sleep for the skin, promotes the skin’s metabolism and creates beautiful skin without any problems. And it is also effective in relieving fatigue during the day.

Beauty sleep for skin is a deep sleep.

Sleep quality refers to the depth of sleep. Profound sleep is about 3 hours after falling asleep, and after deep sleep, “non-REM sleep,” light sleep, “REM sleep” alternates. During sleep, one set of this “non-REM sleep” and “REM sleep” is repeated for about 90 minutes. They say that if you want to wake up refreshed, it is good to calculate so that you will wake up during light sleep, “REM sleep,” so please try it during a nap when you can not sleep for a long time.

Lifestyle habits for your beauty sleep for skin

If you don’t get enough sleep, it will hamper the turnover that encourages the rebirth of your skin. Therefore, lack of sleep or poor sleep quality may lead to skin problems such as rough skin and acne. If you always feel like you’re not getting enough sleep, the quality of your sleep may be related to the lack of sleep. Better to improve the quality of sleep by reviewing lifestyle habits and actions.

You’ve learned that lack of sleep causes rough skin and that sleep quality is vital to keep your skin in good condition. Here are some tips you should know for your beauty sleep for skin. Please try to take care of yourself with your daily care.

Bathe in the morning sun

Exposing yourself to sunlight after waking up helps regulate your internal clock and improves your sleep. They say that exposure to sunlight immediately after waking up in the morning resets the body’s 24-hour rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep in the night and have a clearer head in daytime.
Sunlight is also closely related to the hormone serotonin, which plays an essential role in sound sleep. Serotonin stimulates the release of melatonin, a hormone that promotes natural sleep. Your body secretes serotonin by exposure to sunlight, and melatonin is said to be secreted about 14 to 16 hours after the serotonin secretion.

It’s a good idea to make it a habit to bathe in the sun every morning to help you fall asleep naturally at night. Always wear sunscreen when you are in the sun for long periods to prevent your skin from burning or drying out in the sun.

Prevent dryness with good moisturizing care.

Dry air and sleep patterns during sleep can dry out your skin and cause external stimuli, so applying sufficient moisturizing care with basic cosmetics after bath soaking* is necessary. Don’t just use lotion; cover your face with milky lotion or cream to keep it moisturized. You should use highly moisturizing products that keep you moisturized for a long time while you sleep. It would be better to stick to the shape, such as using a gel type that stays on the skin for a long time rather than a lotion type.

For those who find it troublesome to apply multiple coats, it is better to use an all-in-one item that functions as a lotion, milky lotion, and serum. With just one application, you can effectively apply the necessary moisture and oil to your skin in a well-balanced manner to take care of your skin correctly, even on a tired day.

*”bath soaking” hear means the Japanese style bath soaking. If you don’t have a Japanese bath at home (most people won’t outside Japan), you have alternative options to get the same benefits. 

Sleep in pajamas and loungewear that are gentle for the skin.

We recommend pajamas that are not too constricting, have excellent absorbency, and are breathable.
People tend to sweat about a cup while sleeping, so avoiding clothing that doesn’t breathe well is best.
Also, choosing one that feels good on your skin is essential. Choosing clothes that are comfortable to the touch is vital, as materials that stick to your skin or make you feel uncomfortable in your sleep may interfere with it. You’ll wear it for a long time, so look for products that will keep you comfortable in bed.
Sleeping in clothes with low breathability can cause heat rashes in the summer. Suppose you scratch your skin while you sleep or are concerned about skin problems such as eczema. In that case, it is a good idea to consult a dermatologist and get expert advice on pajama materials and care methods.

To relax

You may not be able to fall asleep smoothly if you are in a state of excitement or if you are not calm due to stress. By calming the mind and body, the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant. It can lead to a state where it is easier to fall asleep. Create a relaxing atmosphere.

You should avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime, but some gentle exercise, such as yoga or stretching, will help you fall asleep by loosening and relaxing your body. Suppose you stretch after a bath soaking*when your blood circulation is good, and your body is warm. You can stretch your body without difficulty in that time.
Ideally, it is good to take a bath* 1.5 to 2 hours before bed, not just before bed. They say that drowsiness occurs when the body temperature rises temporarily before falling asleep and then when the body temperature drops. Better to take a warm bath than a sauna.

NG actions to hamper beauty sleep for skin

Here, I discuss some things you should avoid for your beauty sleep for skin. They are small things, but you can tend to do them easily if you don’t care consciously.

Avoid strenuous exercise

When you exercise vigorously, the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, and you become alert. It makes you hard to fall asleep. It’s a good idea to finish your exercise 3 hours before bedtime for a good night’s sleep.

Refrain from eating

As with vigorous exercise, eating at least three hours before bed is best so you digest food before you sleep. If you eat shortly before falling asleep, the hormone leptin activates the gastrointestinal tract. It consumes energy in the body to digest food, resulting in light sleep. You may not be able to get a good night’s sleep as the quality of your sleep may fall poor. If you come home late and have to eat before bed, choose foods that are easy to digest. Be careful not to lie down immediately after eating, as this can lead to indigestion.

Do not use smartphones, computers, etc.

Be aware that the blue light emitted by bright screens on electronic devices can make it difficult to fall asleep. Exposing yourself to strong light before going to bed may interfere with melatonin secretion, making you wakeful and less likely to fall asleep. It’s a good idea to set a rule and make it a habit, such as not touching your smartphone when you go to bed at night.

When menopause make you sleepy, try a natural supplement from Japan.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA, and then help men and women respectively in line with their natural systems. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms including insomnia but also general aging issues by regulating the heathy hormone balance. It is not limited only for menopause people, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Dry hair during menopause and other issues

In your 40s and 50s, you may feel or might have felt that your hair is dryer and less manageable than it was when you were younger. It is dry hair during menopause.

 The secretion decrease of female hormones

Menopause and hair are closely related. Estrogen is a type of female hormones responsible for hair growth and maintenance. Most people in their late 20s, when female hormone secretion peaks, are in good hair condition. Hair bounce and volume are also sufficient. In your 30s, female hormones decrease gradually, and dry hair. Dry hair during menopause tends to absorb moisture and get frizzy in humidity.

When you reach menopause in your 40s and 50s, the female hormone secretion drops sharply, and the quality of your hair declines, such as loss of firmness and stiffness, hair thinning, and dryness. This trend becomes more noticeable, and, in addition, the hair may get thinner.

Life style and dry hair during menopause

Unhealthy lifestyle habits can disrupt the balance of female hormones. So the first thing you should do is review your lifestyle and keep it better.

Sleeping well, eating a well-balanced diet, and avoiding stress are essential. I also recommend taking foods to balance your hormones. In Japan, it is common sense that fermented soy food helps balance hormones. They usually take it as miso soup.

Hair care items for your age

Scalp condition change with age

In addition, the scalp environment changes with age, so please review your hair care items and use hair care products that suit your scalp.

You may suffer from hair getting frizzy, hair loss, and thinning hair as you age. Even though your hair is naturally straight, it can become frizzy as you age because the loss of estrogen causes the loss of hair elasticity and bounce. But the scalp condition change is also a critical cause. The sagging scalp distorts pores, and damage such as perms and hair coloring accumulates.

Also, although the timing differs from person to person, some people suffer from thinning hair due to increased hair loss due to decreased female hormone secretion and dry scalp.

Pick hair care items in line with your issues.

hair care items for menopasue
Shampoo, conditioner, hair care

Both issues, the deteriorated hair condition and hair loss, will make you look old if left untreated. Let’s start hair care in line with the condition of your age including the dry hair during menopause.

Cover up the lack of volume in your hair with a styling product that gives luster and manageability to unfamiliar, acquired curly hair.

Two characteristics of hair quality changes with aging are loss of bounce and dry hair during menopause. It is vital to use hair care items that give strength and elasticity to weakened hair and moisturize to prevent dryness.

Some recommendations

For those who have started worrying about changes in hair quality due to aging, we will introduce two hair care products that you can easily continue daily to improve lost hair bounce and dry hair during menopause.

natural foodsShampoo and treatment are the most familiar and everyday hair care items. When hair quality changes due to aging, the shampoo, and conditioner you have used since you were younger may no longer suit you.

The detergency of shampoo varies depending on the type of surfactant contained.

Suppose your hair is getting weaker and thinner as you get older. In that case, we recommend using a product with a mild detergency that leaves a moderate amount of sebum to maintain moisture on the scalp, which tends to dry out.

Specifically, we recommend you an amino acid-based or betaine-based shampoo.

The conditioner used together may include keratin, a protein that makes up most of the hair, and hematin, which combines with keratin to repair the hair and adjust the texture, giving the hair firmness and elasticity.

Help balance your hormones with a natural supplement

Japanese staple, Miso, fermented soybean paste, helps Japanese women to balance their hormones in menopause. When it’s not easy outside Japan, we recommend to take it by a natural supplement.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. It has gained reputation as a menopause supplement. In addition, it also has high anti-oxidant power coming from fermented soy. Isoflavone aglycone contained in Effisoy® has about 1,000 times of anti-oxidant potency than standard isoflavones. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including hair quality deterioration. It is not limited only for menopause women, but also after menopause or older. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

3 Natural ways to prevent hair fall in women

Natural ways to prevent hair fall in women

By learning natural ways to prevent hair fall in women, you will avoid or mitigate hair loss and help you grow stronger hair in the future.

(1) Improvement of lifestyle
(2) Hair care
(3) No stress

Keep doing them every day and help your hair grow from within.

Even when you take medical treatment, you should take those natural care simultaneously.
No matter how much hair grows with the treatment, the hair may weaken again if you leave the underlying health condition not cared for.
Hair is also a barometer of health, so caring for hair from within means caring for your whole body’s health.

I will tell you what to do specifically about the above three natural ways to prevent hair fall in women.

Improvement of lifestyle

Diet, sleep, and exercise are essential natural ways to prevent har fall through improvement of them.
When it comes to diet, the following nutrients are said to be particularly good for hair:

Protein (animal/vegetable)
Vitamins (B group, A, D, E, K)
Minerals (iron/zinc)
Protein is the hair material, and other nutrients work to smooth metabolism and balances female hormones.
Especially when you’re in your 40s and 50s, you’re eating less, so try to be conscious of how much you eat to have a well-balanced diet.

Sleep well

Also, the secretion of growth hormone, essential for hair growth, is affected by sleep time and quality.
Go to bed at least before the date changes, and aim for a solid 6-7 hours of sleep.

In addition, 2 to 3 times a week is OK, so moving your body for about 20 minutes at a time is ideal.
Metabolism and blood flow to the scalp will also improve, and sleep quality will improve.

Hair care

Hair care is so vital that they say, “healthy hair comes from a healthy scalp.”
However, I don’t recommend blindly buying hair care goods and trying everything.
It may worsen the scalp environment if it is not suitable for you.

Rather than which hair care product you use, the important thing is to acquire a shampoo method to keep your hair and scalp clean. It is the point as one of the natural ways to prevent hair fall.
Before shampooing, lightly brush to remove dirt, and then pre-wash with warm water to remove dirt without applying any force during shampooing.
By the way, the temperature of the hot water should be around 38-42°C.

In addition, it is crucial to wash the shampoo gently by massaging the scalp.
The final rinse should be about three times as long as the shampoo, especially the nape and the back of the head, which people often forget to rinse.

No stress

Stress has various effects on the body, so much so that it is said to be the “source of all kinds of illness.”
Lack of blood flow to the scalp caused by the disturbance of the autonomic nerves can lead to hair loss and even hair quality deterioration. So, caring for stress is also one of the natural ways to prevent hair fall.

Aging is beautiful
Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

If you know the cause of your stress, you should keep yourself off it. But there may be situations that you can’t do.
In such a case, do what you like and try to vent regularly.

Communication with like-minded people
move the body
Try watching a movie or reading for a change

It doesn’t matter what you do. So please create a hobby or enjoyment and use it to relieve stress.

A natural way to prevent hair fall through hormone balancement

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ

The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Hair fall during menopause 2

Hair fall during menopause

Changes in hair volume and quality characterize hair fall during menopause. It may be one of the symptoms of menopause seen in people in their 40s and 50s.

Thinning hair in women can occur by various causes besides hair fall during menopause. It is difficult to tell the reason by looking at the initial external symptoms. You may be able to suspect hair loss during menopause if you have other menopausal symptoms like the following.

Typical menopausal symptoms

Mental symptoms

⇨ Irritability, low motivation, depressed mood, insomnia, etc.

Physical symptoms

⇨ Headache, stiff shoulders, dizziness, heart palpitations, pain in the waist and back, etc.

Symptoms related to blood vessels

⇨ Hot flashes, sweating, cold hands and feet, etc.

Major causes of hair fall other than menopause

In addition to hair fall during menopause, there are other types of hair fall such as:

Alopecia areata symptom

Illness-related alopecia

including thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency anemia, gynecological disorders such as ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries

Traction alopecia

The causes of hair loss in women are complex, and medical conditions may trigger it. Treatment methods vary depending on the symptoms, so it is essential first to clarify why hair fall occurs.

3 Ways to address hair fall during menopause

There are various methods to deal with hair fall during menopause, from over-the-counter hair care products to natural supplements to pharmaceuticals, as the following.

(1) Treatment to promote hair growth
(2) Hormone balancement
(3) Coping methods other than treatment

Let’s take a closer look at these three treatments.

Treatment to promote hair growth

You can use minoxidil for hair fall during menopause. It seems to have a hair growth effect regardless of gender. But, please consult your doctor before considering treatment with drugs.

Hormone balancement

Menopause is a 10-year period that includes menopause, and a decrease in the secretion of the female hormone (estrogen) causes various physical and mental symptoms, including hair loss.

You can expect recovery from the symptoms with HRT (hormone replacement therapy), which compensates for the lack of female hormones.

Types of HRT include:

Oral medicine
Transdermal medicine (patch, ointment)

There are two types, but neither is a treatment method specialized for hair fall. It is a treatment for menopausal disorders, so please be aware that you can’t directly expect hair growth.

HRT also comes with risks, which can increase the risk of breast and endometrial cancer. If you are considering treatment, have regular breast and uterine examinations.
Other possible side effects are Irregular bleeding, breast tightness and pain, birthing, firmness of the lower abdomen, nausea, etc.

We also recommend a natural supplement made of food extracts. It works moderately but far more safely.

A natural way to rebalance your hormone

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ

The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Coping methods other than treatment

As a coping method that does not use pharmaceuticals,


There are effective ways to hide thinning hair on the parting and parietal area.

There are also reports that the QOL of women who use wigs or hairpieces improved, so using them as a temporary measure is one option. However, it will be better to consider that wigs and hairpieces are not real solutions to hair fall during menopause. It’s just a “hidden state.” Depending on the quality, the scalp environment may be disturbed due to stuffiness, and hair fall may worsen. Also, maintenance costs are higher than generally expected. It may exceed the price of medical treatment.

The following article will discuss lifestyle habits to prevent menopausal hair loss.

Hair fall in menopause

You may be suspecting that you have hair fall in menopause. We will talk about hair fall in menopause and the treatments for improvement through the series of posts starting from this one.

Hair fall in menopause and symptoms

Women’s hair troubles are increasing in their 40s and 50s. However, it is natural for hair to lose volume with age. The hair turnover cycle changes from 28 to 45 days, and metabolism slows.

Therefore, only the hair volume reduction does not necessarily mean it’s by menopause. You should suspect hair fall in menopause if you have the following symptoms besides hair volume reduction.

(1) The skin is transparent.
(2) Wide and conspicuous
(3) Changes in hair quality, such as swelling and dryness
a lot of hair fall
(4) Fewer hairs growing from one pore

These symptoms occur when hair growth is not catching up due to disruption of the hair cycle. The leading cause is a drop in female hormones. Other reasons, such as a drop in blood flow, disordered lifestyles, and excessive stress, can also be involved in a complex way.

They also say that genetic influences play a role.

Unlike men, women often maintain a certain amount of hair as they age.

However, various effects on the body and mind are likely to appear when menopause approaches, and hair fall and thinning hair are one of the typical symptoms of menopause.

What happens when hair fall progresses?

As hair fall in menopause progresses, it can majorly impact your mental state as your appearance changes.

– I’m embarrassed to go out in the presence of other people because they can see my head’s skin.
– The hair loses volume, and hair styling does not go well.
– Every time I look in the mirror, I feel depressed.

In addition, menopausal symptoms can lead to emotional instability, and the unpleasant feeling of hair loss may drive it.

The number of women who think they like to be “beautiful forever” has recently increased. For that reason, the deterioration of QOL (quality of life) due to the progress of hair loss and menopausal symptoms may change not only the appearance but also the lifestyle of women.

A natural way to rebalance your hormone

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Chinese medicine for skin in menopause

Today we talk about skin problems caused in menopause and introduce you effective Chinese medicine for skin, and more.

The cause of rough skin is the disturbance of female hormones during menopause.

One of the causes of rough skin is the disturbance of female hormones during menopause. The menopausal period is between the ages of 45 and 55, which includes around ten years before and after menopause. During this period, estrogen, the female hormone, drops sharply, and various effects appear during menopause.

Estrogen is also involved in the production of ceramide (a component that keeps moisture in the skin’s stratum corneum), collagen in the dermis layer under the epidermis, and hyaluronic acid (a component that supports the skin).

A decrease in estrogen reduces the amount of ceramide, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. These materials are essential for maintaining beautiful skin. When either decreases, the skin becomes dry, and problems such as rough skin and rashes are more likely to occur.

In addition, cells oxidize due to aging, which causes the dermis to lose its firmness and become inelastic. External factors such as ultraviolet rays and smoking are also said to cause skin oxidation, which burdens the skin.

I will introduce you to the usual self-care methods to improve rough skin during menopause.

3 ways to improve rough skin, including Chinese medicine

One of the treatments for menopause is hormone replacement therapy. It is a method of replenishing the lack of estrogen with drugs and relieving hormonal imbalance. It is effective, but at the same time, there are risks of side effects. You need a doctor’s prescription, but it’s yet delicate to handle even with it.

As more natural and safe options, we recommend the following approach based on self-care and Chinese medicine.

(1) Review your usual skincare

Improper care can cause skin irritation. First, don’t wash too much. Unlike when you were young, your skin has less moisture and oil, so the same facial cleansing method will leave it dry.

Also, it is essential not to rub too much so as not to break the skin barrier. Avoid washing your face more than necessary.

In addition, it is crucial not to apply too much cosmetics. Creams and oils are also foreign substances for the skin. If you use too much, it will be too much of a burden on your skin. It is also important to choose cosmetics based on what suits your skin.

(2) Foods to help your skin

Improving your diet can help you take control of your skin. The key to long-lasting dietary improvement is to wisely incorporate foods that are good for your skin and delicious. Here are our recommended menu items.

Fermented Soy Foods
Isoflavones from fermented soy are ready to be absorbed and help you to rebalance your hormone. The typical food is Miso for Miso soup, but it may be hard for Westerners to take it. Juveriente®’s natural supplement Effisoy® will bring you the essence more easily.

Vitamins B1 and B2 in the liver are closely related to skin health and prevent rough skin. Since B vitamins are water-soluble, they do not accumulate in the body, and you must take them daily from meals.

Salmon contains astaxanthin, an antioxidant, and vitamin A, which helps keep the skin healthy. It is high in protein, and the skin is rich in collagen.

All of them are easy to put on the table, so let’s actively take them and aim for beautiful skin.

(3) Aiming for Improvement with Chinese Medicine for skin

“I want to improve rough skin from the root.”
“I have a resistance to Western medicine, and if possible, I do not want to use it.”

They say Chinese medicines are effective for skin problems such as rough skin, spots, and atopy.

Such herbal medicines are from natural ingredients such as plants and minerals. It is also said to have fewer side effects than Western medicines.

Chinese medicine considers the skin a mirror of the internal organs, and it aims to improve your skin from within.

In addition, the aim of Chinese medicine is not symptomatic treatment. Herbal medication can help those who suffer from recurring symptoms or who want to break out of a vicious cycle by improving the base of health.

Even those who find it difficult to follow strict dietary restrictions and meticulous skin care daily can easily continue. They only need to take herbal medicine that matches their symptoms and constitution daily.

Chinese medicines for dry skin

Unkeito: A herbal medicine that treats skin problems such as eczema and skin symptoms. It is often used for gynecological conditions.

Orengedokuto: For those with physical strength. In addition to eczema, dermatitis, and itchy skin, this herbal medicine is also used for irritability and neurosis.

When choosing herbal medicine, taking a set that suits your constitution is crucial. Otherwise, you may not be able to improve symptoms, and side effects may occur. Please consult with a doctor or pharmacist who is knowledgeable Chinese herbal medicine.

Another option with the same concept as Chinese medicine, from Japan

As something ready for prompt shopping in the USA, Juveriente®’s natural supplements are under the same concept as Chinese herbs, natural and moderate therapy from within, based on Japanese traditional healthy foods.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues and increases metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

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