Hormone therapy for weight loss

When I was younger, I could lose weight quickly by dieting. But not now.

It may be due to the decreased female hormones. Estrogen, a representative female hormone, has many functions, such as maintaining skin firmness and elasticity, maintaining the health of blood vessels and bones, and maintaining the balance of the autonomic nervous system. “It is an existence like a knight.” But, is a hormone therapy for weight loss worth trying? Safe enough?

Decreased estrogen with aging and weight

The peak of estrogen secretion is in the 20s. After that, it gradually decreases and almost ceases to be secreted after menopause.

After around 40, avoid a drastic decrease in estrogen, which is significantly related to weight management, and work on rejuvenating the body from the inside by activating the internal organs.

The female hormone that raises basal metabolism supports weight management.

While estrogen has various effects on the beauty and health of women, one of its functions is to promote fat burning. As you get older, your estrogen levels drop, and your basal metabolism tends to drop accordingly, making it harder to lose weight.

How about a hormone replacement therapy for weight management?

As we all know well, hormone replacement therapy is one of the key solutions to alleviate menopause symptoms. But it is not something easy for your health.

Hormones including estrogen exist in your body with fine quantity. Your body will secrete only one tea-spoon of estrogen totally in your lifetime. So, supplementation of external hormone can easily be too much. Menopause symptom is caused with shortage of estrogen, but too much estrogen will also disturb your autonomic nerves and cause various disorders.  That’s why you need doctor’s prescription. Even with a doctor’s prescription, this artificial hormone supplementation can yet cause some disorders.

We know that weight management is not only for your beauty, but also for your health. But, we don’t recommend you to take a hormone replacement therapy for weight management only.

Is there a natural hormone therapy for weight loss?

When we see health websites in Japan, all of them recommend soy food. Soy contains isoflavone and it works like estrogen. We may be able to call it a “natural hormone therapy.” But there are some issues for westerners.

1. Soy food is not common, while there are various kinds in Japanese diet.

2. You can’t absorb isoflavone without digesting and resolving it. But not many people have enough right enzyme to digest isoflavone.

3. Anybody can absorb isoflavone of fermented soy. It is Miso (fermented soy paste), but it’s not your food and not easy to take everyday.

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan. This is only a natural food and we don’t call it “a therapy”, but it may be only one we can nearly call a “natural hormone therapy”. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Activate the internal organs and rejuvenate the body.

If you burden the internal organs such as the stomach and intestines, it will be easier to connect with lifestyle-related diseases.

It is also necessary to review eating habits to avoid it. Keep the following points in mind.

・Have a healthy breakfast to keep your stomach functioning properly
・Consume dietary fiber such as mushrooms and seaweed to improve the intestinal environment
・Incorporate low GI foods (brown rice, germ rice, buckwheat, whole grain bread, etc. (white carbohydrates are NG) that do not raise blood sugar levels
・In order to prevent eating in one go, use nutritious and low GI nuts as a snack between meals.
・For dinner, while keeping up your body temperature with a not-heavy meal, take in the vegetable soup that is good for digestion.

Smile and skin 2/4

The smile and skin relation is a science.

The fact that laughter is effective for anti-aging, recovery from illness, and beautiful skin is not a story of image. The smile and skin relation is a scientific story.

In January 2017, a study started in Osaka to prove that laughter can treat cancer.
* Is laughter effective against cancer? Demonstration experiment, comedy offices also cooperate

In addition to this study, we know from various studies that laughter has a good effect on disease and anti-aging.
In this post, we show you how smiles and laughter boost immunity.

Immunity and body

Before discussing about the smile and skin, we will tell you about its benefit for your whole health. When we laugh, we transmit the excitement to the diencephalon, which controls the immune control function, and it produces neuropeptides, signaling substances.
We know that it flows out into the body through blood and lymph, attaches to NK (natural killer) cells, a type of immune cell, and activates them.

NK cells are lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and are well-known as cells that exterminate foreign substances such as cancer and viruses.
They say that 3,000 to 5,000 cancer cells are generated each day in the body of a healthy person. The presence of cancer cells does not mean one has cancer, but the excessive growth of cancer cells leads to cancer.

When the body is healthy, NK cells exterminate cancer cells. So even if cancer develops, the human body returns to a healthy state every day.

Smile boosts immunity against infectious diseases.

NK cells also protect against viruses and bacteria, so they help prevent infectious diseases.
That’s why you’re less likely to catch a cold; even if you do, you’ll recover faster.

They say there are as many as 5 billion NK cells in our body, and when we laugh, NK cells are activated, boosting our immune system.

On the other hand, if the immune system becomes too strong, it can lead to autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and connective tissue diseases. There seems to be little risk of it increasing for now.

From this, laughter seems to have a connection with anti-aging.

Conversely, sadness and stress reduce the vitality of NK cells.
As a result, your immune system deteriorates.

Smile and skin’s immune system

So, does laughter boost the immune system of your skin?
The skin is also a part of the body. So, of course, it is thought that it does.

Improving immunity is expected to positively affect skin infections, rough skin, and atopic dermatitis, but there seems to be insufficient research on this point.

By the way, the Langerhans cells in the epidermis are responsible for the skin’s immunity.
Although many aspects of Langerhans cells are still unclear, we have found that they function as a control tower for skin barrier function and are deeply involved in atopic dermatitis.

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Smile and Skin 1/4

Smile and skin: It’s a natural anti-aging care.

Laughter and smiles have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. It will also boost your immune system and keep you healthy and beautiful. Aging care is related not only to the use of aging care cosmetics but also to everyday casual actions. Smile and skin anti-aging have a close relation.

“Laughing” is one such act, and it has a beautiful skin effect!

Doesn’t it make you feel physically and mentally refreshed when you laugh out loud? Laughter relieves stress, promotes blood circulation, and reduces active oxygen. That’s why smiles and laughter also lead to anti-aging and aging care of skin and others.

Through the series of our posts from this one, we will introduce various effects of “laughter” on the mind and body from a scientific point of view.

Stress physically damages your skin.

Have you ever laughed holding your stomach recently?
A 4-year-old child, curious about everything, laughs more than 300 times a day, but adults are said to laugh less than 15 times a day on average.

Some may think, “Huh? Maybe I haven’t laughed 15 times…”.
Modern society exposes you to stress.
You may have wrinkled your eyebrows more often unconsciously.

Stress can also cause rough skin and is one of the great enemies of beautiful skin and aging care. When stress increases, it doesn’t matter only mentally. It increases active oxygen to counter such stress, leading to skin oxidation.
As a result, the aging of the skin progresses.

Natural healing power of laughter and smile, on skin and everything

Here, I would like to pay a little attention to the health and aging care effects that laughter and smiles bring to beauty.
It is becoming clear that “laughter” can improve the natural healing power that we possess and positively affect both the body and the skin.

What if you could have beautiful skin just by smiling?
Like aging care cosmetics, I want to make laughter a daily habit.

In the following posts, I will introduce the effects of laughter and smiles on beautiful skin, health, and anti-aging.
We will also discuss how to have a good laugh.

(to be continued to “Smile and skin 2/4”)

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

How can I get myself to fall asleep?

Blood circulation improvement will help you to fall asleep.

How can I get myself to fall asleep? This will be the question many people have. They say that the human body becomes sleepy by lowering the deep temperature of the body. Heat is emitted from extremities such as limbs to lower the core temperature. Therefore, if the blood circulation in the hands and feet is poor, your body won’t release the heat well. It may disturb you from falling asleep smoothly. Therefore, when you can’t sleep, we recommend stretching the soles of your feet to improve blood circulation.

foot massage

Warm up the deep part of your body with a bath.

Japanese-style bathing is very effective for good sleep. People enter a state of rest by lowering their body temperature in preparation for falling asleep. Warming the deep part of the body by taking a bath will promote temperature regulation, and you can fall asleep smoothly.

Showering will warm up only the surface of the body. Soaking in a bath with lukewarm water of 38 to 40 degrees for about 10 to 20 minutes will warm you up from the core. Then the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, and the body goes into relaxation mode.
However, I think most people in America and Europe do not have a Japanese-style bathing custom or facility. In that case, a foot bath will work instead.

When you have coldness and swelling of hands and feet

Coldness and swelling in the hands and feet are common problems in women. While it is crucial to improve your circulation by massage, you can also support better circulation by physically lifting your feet with a foot pillow.

When you can’t fall asleep, not sleeping is an option.

When you say, “I just can’t fall asleep,” it may be due to the “defensive instinct” of the human body. When you look back on the times when you couldn’t sleep, wasn’t it when something terrible happened to you?
Sleep has the role of putting together the day’s events in chronological order and fixing them. Good and bad things will be fixed in your memory when you sleep. When you go to sleep after something terrible happens, you naturally remember it. They say that sometimes defensive instincts work to keep you from sleeping.
Trying to force yourself to sleep when you can’t fall asleep will lead to further stress, such as being unable to sleep due to impatience or having light sleep. In such a case, one option is to take the plunge and say, “I won’t sleep when I can’t sleep!”

5 Anti-aging Foods

You will see tons of anti-aging secrets in shops from cosmetics to supplements to exercise classes. But the most essential base is simply the foods you take. Today we introduce you 5 anti-aging foods, and one more from the Japanese diet.

1. Banana

Banana is a food rich in B vitamins. Many of the B vitamins are involved in various metabolisms.

2. Salmon

Astaxanthin contained in salmon has an antioxidant effect. We can expect it to suppress oxidative stress, which is the cause of aging.

3. Citrus fruits

The third of the 5 anti-aging foods is a very common one. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C has a high antioxidant effect. We can expect it to prevent cancer and improve immune function.

4. Avocado

Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E suppresses active oxygen that causes aging.

5. Almonds

Almonds, like avocados, are rich sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E not only has an antioxidant effect but also promotes blood circulation and increases metabolism. We can expect it to prevent skin aging and improve coldness and stiff shoulders.

Additional: Soybean food

After the above 5 anti-aging foods, I like to introduce you one fantastic food. You may not have a habit of eating soybean. But it is one of the staples in Japan. Japanese people are known for their excellent health, like long life expectancy and low breast cancer onset ratio.
Soybeans contain soybean saponin, which has an antioxidant effect, soybean lecithin, which lowers total cholesterol; and oligosaccharides, which increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

You can take the soy’s health essence through a natural supplement!

Please let us introduce one amazing review in Amazon, who took the same health secret as Japanese women through Juveriente®’s EFFISOY®.  Very long, sorry, but she expressed her super joy with full of texts. (This is about her menopause symptom, but it also helps other difficulties by aging even after the menopause age. )

I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!: I am 49 years old and was thrown into surgical menopause after very large cysts were found on both of my ovaries and I was forced to have a complete hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. I began having symptoms immediately which compounded my difficult recovery from surgery since I had to have a vertical incision laparotomy. Hot flashes were so intense that I slept in just my hospital gown, no blankets and a fan pointed at me all day and night. When I came home it wasn’t better. I was having flashes every 30-45 minutes. It was torture. I started watching YouTube videos about hysterectomies before my surgery so I had a frame of reference. While watching I came across a naturopathic doctor who specializes in women’s health. She had very specific suggestions for dealing with the various symptoms of menopause. For hot flashes, she recommended Effisoy. There were no reviews (remark: in 2019) anywhere on the internet but I was desparate and bit the bullet. After about 2 weeks I felt like maybe the flashes were letting up but I couldn’t tell. Then about 2 days ago I was watching a movie with my husband and I sprang up and said, “I haven’t had one hot flash today!” I was convinced after saying it out loud I would jinx myself. Well, I’m three days now free of hot flashes. I immediately ordered another bottle of Effisoy and just got it in the mail (thank you Amazon Prime 1 day shipping!). I would highly recommend trying this if you are suffering with hot flashes. But be patient and don’t miss a day. It took nearly a whole bottle to work for me. I was 100% faithful at taking it every day just after breakfast. I won’t be without it now. For those worried about the soy in this, this soy is a fermented soy germ. Not the adulterated American soy that has been the center of controversy for women’s health products.”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Sleep and bone health

The growth hormone secreted during sleep affects bone growth and repair.

Sleep is necessary to maintain physical and mental health. If you do not get enough sleep, both in quality and quantity, you will experience various problems, such as feeling unrefreshed, lacking attention, and sluggish. But that’s not all. Sleep and bone health have a critical relation.
During sleep, our body secretes various hormones.
Growth hormone promotes growth in the body and acts directly on the bones to make them grow stronger. They say that “a child who sleeps will grow.” Good sleeping will secrete growth hormones well and develop children’s bones thicker and bigger.

Deep sleep is the key to growth hormone secretion and bone health

Sleep occurs because the brain, being active during the day, gets tired and rests. Seeing, speaking, thinking, and moving your limbs are all controlled by your brain. The brain, which operates at total capacity during the day, consumes energy the more it is used and needs sleep to rest. Sleeping helps your brain recover from fatigue, allowing you to work harder the next day.

On the other hand, there is a phenomenon in which people naturally become sleepy at night, even when they are not so tired. The reason is that your body clock tells you it is time to sleep because it is night. In our body, two types of autonomic nerves, the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve regulate various body functions. The sympathetic nervous system works during the day to increase body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, etc., making it easier to be active. At night, the parasympathetic nervous system lowers these to relax and rest the body. The body clock regulates such body rhythms. When you wake up in the morning, you will reset your body clock to occur the next sleepiness 14 to 16 hours later.

During sleep, deep sleep (non-REM sleep) for resting the brain and light sleep (REM sleep) to rest your muscles alternate. In good sleep, non-REM sleep, which is deep sleep, accounts for 70 to 80% and appears in the first half of sleep. Your body will secrete a large amount of growth hormone at this time. Thus it is crucial to take a good deep sleep for bone health.

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health additionally.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)




Supplements As Oriental Medicine’s Dietary Therapy: That’s Juveriente®

Juveriente® Have Received A Lot Of Great Reviews since 2017

We, Juveriente®, have received various feedbacks for our 2 products, Effisoy® and Bone Strength Complex. We are happy to see in many reviews that our effort is helping so many women.


“Oh wow. Thank you for this product. I was suffering. Suffering! After a couple of weeks most of my hot flashes and night sweats are gone.”

“I have severe hot flashes for the past 7 years. After watching Dr Melissa YouTube video, I’ve been taking this product plus other supplements (Milk Thistle, Iodoral) and it completely took my hot flashes away. (Nothing else worked for me.). I’ve been using this product for over a year. I ran out of it and the hot flashes returned. I recommend watching Dr Melissa YouTube video it was a life changer for me.”

Bone Strength Complex;

“I had been diagnosed with osteopenia in my hips several years ago and had been taking calcium/magnesium supplements with little effect. I have now been taking Bone Strength Complex for 4 months and the results from my recent scan show perfectly normal bones, no more osteopenia!”

“Great product. Had osteopenia. Improvement when I had my bone density test.”

We also receive some negative feedbacks claiming that a few weeks or even a few days dosage doesn’t help them. We always explain to such customers by saying they need more patients with continual taking, and the duration before they see certain effects will vary depending on individuals.

The Concept of Oriental Medicine

The above explanation may sound obsolete to you. You might have already heard the same from a lot of supplement brands.

But such notices, “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals”  are never define the supplement as weaker versions of medicines for us. They are rather the key concepts of the basic of Juveriente’s supplements, Oriental Medicine.

The standard, or modern medicine, which we call Western medicine hereafter, specifies the deceased part and remove it or fix it directly. Drugs for it are often made of a single chemical.

But the idea of Oriental medicine is totally different. It will pursue the root cause of decease in the disorder or imbalance of your daily life and health. It may be in your imbalanced diet, a disorder of your discharging like sweat or bowel movement, or a disorder of circulation and metabolism.

Then it will aim the recovery of such imbalances sometimes with a little help of herbal medicines or acupuncture and moxibustion, and mainly through daily diet.

Such indirect treatment will not remove the problem immediately. “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals”

But surely safe, and it addresses the root cause of the problem and provides you sustainable help.

(Of course, there are a lot of cases that such mild oriental medicine is not enough. We will discuss it in our next post.)

Oriental Doctor
The old grinding of Chinese herbal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine

Japanese Diet and Oriental Medicine

“Medicine” meant Chinese traditional medicine in Japan in most of its long history (about 1,500 years)  and it was simply called “Medicine”.

Japanese first modern government, which replaced the last and long lasted Samurai government in the late 19 century, adopted modern medicine imported from the Western countries as the official medicine.

Since then, Japanese people call modern Medicine Western Medicine, or only Medicine, and their former standard medicine Oriental medicine or Kanpo.

Regardless of this historical major change of their public policy, Oriental medicine is deeply rooted in their culture and daily life. Even doctors of Western medicine sometimes recommend Oriental medicine treatments to their patients.

Its idea is also rooted in the Japanese diet and makes it healthy. It never is their principle idea that a specific food provides them a particular health effect. Each food has various and general health effects, and good health needs multiple and diverse foods.

But there are surely various foods which help your health in some specific problems. We, Juveriente focused on some of them, which have back data and great performances in Japan, made them into supplements, and introduced them to the world.

Thus, the concept of Juveriente supplements is an extension of Oriental medicine. “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals” “But surely safe, and it addresses the root cause of the problem and provides you sustainable help.”





 Breast Cancer Rates and Fermented Soy Foods

Breast cancer rates are far different between USA and Japan.

Breast cancer rates are far different between the USA and Japan, according to a report by researchers from the National Cancer Center of Japan.


Breast Cancer Incidence Rate Comparison US/Japan
This image was copied from JMAJ 52(1): 39–44, 2009 by Kumiko SAIKA and Tomotaka SOBUE.
Breast Cancer Mortality Rate US Japan
This image was copied from JMAJ 52(1): 39–44, 2009 by Kumiko SAIKA and Tomotaka SOBUE.

What makes such vast differences? Can western women take the same effect with Japanese women through something?

Attention: We are curating information from various credible websites here. But we are never in a position to determine anything medical about them. Please consult with a doctor when you utilize any info on this page for your actual health. 

Breast Cancer Rates and Soy Foods / Researches by Harvard Univ. and Oregon State University

Soy FoodsWhile there may be a complex of reasons for the above, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health introduces a study, which suggested a lower risk of breast cancer and lower risk of breast cancer recurrence by taking more soy foods, in their web page, “Straight Talk About Soy.”

Oregon state university also introduces the same study.  (Refer these web pages for further details.)

Both web pages also introduce a mixed extent of benefits depending on individuals and Asian women vs. Western women. There are some analysis and guess of the reason. The hint maybe in the studies of the National Cancer Center of Japan, the country of soy diet.

Reverse correlation of breast cancer rates and fermented soy foods diet

Miso Soup Research - JuverienteA group of researchers from the National Cancer Center of Japan, too,  conducted a large cohort study by following 20,000 women, aged 44-59, for ten years. The study aimed to find a correlation between the consumption of soy-based foods and the risk of breast cancer. They found a less reverse correlation in the diet of non-fermented soy foods, but the significant reverse correlation in the diet of fermented soy food, miso soup.

(The report summary in Japanese is here, and the English translation by Google Translate is here. )

While they don’t pursue any conclusions about the difference between the fermented soy and non-fermented soy, one intriguing matter is that they mention the “protection effect by isoflavone” as common sense. Isoflavone  is a phytoestrogen but has almost 1/1,000 – 1/10,000 power of estrogen. When such a mild phytoestrogen sticks to estrogen receptors, it will protect them from too much stimulation by estrogen. This notion already prevalent in Japan, even among ordinary people.

Fermented vs non-fermented soy

Juveriente®’s natural menopause supplement, Effisoy®, is featured with fermented soybean germ extract, named AglyMax®. The supplier of AglyMax, Nichimo Biotic, did various clinical researches about their fermented soy extract. They are regarding menopausal relief and never intended to link it to breast cancer matters. Still they give us some hints and suggestions about the discussions above, why some women receive benefits of soy against breast cancer, and why fermented soy diet has far more significant reverse correlation with breast cancer onset ratio. (Some of their knowledge is summarized here.)

Traditional healthy food for Japanese, soy

Medical matters are too complicated to make any conclusions from limited information. One thing sure is that soy foods, both fermented and non-fermented, have always been staples in Japan and have provided health benefits to Japanese people over hundreds of years.

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Total Anti-Aging Benefits of Effisoy®

The reasons why you should take Effisoy® continuously in the long run


Maybe you recognize our Effisoy® only as a natural menopause supplement to mitigate hot flash and night sweats. But, its key ingredient, AglyMax®, has multiple anti-aging benefits by balancing waned hormone precursor (DHEA) naturally.

old lady is depress because of her anti aging treatment

It is not only for unpleasant menopause symptoms improvement, but will also help your healthy life in various aspects. There are many reasons that you take Effisoy® continuously in the long run.

  • Menopause Relief from;
    Hot Flash
    Night Sweats
    Weight gain, etc.

  • Anti Aging Benefits like;
    Fatigue mitigation
    Recovery of lost muscle by age (= recovery of metabolism) (= weight management)

  • It has high Antioxidant Capacity (the following is from a leaflet by the manufacturer of AglyMax®.)
AglyMax® has multiple anti-aging benefits

We are introducing the health benefits of Miso soup in the Effisoy®’s product page, and Effisoy® will bring you the essence of that traditional Japanese diet. Try it now, and continuously!


How to Strengthen the Body for Aging: Focus on Natural Menopause Supplements

Pursuit of menopause solution

As one ages gracefully, there is a tendency to overwhelm someone with rapid-fire “solutions” as the body changes. Healthy aging is all about paying attention. For example, when menopause symptoms began for me, I didn’t know where to begin. My hormones were going crazy. Should I consider HRT (hormone replacement therapy?) How could I help my body shift through the hormonal fluctuations? I desperately looked for solutions from HRT to natural menopause supplements.

I found Effisoy, a natural way to assist my body as my estrogen levels shifted. For me, that discovery was an answer I needed, and I needed to find it on my own. It takes time to find what works for each person but paying attention to what feels like it needs care is an important place to start.

Various helps by natural products

All-natural products like Effisoy and other natural menopause supplements can ease the hormonal changes that begin around perimenopause and yet, hormonal changes are just one part of the landscape of aging.

To help strengthen bones, herbs like stinging nettle, slippery elm, oat and horsetail have been connected to bone mineralization. Circulation could be improved through turmeric, ginger, cayenne and black pepper. Natural remedies for inflammation can include turmeric, green tea, and white willow bark.

How to find your best option

In this internet age, all it takes is a little research. Research and time. Taking time to test what is right for your body is also important before you dive into the world of natural menopause supplements. Read the reviews on Amazon. Ask questions. Test out supplements in small doses to see how they work with your body. Trust the process of learning what works best for you. This time of aging is fruitful, a perfect opportunity to learn about what your body needs and how to move forward.


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