Healthy Living for the Bones: Food and Diet

Did you know that your bones are alive? Every day, our bones are constantly breaking down and building back up. This constant cycle is one of the many ways the body replenishes nutrients, strengthens, and evolves. However, with time, and age, bones tend to break down more than they restrengthen. This breaking down of bones- most often in the wrist, hips, knees, or spine- is known as osteoporosis. There is much to understand about the disease, but more than anything, prevention in the areas of diet and supplements is vitally important for fotralizing the bones and strengthening the body. 

Food for the Bones

Many studies have been done on food that contributes to bone health, but the most important factors come down to calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Vitamin D strengthens bones by helping the body absorb more calcium and phosphorous, two of the elements your body needs more than most. Calcium and phosphorus are the bone builders. Specifically, phosphorus provides structure to the nucleic acids and cell membranes, which contributes to your body’s energy production. Calcium, on the other hand, mostly resides in the bones and teeth. It helps the body communicate better through its nervous system, as well as strengthens the bones to withstand fractures, or breaking. The two together are better absorbed with extra vitamin D. 

Food Choices for Healthy Bones

When creating a diet that provides key nutrients for the body, it’s important to start with calcium. Dairy products, from cheese to milk, are key sources of calcium. Most cheeses, are the best sources of calcium, with parmesan having the most. Softer cheese have slightly less calcium but still contain substantial amounts. Yogurt, ranging from plain to greek to flavored, also contains high amounts of calcium. If, however, you are dairy-free or lactose intolerance, there are many options that do not fall into the dairy realm.

Seeds, specifically poppy, sesame, celery and chia, all contain significant calcium for bone health, as do the fish bones of salmon and sardines. Believe it or not, eating canned salmon and sardines, because of their edible bones, is a great source of calcium. Certain beans, specifically winged beans, are also great sources, as well as the solid snack food– almonds. In the realm of vegetables, dark leafy greens like collard greens, spinach and kale also contain quantities of calcium which can help reinforce bone health. There are plenty of options, and the key is to incorporate these healthy eating habits into your daily life and choices. 

Additional Support for Strong Bones

Complementing food choices is the option of addition supplements, like Bone Supplement. This combination of minerals and vitamins targets the body specifically, helping to strengthen the bone by providing  more vitamin D to better absorb phosphorus and calcium, those two minerals your body craves the most when it comes to bone health. Remember, bones, though they are steady and strong, are not nearly as solid as we think they are. They are constantly regenerating, and the more ways you can bolster them in their regeneration process, the stronger they will be for years to come. 


Am I My Mother’s Menopause?

Now that we have decoded the human genome, scientists have found that while our genes can increase risk factor for various diseases, environment and lifestyle play a huge role in our health. How we grow up in early childhood can have many down-the-line consequences. Similarly, stressful situations, which increase our cortisol levels, also can manifest markedly in the health of a person. When it comes to menstruation, genetics do play a role, and yet, they are not all-encompassing. 

Early Menopause

If there are no other reasons for early menopause-related to prior diseases, then genetics can be viewed as an indicator as to when you may begin perimenopause. Early menopause can begin in the late-30s. Yet, there are many factors that can influence when a woman may start this transition. Lifestyle factors, like smoking or living at higher altitude, can play a part. Also, as estrogen is stored in the fat tissues, women who have low body mass indices (BMI) may actually begin menopause earlier because their estrogen runs out faster. Turner Syndrome and other chromosomal defects may also lead to early menopause. 

Menopause and Its Story

Some women grow up watching their mothers move through menopause with apprehension. They may remember if their moms had hot flashes, intense irritability and mood swings, and then wonder if they, too, will experience those symptoms. Other women, however, see their mothers during menopause who show no signs or symptoms. Perhaps their mothers deeply enjoy the process, the relief from fear of unwanted pregnancy, and the liberation from a cycle that may have been challenging. As women age, with the knowledge that have about menstruation and menopause from their mothers, family members, friends, and teachers, influences how we approach menopause—with apprehension or with curiosity. 

However, lots of studies have been done to see what the correlation is between a mother’s menopause and her daughter’s and the results are not conclusive. Though there seems to be some similarity regarding time, that onset of menopause, other factors, like lifestyle choices, are found to be more influential. Regarding symptoms, genetics do not seem to be a strong predictor. If your mother had heightened symptoms during menopause, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will as well. 

Rolling with the Waves

When perimenopause and menopause begin, it’s important to do your own investigation into what your body wants and needs. Some studies have shown that thirty minutes of exercise a few times a week can drastically reduce the negative symptoms of menopause. Eliminating those sugar-packed, high-caffeine foods can also help with the symptoms of menopause. These important changes in daily living seem to have much more of an effect than any sort of genetic map of what and when to expect with your own transition into menopause. 


Libido and Menopause, and How to increase Libido after Menopause

Libido and Menopause

What causes sex drive? A romantic date night? Your time in your cycle? The causes for libido are limitless, and as vast as the imagination. Breaking down desire into biology and environmental factors can help isolate certain methods to remedy decreasing sexual desire. As with many changes in life, talking through the shifts is important. This can happen in intentional conversations with a partner, as well as with the assistance of therapists and counselors who may be able to help couples work through barriers. Many women tend to experience a decrease in sex drive between the ages of 35 and 64. This period of time is vast, and yet, changes in libido is not a concrete science or a guarantee. Paying attention to yourself, and your desires, is a great place to start.

Various Therapies to Increase Sex Drive

As with other symptoms of menopause, there are many hormonal and non-hormonal therapies that can be explored. Learning what works for your body, as well as noting any risk factors you may have, is a conversation worth having. Regarding sexual desire, some women explore testosterone-replacement therapy in the form of creams and other medications, though the FDA does not approve this form of hormone therapy for women during menopause. Hormone replacement therapies can lead to a renewal in sexual desire, as can changes in diet and exercise. However, it must be noted that not all women experience a decrease in sex drive during menopause. Some women actually have an increase in libido.

Menopause cycle

When looking at the biological factors of sex drive, they can often be linked to a time in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Right before and after women ovulate, many women have increased libido. However, as menstruation and therefore ovulation cease, there isn’t that extra burst of estrogen which can lead to an increase in libido. The loss of estrogen also contributes to vaginal dryness.

Women are not the only ones who may experience a decline in sex drive. Men can also experience this shift, although women are two to three times more likely to report this change. Another factor, for both women and men, is the decrease of testosterone (which yes, women have as well). Testosterone is the active hormone related to sexual response. However, even with these biological factors at play, simple over-the-counter remedies like water-based lubricants can reignite the flame and make sexual intercourse more enjoyable. Beyond that treatment, having conversations about what’s happening—and reconnecting with your partner—is important.

Emotional Factors

Anxiety and stress, along with everyday life factors—concern about work, family, friends, the community, health, education—all play a role when it comes to sexual desire. The more stressed a person is, the harder it can be to find yourself “in the mood.” Therapists recommend taking time with a partner to do romantic activities, however those might be defined for you. Planning time for yourselves, rather than just hoping it will happen, can help couples come together even in times of difficulty.

It’s Not All Bad—Good Things Around the Corner

While some women certainly experience a drop in sexual desire at some point of menopause, many women also report an increased joy when it comes to sex. No longer is there a concern for pregnancy, and the hormonal shifts of menstruation slowly disappear. The lessening of stress surrounding pregnancy can often be a huge relief for women. Redefining intimacy in these moments is important—what does it mean to you and your partner? Sex therapists recommend exploring new methods of intimacy and being open with your partner. Rather than looking at this time as something to fear, looking at it through the lens of curiosity can open up many possibilities.


Empty Nest Syndrome and Menopause at the Same Time? Fear Not! ®Juveriente’s Blog

Though it is not a clinical disorder, empty nest syndrome is a transition period when parents adapt to what their lives are like without children. Historically, the depression and anxiety that may accompany this transition period tend to affect women more often than men as women have been expected to stay at home and raise children in the “traditional American household.” Nowadays, as the traditional family looks vastly different–single parents, stay at home fathers, same-sex parents, etc.– the difficulty of transitioning through this period effects all types of parents.

What is Empty Nest Syndrome

Psychology Today defines empty nest syndrome by its symptoms: “Grief, depression, a loss of purpose and a sense of sadness may be experienced when children enter their own relationships or when they start their college careers.” Though there is no single remedy for this period, many methods of self care are encouraged. Empty nest syndrome may seem more intense for a woman who is also experiencing the effects of menopause.

diet and nutrition for menopause

Diet and Nutrition

When considering diet, opting for a diet that causes less gastric distress is important. When the body is processing difficult to digest foods, it can be taxing emotionally and mentally. Diets rich in nutrients and minerals, healthy proteins and fermented soy, and minimal in sugar and white carbohydrates is a good starting place. Taking a supplement like Effisoy, based in the science of fermented soy and estrogen regeneration rather than replacement, can also ease the effects of menopause.


Women going through menopause may feel a need to slow down their exercise regime, but studies show that women should actually continue exercising as much as they can as they age, incorporating all types of fitness: strength training to improve the muscles, balancing exercises for the joints, stretching for muscles and flexibility, and higher-impact aerobic exercises like running and walking to aid the skeleton. Exercise, along with being important for the body, also helps the mind by improving mood, bettering sleep, and decreasing anxiety.

counselling empty nest syndrome and menopause

Counseling and Mental Care

When experiencing empty nest syndrome, it’s important to take time to question the self as the transition occurs: Where is the sense of life purpose coming from? What parts of this period are easier and more difficult? How much of the sense of self was tied to being a parent, rather than being an individual? Forms of therapy, like psychotherapy and other types of counseling, can be helpful as a woman, as a parent, goes through their own questions of identity. Reconnecting with the self as well as with your partner are vital during this point of shifting. Filling daily life with work, with hobbies, with things that you want to do for yourself, is an opportunity to deepen, rather than an emptiness to fear.

These practices of scanning the self, emotionally, mentally and physically, during times of transition are important for women especially, but for all parents, during the transition of empty nest syndrome.

Exercise During Menopause: Do’s and Don’ts (Natural Anti-aging Technique by Kristen). ®Juveriente

As a woman’s body transitions through menopause, learning how the body energizes in this new cycle is important. Rather than comparing the body–changes in weight, changes in skin, changes in emotion–to how it was, this is a season for reflection, for embracing what the body is becoming. While more and more women are learning how to sync their exercise to their menstrual cycle, exercising more in their follicular and ovulatory phases and resting more during the luteal and menstruation phases, women going through menopause and perimenopause are invited to learn and listen to what their body needs regarding exercise. Do you have energy for group classes? New classes like dancing or cycling or Zumba? Or is your body craving individual activity, like running or walking, or gentler movements like stretching and yoga? A balance of cardio and strength training with flexibility work is a powerful program, and it’s important not to fall victim to some of the biggest exercise mistakes during menopause.

Strength Training Vs. Cardio

As some women experience weight gain during menopause, an increase to cardio and strength training exercises is a great way to burn extra calories while still enjoying movement and increasing muscle. Many women make the mistake of just doing cardio, hoping to avoid weight gain, but that’s missing the vital component of increasing muscle mass. Strength training in short intervals, 30 minutes of squats, lunges, and weightlifting, is a great place to start. Focusing on the large leg muscles is also recommended by researchers who study menopause. If weight lifting is new to you, starting with light weights is recommended. There are also many classes at gyms that are introductions to strength training, as well as libraries of videos online.

menopause exercise benefits

menopause exercise benefits

Walking Vs. Swimming

Similarly, many women who prefer cardio exercises like swimming and cycling miss the importance of putting weight on the muscles, doing exercises like walking and running. The more weight the skeleton can bear, the less likely studies say it is for menopausal women to develop osteoporosis. One study of 60,000 postmenopausal women showed that when they walked at a fast pace 4+ times a week, they had a lower risk of hip fractures compared to those who did not walk as fast or as much during the week. While exercises like swimming and cycling are also important, aim for a balance of aerobic activity that impacts the skeletal system as well as improves muscle mass.

Preparing the Body: Warming Up and Stretching

When beginning a new exercise regimen, or continuing the regimen that’s been in place for decades or years, it is recommended that women going through menopause spend more targeted time warming up and stretching after a workout. Research done by the Women’s Sports Medicine Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City found that older bodies need a longer warm-up to prepare and loosen muscles and joints. 10 minutes of quick activity can suffice. Jogging in place, active stretching, exaggerated knee lifts, and arm swinging can all help get the blood flowing. Similarly, it’s important to stretch after exercise to properly transition the body to a more stagnant state. One of the ways to do this is through yoga and balancing activities.

Yoga and Balance

Accompanying the physical changes of menopause, there can be moments of tension with the changes that occur. Yoga and meditation are possible modes of calming the mind through those transition times. Not only can these practices which focus on daily presence, deeper breathing, and targeted strengthening help the mind, but a study by the Journal of Sexual Function showed that they can help increase sexual function for women over the age of 45. Incorporating stretching along with a yoga practice is important to keep joints loose and flexible, and stretching can be woven into any exercise regime. Stretches also help the body improve its balance which, studies have shown, can decrease as women enter menopause.

menopause exercise routines

menopause exercise routines

Getting Started with Weekly Exercise

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that women under 65 should aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercises, like walking, cycling, or swimming. On top of that, doing 30 minutes of strength training twice a week, as long as there’s a day of rest between these sessions, is also encouraged. Yoga can be added according to what each individual feels they need, but balance stretches, warm ups, and stretching after exercise should be practiced frequently. These recommendations don’t have to be followed exactly, but they are a great place to begin when thinking about what a body needs as it transitions through menopause.

Find how to strength your bones naturally during menopause exercise program with Japanese bone strength complex formula from Juveriente®.

Reducing Inflammation Naturally (Natural Anti-aging Technique by Kristen Sawyer). ®Juveriente’s Blog

Creators, teachers, and health enthusiasts often say that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel; most things have already been tested, proved, and experienced. When it comes to combating inflammation, a difficult effect of aging and a product of older injuries, gastrointestinal challenges, and other bodily shifts, it is important to stick to the secrets of centuries past.

Turmeric as Anti-Inflammatory

India produces over 95% of the world’s turmeric, and Indians have used turmeric for millennia. The active compound of turmeric, curcumin, holds most of the healing and anti-inflammatory power. Through ayurvedic medicine, the oldest known system of medicine, turmeric has factored into various healing remedies. When a child falls, the mother will often give her a cup of warm milk with turmeric. Daily doses of turmeric, the yellow-gold spice that can be bought in most grocery and health stores in the U.S. now, have been noted for their ability to minimize inflammation. Curcumin, the active compound, has been studied for reducing effects of osteoarthritis and arthritis.

How to Consume Turmeric

Consumption of turmeric can occur in many forms. Ayurvedic doctors often recommend incorporating it into daily cooking practices, rather than taking a capsule. The spice, slightly spicy, pairs well with curry, cinnamon, and cloves. You can drink it with warm milk or water, or in a tea, as many companies now sell turmeric tea. In general, it’s recommended not to have more than 3 mg/kg per day. Also, turmeric is best absorbed into the body when it is taken with a healthy fat source, like avocado, or when it is paired with black pepper which has an activating compound, piperine, which helps the turmeric infuse into the body.

Ginger and Gingerol: Soothe the Body

Ginger, when consumed in powdered or the raw root form, is an excellent source of anti-inflammation properties for the body. The active compounds in the root, gingerol and zingerone, have been studied for their abilities to reduce the effects of colitis, kidney damage, diabetes and cancer. It also can fight oxidative damage, the accumulation of harmful free radicals, or toxins, in the body through food, the environment, and cleaning and beauty products. Ginger, like many spices and roots, must be taken in doses. It is recommended not to consume more than 2-3 grams, as an excess can cause digestive issues or heartburn. It is a warming flavor, often paired well with clove, cinnamon, curry, and cayenne pepper. When cooking with ginger, it can easily be used to coat poultry, fish, or vegetables. There are also many teas that are infused with ginger, or a simple boiled water with ginger can suffice.

Cayenne Pepper: Spice of Life

turmeric cayenne pepper anti inflammatory
Cayenne pepper anti inflammatory


Though a spicy food doesn’t typically conjure images of anti-inflammation, cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, the compound that makes the pepper hot, and that also helps with inflammation. The pepper also contains antioxidants, flavonoids and phytonutrients that break down free radicals at a cellular level, leading to less inflammation. Recommended doses, according to University of Maryland’s Medical Center, is between 30-120 mg. It can be consumed in powder form, added to food, or taken as a supplement.

Getting Started with Anti-Inflammation

These three sources of anti-inflammatory properties can be incorporated into the daily diet in a variety of ways. Start with one and notice if there are any improved effects in the body. From there, begin to incorporate other foods that can reduce inflammation and, combined with a healthy diet and exercise and plentiful amount of water, enjoy the benefits of a more relaxed body.

If you’re into menopause then you know how difficult to manage menopause symptoms, especially joint pain. ®Juverient’s Bone Strength Complex is a one-of-a-kind bone strength and bone support supplement featuring an antioxidant called beta-cryptoxanthin. Find Japanese bone strengthening supplement for osteoporosis and increase your bone strength naturally.

The Best Date You’ll Ever Have (Natural Anti Aging Techniques #4 by Kristen Sawyer).Juveriente®

How much do you love yourself? The ideal answer, at this point in life, can only be deeply. Even on the worst of days, even when struggling with difficult relationships and jobs and physical ailments, as a woman ages, there is a moment when she shifts in her acknowledgment, and acceptance, of who she is, who this body is that holds her. Unfortunately, in a world that often doesn’t view aging as a graceful, powerful process, that sentiment is not always reflected in common statistics. Studies report statistics that say that many women over 50 feel abandoned by others, by society, by media, as they age. But these surveys don’t have to be definitive.

Aging is Power

With aging comes the greatest gift of all: a sense of deep acceptance. This is something that younger women, still learning who they are and what they want in this life, often struggle with on a daily basis. As a woman ages however, this deep acceptance is the breeding ground of a greater love. Love for the self, and self care, has been converted into a multi-billion dollar industry, but really, the answer for how to love the self deeper, more intentionally, lies within. You already know how to do it.

Knowledge Equals Love

To know thyself is to love thyself. Knowing thyself comes with accepting all of the perceived flaws, imperfections, and foibles. It comes in the small moments when you see your physical strength, your mental fortitude, your spiritual trust, your ability to laugh, your smile. There are moments when such a wave of love washes over, and this love-fest is all the more important during the powerful times of transition. Menopause is such a time, when a woman’s body is changing internally and externally. As estrogen production decreases, a series of mental and physical symptoms can emerge, temporarily or for longer periods of time. You may find yourself getting irritated, or forgetting more details. You might feel aches in your body, experience hot flashes, and question your own womanhood. Sexually, libido may change, and you might question your intimate relationships. All of this is normal, and yet, through natural menopause remedies like Effisoy, the symptoms can be regulated.

anti aging techniques

self love and anti aging techniques

A Practice in Self Love

While your body finds its new rhythm, one of the best ways to process this change is to practice loving the self a little more intentionally. One such method is to treat yourself to a date night. Yes, an actual date night. You can take this as literally or as metaphorically as you want. A date night may typically be defined by you as a fancy evening with a partner–a dinner, a movie, a walk through nature, whatever gives you a bit of zest for the moment. Instead of asking your partner, a friend or child to accompany you on this particular date night, why not treat yourself?

The Perfect Date

If you love good food and have found a new restaurant, make a reservation. For one.Or, just show up spontaneously. Dress up if you want to; dress down if you want to. Bring a few things with you: a book, a journal, drawing materials. Whatever you enjoy doing for fun. Arrive at the restaurant and proudly claim you are the one they’ve been waiting for. You are the one you’ve been waiting for, as well. Sit down and treat yourself to what looks delicious, to that which calls to your stomach and soul. During the meal, try to set your phone aside. Instead, look around at others, smile. Write about the food, write about the moment. Draw and doodle like you used to in elementary school, or like you still do on a daily basis. There is so much to enjoy in the simple pleasure of being with the self.

Why This May Be Hard

Women are psychologically and socially wired to place their sense of self worth in others. That expectation has been passed down through generations and reinforced through systems of power. Taking time for yourself, without anyone else, is one way to combat this system that asks for a woman to care about others rather than herself first. Be indulgent. It’s natural. Just like on the airplane, when the flight attendants prepare you for that terrifying moment you hope never happens: the oxygen mask. They tell you to put your mask on first before putting the mask on another next to you. You can’t help anyone if you aren’t secure yourself.

women and anti aging techniques

women and anti aging techniques

Share your Experience

After you take yourself out on this date, wherever you went, whatever you did, let us know about it. Tell your female friends. Leave a comment at this blog. Take a selfie if you’d like and share it. Embrace the part of yourself that wants to luxuriate, that wants to explore, that wants to better know yourself. Moments like these, especially during the cycle of menopause, are all the more important because they pause the normalcy that you’ve created in your life and inject the day with a little something special, with extra love and care. A happy mind and content sense of self are some of the best remedies for a body that’s changing, and more time for the self is never a the wrong solution.

To control rapid aging after menopause then find all natural menopause solution by Juveriente® .

Serving Up Love with Ginger Lemon Tea (Natural Anti-Aging Techniques #2). ®Juveriente’s Blog

An oriental idea to heal digestive problems in the Western life

When talking with Ayurvedic doctors in New Delhi, India, there are many daily practices that are encouraged based on each individual’s particular body make-up. Ayurveda, one of the oldest medicinal systems, is based on the notion of doshas, that each person has a certain combination of elements that influence the body: the types of food to be eaten, the best times of day for work or for rest, the forms of exercise that benefit the body most. For those who have often struggled with digestive problems, be it a slow constitution or frequent stomach cramping and aches, one remedy prescribed is a morning brew of ginger and lemon tea.


natural anti aging secrets - ginger lemon tea benefits

The word tea doesn’t really even apply to this simple tincture, a combination of boiled water, lemon, and sliced and peeled ginger. It is a daily tonic that not only warms the intestinal system, but also can spark digestion for the day ahead. As women age, the body too find new methods of processing, of slowing down. A slow digestive system is one of the problems many women report. A survey in 2013 showed that almost 75% of Americans struggle with digestive problems symptoms. The factors are multifold, and require a longer commitment to a healthier lifestyle, including elements of exercise, cooking, intentional grocery shopping, and other environmental and mental factors. But one solution to jumpstarting a slow digestive system is a simple brew of ginger and lemon tea.

Ginger Lemon Tea benefits

Preparing Lemon Ginger Tea

Boil 2-4 cups of water.

Peel a portion of the ginger root about the size of half a finger’s length.

Slice the ginger into small pieces.

When the water is boiling, add the ginger and steep for 5-10 minutes in a covered pot.

Drain the ginger water into a mug and squeeze half a lemon into the mug.

Stir and drink, slowly, with intention.

You will see that in a week you already getting positive lemon ginger tea benefits.

The Benefits of Ginger and Lemon

Ginger, a rhizome of the zingiber family, is packed with antioxidants that combat the attack of free radicals on the body, uncharged molecules that can cause oxidative stress and undermine the body’s strength. Ginger is also anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti-parasitic, and antimicrobial. Think of it as a broom sweeping through and scrubbing at the intestinal lining, searching for and eliminating signs of oxidative stress and bacterial build-up. When the ginger can help the body better absorb nutrients, the fresh lemon juice targets indigestion and heartburn. Both lemon and ginger also contain large quantities of vitamins A and C, which can help improve hair quality as well as dry skin. Most impressively, however, is that this concoction, while helpful for digestion, also targets cognitive function.

Good for the Body and Mind

Lemon, being high in potassium, stimulates the nervous system in the brain, providing an extra jolt of mental energy. Ginger, simultaneously, improves blood function, increasing the body’s circulation and carrying important vitamins, minerals and nutrients to the body’s cells.

The Power of New Habits

A simple glass of this warming liquid in the morning can help jump start the day in a way that is both energizing and calming. The stomach is activated, ready to consume the healthy foods that will follow, and the mind is alert, prepared to tackle the tasks of the day. Also, the simple practice of morning ritual is known to have a calming effect on times of transition, which is the best way to describe the cycle of menopause. New habits are a science, a practice of identifying what the body needs and giving it an accompanying reward. They can be created at any age, and any new habit that serves the body’s greater good can be implemented during the menopausal cycle. It is a time when the body asks for more love, more kindness, and more nurturing, and that can be given even in a simple glass of morning tea.

Well, you’re searching a natural relief for menopause, then find all natural and Japanese way of treatment for your menopause symptoms which will help you start living a happy lifestyle.


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Ease the Mind, Love the Self (Natural Anti-Aging Techniques #1 by Kristen Sawyer).™Juveriente’s Blog

Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? Do you feel like your mind is running on overdrive with all that you have to do? For women entering into their menopausal cycle, at whatever age that cycle begins, estrogen depletion can cause a series of symptoms. At the neurological level, menopause can manifestas loss of memory, mood swings, fatigue, and irritability. This process of the body fluctuating is natural, but it doesn’t have to be life-changing. It requires is more attention to the self, an opportunity to take time to better understand what your body and mind really need.

One of the best ways to do this is to create time in your day for personal reflection and mental exercises. There are many benefits that are proven when the mind activates through various activities, like crossword puzzles or mind games, but one of the timeless practices that can truly help during this time of transition is meditation. Meditation, and the accompanying practice of mindfulness, have been buzz words in the United States for the last few years. Though they may seem like a trendy solution, the history of these practices is rooted in daily integration.

There is nothing new that you need to become more mindful. There is no program you need to buy, nor any class you need to take. Becoming mindful, and carving out time to meditate, is really just giving the mind time to relax, to recharge, to accept the changes that are happening at a hormonal and personal level.

A Mindfulness Exercise for the Mind

Menopause Meditation

menopause meditation

During menopause, many women question their own identity. What does it mean to be woman without the cycle that has governed, in some extent, your body for the last few decades? What it means is that you are at a time of redefining, of clearing out the old to make room for the new. A meditation exercise can be woven into the morning or evening routine. These practices help align the mind with intention of the body. They can also help focus the brain so that the feelings of irritability, of moodiness, of lack of focus can be addressed.

Body Scan

As one of the core practices of mindfulness-based stress reduction, a method of mindfulness pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the body scanis an opportunity to check in with each part of the body, to reconnect all of the parts. This exercise can take as long as you have, from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

Materials: A comfortable chair, yoga mat, or place on the floor; a timer if wanted

The Practice

Find a comfortable seat or lie down on the ground. However you want to be is fine. Close your eyes and begin by slowly counting your breaths, in and out. A breath in and a breath out count as one. The second breath in and out count as two. Do this up until ten full breath cycles, and then repeat. After counting for a few cycles of ten breaths, you will notice your mind feels more malleable, less chaotic with its thoughts. Now, it is time to check in with the body.

Begin with your left foot. Draw your attention to that foot. Envision it. What is it feeling now? Is it cold? Warm? Tingly? Whatever you feel, that is fine. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Just note the feeling. Then move your mental gaze up to your left calf, your knee, your thigh. Ask yourself as you scan each part of your body–How is this part of my body feeling?

Work your way from your legs to you abdomen, your stomach, your chest, your arms, your neck and shoulders, and finally your face and your mind. If you feel your thoughts begin to wander, just let them do so. You don’t have to corral your thoughts as if you’re training a wild stallion. Let the thoughts pass. Keep bringing your focus back to where you are in your body. When you conclude scanning your whole body, before you open your eyes, pay attention to how your body in general feels. Is it lighter? Do you feel less stressed? Open your eyes slowly, smile at yourself, at the time you’ve taken for you.

Love Mind, Love Self

This exercise can be repeated whenever you need to take a few moments to reconnect with yourself. Remember, more than anything, that during this time of transition it is important to be gentle with yourself. Approach the process of menopause through the lens of curiosity, trying to better understand what is happening in your body and what it wants as it changes into this new season of life. It is a season that is full of new blossoming, of new opportunities. It is a rejuvenation into the next phase, and a clear mind is one of the ways you can best support yourself as you transition.

Menopause brings many changes in your body, and rapid aging after menopause is also a big problem for women. Therefore to treat your aging after menopause, Juveriente have the best all natural solution for you at it’s online amazon shop.

The Wonders of Japanese Green Tea – Five health benefits of green tea. ™Juveriente’s Blog

Take Health Wisdoms from the Healthy Culture

We are all bombarded with health news all the time. Drink this, eat this, don’t eat this. It’s a bit confusing. Sometimes we just want some advice. One thing that we can do to help ourselves, is to look at cultures who are healthy and then look at what they eat and drink.

The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea, the traditional healthy drink

Green tea is a popular drink in Japan. The Japanese have known about the benefits of tea for over 1,000 years. In the writings of the 12th century Japanese monk Eisai, he encouraged the drinking of tea for good health. Tea plantations were then established in the Uji region of Kyoto in the same period. Japan has made an art form of preparing, serving and drinking tea, the world famous Japanese tea ceremony.

Although tea has been drunk for over a millennium, today’s scientists are only just discovering why the drink is so special. They are beginning to understand some of the benefits that underpin green tea’s success in remaining popular for so long.


There are two main categories of tea, green and black. Green tea is less processed and is therefore considered more healthy than black tea. Green tea plants are typically grown in higher altitudes. The sencha variety of green tea is the most popular in Japan and is made with whole leaves. Matcha tea used to be a preserve of the elite in Japan but is now readily available all over the world. It is made from green tea that is grown in the shade, so that it has higher proportion of chlorophyll in the leaves. This gives matcha its bright green color. Matcha team is stone-ground whole tea leaves.

5 benefits of Green Tea

There are many claimed benefits of drinking green tea. Five of these benefits are garnering more attention with more dollars being invested in studies to show their efficacy. Let’s take a look at these five benefits:

Anti Cancer

Because of anecdotal evidence there has been much interest in the properties of green tea that might prevent cancer. Studies have shown that substances within green tea can stop cancer cells from growing. Whilst this has been shown in the lab it is much harder to produce definitive evidence in the wider population. Green tea contains polyphenols and catechins which are anti-oxidants. It is these extracts that have been linked to reducing the incidence of cancer. Anti-oxidants mop up free-radicals, stopping them causing damage and deformations in the cells of our bodies.


One of the major concerns facing us in the States is the huge increase in the number of people developing Type-2 diabetes. It is possible that green tea can assist in the body becoming more sensitive to insulin which means that the body can react better to changing sugar levels. The results from studies have varied but in recent years studies have claimed that green tea can help you reduce the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by up to 42%.

Weight Loss

Interestingly, in a society that historically has had less issues with obesity, Japan has also had an appetite for green tea. There is evidence that green tea can help maintain weight but also can help promote weight loss . Green tea is high in catechins, which numerous studies have pointed to be the active ingredient in weight loss. In a trial, those who drank green tea had a significant decrease in their body weight and also maintained their body weight after weight loss. This is significant as given the evidence from the Japanese population that they have less issues with their weight, it could be that this is linked to drinking green tea regularly.

Brain Health

The same catechins have been shown to improve brain health. Recent human and animal studies have shown that regular green tea drinking may decrease the incidence of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease. These neurodegenerative brain diseases impact the transmission of brain signals via the neurons. It is thought that the catechins in green tea could prevent these diseases as they have been shown to assist in the “firing” of neurons.

Aiding Sleep and Relaxation

Green tea also contains amino acids. One of these, L-theanineis known to help people get to sleep. L-theanine was discovered by Japanese scientists in 1949. The amino acid is important in the formation of serotonin and dopamine. This are important chemicals in our bodies, which assist in achieving a calm state and putting the body and mind into a relaxed condition.

So, should you drink green tea?

Tea Farm, Tokyo© Francisco Antunes

The Japanese continue to drink lots of green tea to this day. There appears to be a benefit for the rest of us to take up drinking it each day too. It is now easy to get hold of in the US and green tea has the potential to help keep our bodies fit and can also help with keeping our brains and minds in tip-top shape too.


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