Smile and skin 2/4

The smile and skin relation is a science.

The fact that laughter is effective for anti-aging, recovery from illness, and beautiful skin is not a story of image. The smile and skin relation is a scientific story.

In January 2017, a study started in Osaka to prove that laughter can treat cancer.
* Is laughter effective against cancer? Demonstration experiment, comedy offices also cooperate

In addition to this study, we know from various studies that laughter has a good effect on disease and anti-aging.
In this post, we show you how smiles and laughter boost immunity.

Immunity and body

Before discussing about the smile and skin, we will tell you about its benefit for your whole health. When we laugh, we transmit the excitement to the diencephalon, which controls the immune control function, and it produces neuropeptides, signaling substances.
We know that it flows out into the body through blood and lymph, attaches to NK (natural killer) cells, a type of immune cell, and activates them.

NK cells are lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and are well-known as cells that exterminate foreign substances such as cancer and viruses.
They say that 3,000 to 5,000 cancer cells are generated each day in the body of a healthy person. The presence of cancer cells does not mean one has cancer, but the excessive growth of cancer cells leads to cancer.

When the body is healthy, NK cells exterminate cancer cells. So even if cancer develops, the human body returns to a healthy state every day.

Smile boosts immunity against infectious diseases.

NK cells also protect against viruses and bacteria, so they help prevent infectious diseases.
That’s why you’re less likely to catch a cold; even if you do, you’ll recover faster.

They say there are as many as 5 billion NK cells in our body, and when we laugh, NK cells are activated, boosting our immune system.

On the other hand, if the immune system becomes too strong, it can lead to autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and connective tissue diseases. There seems to be little risk of it increasing for now.

From this, laughter seems to have a connection with anti-aging.

Conversely, sadness and stress reduce the vitality of NK cells.
As a result, your immune system deteriorates.

Smile and skin’s immune system

So, does laughter boost the immune system of your skin?
The skin is also a part of the body. So, of course, it is thought that it does.

Improving immunity is expected to positively affect skin infections, rough skin, and atopic dermatitis, but there seems to be insufficient research on this point.

By the way, the Langerhans cells in the epidermis are responsible for the skin’s immunity.
Although many aspects of Langerhans cells are still unclear, we have found that they function as a control tower for skin barrier function and are deeply involved in atopic dermatitis.

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Smile and Skin 1/4

Smile and skin: It’s a natural anti-aging care.

Laughter and smiles have a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system. It will also boost your immune system and keep you healthy and beautiful. Aging care is related not only to the use of aging care cosmetics but also to everyday casual actions. Smile and skin anti-aging have a close relation.

“Laughing” is one such act, and it has a beautiful skin effect!

Doesn’t it make you feel physically and mentally refreshed when you laugh out loud? Laughter relieves stress, promotes blood circulation, and reduces active oxygen. That’s why smiles and laughter also lead to anti-aging and aging care of skin and others.

Through the series of our posts from this one, we will introduce various effects of “laughter” on the mind and body from a scientific point of view.

Stress physically damages your skin.

Have you ever laughed holding your stomach recently?
A 4-year-old child, curious about everything, laughs more than 300 times a day, but adults are said to laugh less than 15 times a day on average.

Some may think, “Huh? Maybe I haven’t laughed 15 times…”.
Modern society exposes you to stress.
You may have wrinkled your eyebrows more often unconsciously.

Stress can also cause rough skin and is one of the great enemies of beautiful skin and aging care. When stress increases, it doesn’t matter only mentally. It increases active oxygen to counter such stress, leading to skin oxidation.
As a result, the aging of the skin progresses.

Natural healing power of laughter and smile, on skin and everything

Here, I would like to pay a little attention to the health and aging care effects that laughter and smiles bring to beauty.
It is becoming clear that “laughter” can improve the natural healing power that we possess and positively affect both the body and the skin.

What if you could have beautiful skin just by smiling?
Like aging care cosmetics, I want to make laughter a daily habit.

In the following posts, I will introduce the effects of laughter and smiles on beautiful skin, health, and anti-aging.
We will also discuss how to have a good laugh.

(to be continued to “Smile and skin 2/4”)

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

How can I get myself to fall asleep?

Blood circulation improvement will help you to fall asleep.

How can I get myself to fall asleep? This will be the question many people have. They say that the human body becomes sleepy by lowering the deep temperature of the body. Heat is emitted from extremities such as limbs to lower the core temperature. Therefore, if the blood circulation in the hands and feet is poor, your body won’t release the heat well. It may disturb you from falling asleep smoothly. Therefore, when you can’t sleep, we recommend stretching the soles of your feet to improve blood circulation.

foot massage

Warm up the deep part of your body with a bath.

Japanese-style bathing is very effective for good sleep. People enter a state of rest by lowering their body temperature in preparation for falling asleep. Warming the deep part of the body by taking a bath will promote temperature regulation, and you can fall asleep smoothly.

Showering will warm up only the surface of the body. Soaking in a bath with lukewarm water of 38 to 40 degrees for about 10 to 20 minutes will warm you up from the core. Then the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, and the body goes into relaxation mode.
However, I think most people in America and Europe do not have a Japanese-style bathing custom or facility. In that case, a foot bath will work instead.

When you have coldness and swelling of hands and feet

Coldness and swelling in the hands and feet are common problems in women. While it is crucial to improve your circulation by massage, you can also support better circulation by physically lifting your feet with a foot pillow.

When you can’t fall asleep, not sleeping is an option.

When you say, “I just can’t fall asleep,” it may be due to the “defensive instinct” of the human body. When you look back on the times when you couldn’t sleep, wasn’t it when something terrible happened to you?
Sleep has the role of putting together the day’s events in chronological order and fixing them. Good and bad things will be fixed in your memory when you sleep. When you go to sleep after something terrible happens, you naturally remember it. They say that sometimes defensive instincts work to keep you from sleeping.
Trying to force yourself to sleep when you can’t fall asleep will lead to further stress, such as being unable to sleep due to impatience or having light sleep. In such a case, one option is to take the plunge and say, “I won’t sleep when I can’t sleep!”

Hair wellness from within

Anti-aging by hair wellness from within

Hair loss and thinning in women are said to be more challenging to treat than in men. It’s due to multiple causes in women complexly intertwined with aging and hormonal imbalance. Hair wellness from within is essential for your hair anti-aging.

Hair deterioration by hormone imbalance

“The secretion of estrogen, the female hormone that affects hair, peaks in the late 20s and gradually decreases, along with changes such as dryness, swells, and fine hair. In addition, the amount of estrogen decreases sharply from around 50, so the hair quality deteriorates further, hair thinning progresses, and gray hair becomes more noticeable. After menopause, female hormones decrease, Male hormones become relatively dominant, and male pattern baldness (AGA) can occur in women.” Natural menopause supplements like Juveriente® Effisoy® will be helpful.

Nervous system disorder

Be careful of the nervous system disorder due to stress. “When you receive mental and physical stress, the nervous system is disturbed, resulting in poor blood circulation and blood flow to the ends, causing hair roots to become malnourished. Zero stress is unrealistic. Find your way to relieve stress and release it before it builds up.

Sleep shortage

Sleep shortage and malnutrition are also high-risk factors for hair loss for modern women. Clinical results show that hair loss is noticeable when sleep time is less than 5 hours. “70% of growth hormone involved in producing new hair is secreted during sleep. The body secretes growth hormones abundantly during deep sleep immediately after falling asleep. Continual sleep deprivation will lower hair matrix cells’ division and bloodstream. It will eventually hinder hair growth. Try to get at least 6 hours of sleep and good quality sleep with few awakenings in the middle of the night.

Take balanced nutrition.

The center of hair wellness from within is nutrition. If you don’t get enough nutrients that make up your hair, your hair will inevitably become thin and weak. Especially people on a diet may be at the brink. 90% of hair is a protein called keratin made up of 18 kinds of amino acids. You should take in at least one protein source, such as seafood, meat, soybeans, soybean foods, and dairy products, in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Biotin and vitamins B2 and B6 are also important. It is ideal for taking them through food, but take supplements if it is difficult.”

About Scalp troubles

And finally, though not actually the hair wellness from within, scalp troubles. It often raises immediate troubles like redness, itching, and eczema. There are various causes. Hair care products such as shampoos and conditioners that are unsuitable for the scalp, strong irritation from chemicals such as perms and hair coloring, dryness due to over-washing, sunburn, excessive heat damage, oxidative stress, etc. Inflammation in the scalp will disturb the scalp turnover and may accelerate aging. However, there seems to be no medical data that hair loss increases due to oil clogging the scalp’s pores. Don’t be too desperate to remove the dirt but protect the moisture.

The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Miso, fermented soy paste is one of the keys of Japanese women’s health and their easier menopause experiences. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Anti-aging benefits of a Japanese fermented food; Miso

Benefit of Miso; Fermented Soy As a Secret of Healthy Japanese People

A Japanese woman taking the benefit of miso
A Japanese woman and miso soup

Anti-aging effect of Miso: the skin beautifying effect and bone strengthening

Miso is a typical Japanese fermented food made by fermenting soybeans. (Primarily famous as Miso soup internationally.) The fermentation with Koji (a fungus having various resolution enzymes) adds far more nutritional value and flavor to soybeans. Recently, they have revealed various health benefits of Miso; it has positive effects on health, beauty, and anti-aging, such as beautifying the skin and strengthening bones.

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Nutrients of soybeans

Miso has supported the Japanese diet for 1,300 years. Japanese people have been saying that “miso keeps the doctor away” traditionally. The fermentation process produces abundant nutrients of Miso.

Even before the fermentation, soybeans contain high-quality vegetable protein, linoleic acid, which lowers cholesterol, and isoflavones. The human body absorbs such nutrients through digestion. But digestion capacity is limited depending on the person. The fermentation process will decompose such nutrients externally instead of digesting them and make them easy to absorb.

Nutrients that the fermentation adds to soybeans, as a Japanese fermented food

Furthermore, the fermentation will generate more nutrients, like a large amount of free essential amino acids and vitamins. These are not found in soybeans or are only present in small amounts. But the fermentation produces them in large quantities and brings about umami and sweetness.” Says Professor Yutaka Kashiwagi of the Department of Brewing Science, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences.

Recently, we have elucidated some health benefits of Miso. They are like the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, cancer, and osteoporosis. Professor Noritoshi Maeda of the Department of Applied Biology at the Tokyo University of Technology said, “The free linoleic acid produced during the fermentation process from the lipids of soybeans will have the effect of suppressing the production of melanin. Recent research has shown that two bowls of miso soup will provide such an effect. I also learned that drinking Miso soup reduces the spots on my cheeks.”

In addition, melanoidin has an antioxidant effect and is expected to have an anti-aging effect. It is a brown substance produced by the reaction of amino acids and sugars during the fermentation and maturation process.

Miso contains various nutritional components as a Japanese fermented food

Miso contains eight essential amino acids for the human body, vitamins such as B and E vitamins, minerals such as potassium and calcium, fatty acids, dietary fiber, and polyphenols such as soy isoflavones. This Japanese fermented food is reported to be beneficial for metabolic syndrome and breast cancer prevention.

Metabolic syndrome prevention

Soybeans contain ingredients that lower bad cholesterol, such as linoleic acid, soybean lecithin, and saponin. An animal study reports that intake of one cup of Miso soup everyday through 6 months in conversion as a human suppressed the accumulation of triglycerides.

Breast cancer prevention

There is a research report that people who drink a lot of miso soup every day are less likely to get breast cancer. A study of 21,852 women aged 40 to 59 found breast cancer onset rates were lower by 26% in those with two drinks per day and 40% lower in those with three or more drinks per day compared to women with one per day or less.

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Take the health essence of Miso through a natural supplement!

Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Housework is exercise – to support your health essentially

You don’t have time to exercise? Housework is exercise, really!

“I don’t have time to exercise because I’m too busy with housework.”
I often hear this kind of wording. But do you know that housework is exercise in the practical sense?

Many people think they need literal exercises such as walking and muscle training to maintain weight and manage health. However, even when doing housework or commuting, we move our bodies by walking and standing. Such activities also burn a lot of energy. Yes, housework is exercise in a practical sense. 

Do ten more minutes of housework a day

Housework and other activities necessary for daily living are called “lifestyle activities.” We have proven that such “lifestyle activities” reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and nursing care in the same way as sports and exercise for physical fitness.
Increasing housework time by 10 minutes daily can reduce the risk of developing lifestyle-related diseases by 3-4%.
You don’t necessarily need to be determined to do some so-called “exercise.” Housework is exercise. 

The table below shows how many calories each daily activity burns.


Woman (50kg)

Man (70kg)

Using a vacuum (15mins)

46 kcal

64 kcal

Mopping floor (15 mins)

60 kcal

84 kcal

Garden cleaning with broom (10 mins)

29 kcal

41 kcal

Car washing (30 mins)

79 kcal

110 kcal

Working on a chair (30 mins)

39 kcal

55 kcal

Dog walking (30 mins)

79 kcal

110 kcal

Pushing a wheelchair (15 mins)

53 kcal

74 kcal

Nursing care of an elderly or handicapped person

105 kcal

147 kcal

“Weeding,” “pushing a wheelchair,” and “caring for the elderly and people with physical disabilities” requires the same amount of exercise as walking. Mopping up of floor consumes the same amount of calories as playing badminton.

Now you know that moving your body in your daily housework and work is crucial to improving your health. Housework is exercise, really!

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)







Take a Japanese anti-aging secret through a natural supplement!

Fermented soy is one of the secrets of anti-aging of Japanese women. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Health and self care in the highest life expectancy prefecture in Japan


Health and self care campaign

(Continued from “The best region among the high life expectancy in Japan”)  In 1945, Dr. Wakatsuki was assigned to Saku General Hospital, and in 1959, Dr. Yoshizawa was assigned to Kokuho Asama General Hospital in Saku City, Nagano as the director. They walked around from one local community center to another to preach health and self care to farmers. They preached them, “Let’s learn that too much salt is the reason for a stroke, and let’s prevent it.”

In 1980, this activity came to fruition as the “Prefectural Residents’ Salt Reduction Campaign” throughout Nagano Prefecture. As a result of this activity, the amount of salt intake per day was reduced from 15.9g to 11g in 1983.

Dr. Minoru Kamata, the director of Suwa Central Hospital, took over the activity later and continues to this day. The preachers enjoy their long lives on their own. Mr. Wakatsuki is 96 years old, Mr. Yoshizawa is 93, and Mr. Kamata is still active at 72.

“A trace amount of poison” of vegetables is good for the body.

The “Nagano Model” emphasizes improving and enhancing eating habits. Let’s take a look at its features.

The first is the amount of time spent eating. Nagano Prefecture’s average is 104 minutes per day, the third longest in Japan. This means that they are chewing their food well. Chewing well prevents overeating and reduces obesity. As a result, Nagano Prefecture has one of the lowest rates of obesity, which is the cause of illness.

It is also known that dementia increases when the number of chewing decreases. Chewing well is also vital in that sense.

The second is the amount of vegetable intake. Everybody knows that vegetable is good for your health. But even experts vary in their idea of why it is good actually. One of the ideas becoming mainstream nowadays is that a trace amount of poison in the vegetable helps your health.

Nagano Prefecture is the number one producer of Chinese cabbage and lettuce in Japan and is also one of the top producers of cabbage and tomatoes.

At the same time, their intake of vegetables is also the highest in Japan as consumers for both men and women. The Japanese national average daily vegetable intake is 301g, while it is 379g in Nagano Prefecture.


Local food production and consumption

Nagano Prefecture produces red wine with a high proportion of their consumption. Red wine contains polyphenols and is known to be suitable against heart disease, especially arteriosclerosis.

In addition to vegetables and red wine, Nagano Prefecture is the number one producer of other foods in Japan. “Shinshu (Nagano) miso” accounts for about half of Japan’s total miso production. (Miso is fermented soy paste, one of the Japanese staples.)
Nagano’s Mushrooms also account for about one-third of the Japanese national production.

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Also, regarding consumption, Nagano Prefecture ranks first in Japan in miso and mushrooms per capita.

One of the reasons why miso and mushrooms are good for the body is because they are rich in substances called polyamines. Recently, it has become clear that this polyamine is good for health and is particularly effective in preventing aging.

Lesson: Take care of your health before getting sick and pursuing the best treatment.

Among various lessons we can learn from the Nagano model, the essential wisdom is what Dr. Yoshizawa preached: to be conscious of protecting your health. It is that each person works proactively for their health.

Ultimately, the essence is that we should take care of our health before getting sick instead of pursuing excellent treatment after getting sick.

Take the essence of fermented soy (miso) through a natural supplement!

Fermented soy is a staple of the Japanese cousin mostly as “miso soup”, and it is one of the secrets of anti-aging of Japanese women and the high life expectancy in Japan. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

The best region among the high life expectancy in Japan

The highest life expectancy region in Japan, Nagano prefecture

Most of us know the high life expectancy in Japan and some people seek for the secret behind it. Even there, Nagano prefecture boasts the highest life expectancy even in Japan.

Nagano wasn’t originally a long-lived prefecture. According to statistics from 1965, the life expectancy was 9th in men and 26th in women there, among all 47 prefectures in Japan.
Mountains on all sides surround Nagano Prefecture, and they traditionally eat preserved foods with salt. For this reason, Nagano Prefecture had Japan’s fourth-highest salt intake and a high mortality rate due to high blood pressure and stroke around 1960.

However, since 1990 for men and 2010 for women, Nagano has remained to boast the longest average life expectancies in Japan.

Nagano is also the top healthy life expectancy region.

Furthermore, Nagano Prefecture’s elderly employment rate is 26.7%. It is also the highest in Japan.
In other words, not only is life expectancy high in Japan, but healthy life expectancy (the age at which people can live independently) is also long there, ranking first for both men and women.

Nagano is an ideal model for the aging society of healthy and long life.

What makes them lowest from cancer mortality?

Nagano Prefecture has the lowest cancer mortality rate in Japan.

However, Nagano Prefecture is one of the few prefectures in Japan that does not have a “cancer center” that many other prefectures have. The number of general hospitals is below average at 33rd out of 47 prefectures.
On the other hand, the number of community centers responsible for citizens’ health care and disease prevention is the highest in Japan. Its number of public health nurses is also the second highest in the country.

It shows one secret of Nagano Prefecture’s success lies in “preventive medicine,” They place priority on the prevention of getting sick rather than medical treatment after they become ill.

This kind of medical care in Nagano Prefecture, now called the “Nagano Model,” started with the “salt reduction campaign” initiated by doctors who were enthusiastic about regional medicine.

(Continued to the next post, how come Nagano turned a healthy region?)

Take a Japanese anti-aging secret through a natural supplement!

Fermented soy is a staple of the Japanese cousin mostly as “miso soup”, and it is one of the secrets of anti-aging of Japanese women and the high life expectancy in Japan. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Best foods for skin anti-aging

To maintain youthful skin, lifestyle habits such as diet, sleep, and exercise are more critical than skincare and cosmetics.
It is necessary to be beautiful not only on the surface but also from within.
Here, we will introduce best foods for skin anti-aging and how you should eat.

Skin changes with age

As you age, your skin loses its firmness and adds wrinkles, sagging, and dullness.
It is a change that can happen to anyone, but it’s yet improvable with better eating habits. Here we introduce you to some tips.

Foods and ways to eat that are bad for your skin


Processed food
Instant foods such as instant noodles, soft drinks, and sweets are low in vitamins, often contain a lot of sugar and fat, and are mostly high in calories for their size.
Excessive sugar intake causes a phenomenon called saccharification, in which proteins in the body stick together and harden, which can lead to aging of the skin (dullness, etc.).

Unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid
Unsaturated fatty acids in safflower oil and margarine are oxidized in the body and become hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes sebum and destroys the antioxidant substances in the skin. It may accelerate skin aging. It is better to use oil containing a lot of oleic acids, such as olive oil, fish oil, and linseed oil, which have antioxidant properties and they will have anti-aging effects.

【how to eat】

Late night snacks
Snacks late at night will raise blood sugar levels. It will accelerate saccharification and aging of the skin.

Fast eating
Eating too quickly can rapidly increase blood sugar levels, and overeating can lead to excess calorie intake. Chew well and eat slowly.

Best foods for skin anti-aging and how to eat


Good quality protein
Collagen, which keeps the skin and skin firm, is made of proteins (amino acids). Let’s take high-quality protein from chicken, fish, soybeans, etc., so as not to exceed the calorie. The recommended intake is 1g of protein per 1kg body weight.
Fish is one of the healthy sources of protein. It is animal and high in protein but lower in fat than livestock meat.

Vitamins E, C, B2, and β-carotene, which are antioxidants, are said to be particularly effective in preventing skin aging. Let’s actively take green vegetables, such as green peppers, tomatoes, carrots, and spinach, that are rich in vitamins.

Brown carbs
Carbohydrates should ideally be as natural as possible. Unrefined carbohydrates, such as brown rice, contain plenty of good ingredients for the skin, such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Choose brown rice instead of white rice, and rye or whole grain bread for bread.

【how to eat】

Well balanced
Best foods for skin anti-aging will actually make sense if you take them in the right ways.
No matter how much vitamins are good for the skin, it’s never good for your body and skin if you take only vitamins.
The most important thing is nutritional balance. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (of Japan) recommends eating 30 items daily, but counting 30 items every day is quite difficult. The ideal meal traditionally said in the Japanese diet is one soup, two side dishes, and one staple food. Try to have a balanced menu regarding vitamins, protein, and iron.

80% eating
To prevent excessive calorie intake and saccharification, remember to “hold down at the 80 % of the stomach“. To “hold down on 80% of your stomach”, eating three meals at a fixed time in a day is essential, and eating slowly and chewing well will help you.

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Anti-aging through diet

What we eat makes our body. A balanced diet is vital to stay healthy and youthful. If you want to keep young skin forever, let’s start with “diet to anti-aging.”

Take a Japanese anti-aging secret through a natural supplement!

Fermented soy is one of the secrets of anti-aging of Japanese women. Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement.

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

5 Anti-aging Foods

You will see tons of anti-aging secrets in shops from cosmetics to supplements to exercise classes. But the most essential base is simply the foods you take. Today we introduce you 5 anti-aging foods, and one more from the Japanese diet.

1. Banana

Banana is a food rich in B vitamins. Many of the B vitamins are involved in various metabolisms.

2. Salmon

Astaxanthin contained in salmon has an antioxidant effect. We can expect it to suppress oxidative stress, which is the cause of aging.

3. Citrus fruits

The third of the 5 anti-aging foods is a very common one. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C has a high antioxidant effect. We can expect it to prevent cancer and improve immune function.

4. Avocado

Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin E suppresses active oxygen that causes aging.

5. Almonds

Almonds, like avocados, are rich sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E not only has an antioxidant effect but also promotes blood circulation and increases metabolism. We can expect it to prevent skin aging and improve coldness and stiff shoulders.

Additional: Soybean food

After the above 5 anti-aging foods, I like to introduce you one fantastic food. You may not have a habit of eating soybean. But it is one of the staples in Japan. Japanese people are known for their excellent health, like long life expectancy and low breast cancer onset ratio.
Soybeans contain soybean saponin, which has an antioxidant effect, soybean lecithin, which lowers total cholesterol; and oligosaccharides, which increase the beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

You can take the soy’s health essence through a natural supplement!

Please let us introduce one amazing review in Amazon, who took the same health secret as Japanese women through Juveriente®’s EFFISOY®.  Very long, sorry, but she expressed her super joy with full of texts. (This is about her menopause symptom, but it also helps other difficulties by aging even after the menopause age. )

I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!: I am 49 years old and was thrown into surgical menopause after very large cysts were found on both of my ovaries and I was forced to have a complete hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. I began having symptoms immediately which compounded my difficult recovery from surgery since I had to have a vertical incision laparotomy. Hot flashes were so intense that I slept in just my hospital gown, no blankets and a fan pointed at me all day and night. When I came home it wasn’t better. I was having flashes every 30-45 minutes. It was torture. I started watching YouTube videos about hysterectomies before my surgery so I had a frame of reference. While watching I came across a naturopathic doctor who specializes in women’s health. She had very specific suggestions for dealing with the various symptoms of menopause. For hot flashes, she recommended Effisoy. There were no reviews (remark: in 2019) anywhere on the internet but I was desparate and bit the bullet. After about 2 weeks I felt like maybe the flashes were letting up but I couldn’t tell. Then about 2 days ago I was watching a movie with my husband and I sprang up and said, “I haven’t had one hot flash today!” I was convinced after saying it out loud I would jinx myself. Well, I’m three days now free of hot flashes. I immediately ordered another bottle of Effisoy and just got it in the mail (thank you Amazon Prime 1 day shipping!). I would highly recommend trying this if you are suffering with hot flashes. But be patient and don’t miss a day. It took nearly a whole bottle to work for me. I was 100% faithful at taking it every day just after breakfast. I won’t be without it now. For those worried about the soy in this, this soy is a fermented soy germ. Not the adulterated American soy that has been the center of controversy for women’s health products.”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.
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