
Am I My Mother’s Menopause?

Now that we have decoded the human genome, scientists have found that while our genes can increase risk factor for various diseases, environment and lifestyle play a huge role in our health. How we grow up in early childhood can have many down-the-line consequences. Similarly, stressful situations, which increase our cortisol levels, also can manifest markedly in the health of a person. When it comes to menstruation, genetics do play a role, and yet, they are not all-encompassing. 

Early Menopause

If there are no other reasons for early menopause-related to prior diseases, then genetics can be viewed as an indicator as to when you may begin perimenopause. Early menopause can begin in the late-30s. Yet, there are many factors that can influence when a woman may start this transition. Lifestyle factors, like smoking or living at higher altitude, can play a part. Also, as estrogen is stored in the fat tissues, women who have low body mass indices (BMI) may actually begin menopause earlier because their estrogen runs out faster. Turner Syndrome and other chromosomal defects may also lead to early menopause. 

Menopause and Its Story

Some women grow up watching their mothers move through menopause with apprehension. They may remember if their moms had hot flashes, intense irritability and mood swings, and then wonder if they, too, will experience those symptoms. Other women, however, see their mothers during menopause who show no signs or symptoms. Perhaps their mothers deeply enjoy the process, the relief from fear of unwanted pregnancy, and the liberation from a cycle that may have been challenging. As women age, with the knowledge that have about menstruation and menopause from their mothers, family members, friends, and teachers, influences how we approach menopause—with apprehension or with curiosity. 

However, lots of studies have been done to see what the correlation is between a mother’s menopause and her daughter’s and the results are not conclusive. Though there seems to be some similarity regarding time, that onset of menopause, other factors, like lifestyle choices, are found to be more influential. Regarding symptoms, genetics do not seem to be a strong predictor. If your mother had heightened symptoms during menopause, it doesn’t necessarily mean you will as well. 

Rolling with the Waves

When perimenopause and menopause begin, it’s important to do your own investigation into what your body wants and needs. Some studies have shown that thirty minutes of exercise a few times a week can drastically reduce the negative symptoms of menopause. Eliminating those sugar-packed, high-caffeine foods can also help with the symptoms of menopause. These important changes in daily living seem to have much more of an effect than any sort of genetic map of what and when to expect with your own transition into menopause. 


Mood Swings: Are They Inevitable?

Mood swings are not an inevitable part of menopause. In fact, only about 1 in 4 women experience the ups and downs of psychological distress. However, the spectrum of mood swings is vast. It encompasses irritability, depressive episodes, and anxiety. Between 15-50%of women claim they experience a low mood and/or depression. Almost 3 in 4women report irritability during menopause, and between 40 and 50% of women experience anxiety and insomnia. All of these factors can contribute to the steadiness of mood. But what’s actually happening to cause these imbalances? And is there a way to mediate the shifts?

Why Mood Swings During Menopause

For women who are going through perimenopause and menopause, their estrogen levels are shifting. The production of estrogen changes and regulates in redefining its role. No longer is estrogen focused mainly on the creation of an egg in the ovaries. Estrogen also plays an important role in the neurotransmitter serotonin, one of the mood regulators in the body. As estrogen levels rise and fall, the serotoninlevels in the brain are affected which explains why women are typically more affected by mood swings than men. Estrogen also affects the growth of brain cells, which is one reason why some women may report forgetfulness during phases of menopause. 

Low Mood Vs. Depression

While these changes are notable in a woman while she is going through menopause, it’s important to differentiate between being in a low, irritable mood and being depressed. Many women are diagnosed with depression in the United States. Approximately 12 million women have been diagnosed with clinical depression, though many aren’t diagnosed. During menopause, with the changes in serotonin levels and the shifts in estrogen levels, women may find themselves in a low mood more frequently, but this is not always the same as depression. Low moods tend to be more temporary, whereas depression can last for weeks. Working with therapists can help explain what you are experiencing. 

Elevating that Low Mood


Serotonin is not only affected by estrogen levels. Exercise and a healthy diet also increase the amount of serotonin produced. Therefore, if you are experiencing symptoms of mood swings and low moods, small, important shifts in a daily schedule can be beneficial. Also, consuming foods that have tryptophan, that same amino acid that makes you slightly sleepy when you eat turkey, can help jumpstart serotonin production. Foods like salmon, poultry, eggs, spinach, seeds, milk, and soy products can also help improve serotonin production in the brain, and therefore assist in regulating mood. There are many ways to respond to your body if it is showing some of the more difficult symptoms of menopause. Thinking creatively about lifestyle changes is one of the best places to begin.

Libido and Menopause, and How to increase Libido after Menopause

Libido and Menopause

What causes sex drive? A romantic date night? Your time in your cycle? The causes for libido are limitless, and as vast as the imagination. Breaking down desire into biology and environmental factors can help isolate certain methods to remedy decreasing sexual desire. As with many changes in life, talking through the shifts is important. This can happen in intentional conversations with a partner, as well as with the assistance of therapists and counselors who may be able to help couples work through barriers. Many women tend to experience a decrease in sex drive between the ages of 35 and 64. This period of time is vast, and yet, changes in libido is not a concrete science or a guarantee. Paying attention to yourself, and your desires, is a great place to start.

Various Therapies to Increase Sex Drive

As with other symptoms of menopause, there are many hormonal and non-hormonal therapies that can be explored. Learning what works for your body, as well as noting any risk factors you may have, is a conversation worth having. Regarding sexual desire, some women explore testosterone-replacement therapy in the form of creams and other medications, though the FDA does not approve this form of hormone therapy for women during menopause. Hormone replacement therapies can lead to a renewal in sexual desire, as can changes in diet and exercise. However, it must be noted that not all women experience a decrease in sex drive during menopause. Some women actually have an increase in libido.

Menopause cycle

When looking at the biological factors of sex drive, they can often be linked to a time in a woman’s menstrual cycle. Right before and after women ovulate, many women have increased libido. However, as menstruation and therefore ovulation cease, there isn’t that extra burst of estrogen which can lead to an increase in libido. The loss of estrogen also contributes to vaginal dryness.

Women are not the only ones who may experience a decline in sex drive. Men can also experience this shift, although women are two to three times more likely to report this change. Another factor, for both women and men, is the decrease of testosterone (which yes, women have as well). Testosterone is the active hormone related to sexual response. However, even with these biological factors at play, simple over-the-counter remedies like water-based lubricants can reignite the flame and make sexual intercourse more enjoyable. Beyond that treatment, having conversations about what’s happening—and reconnecting with your partner—is important.

Emotional Factors

Anxiety and stress, along with everyday life factors—concern about work, family, friends, the community, health, education—all play a role when it comes to sexual desire. The more stressed a person is, the harder it can be to find yourself “in the mood.” Therapists recommend taking time with a partner to do romantic activities, however those might be defined for you. Planning time for yourselves, rather than just hoping it will happen, can help couples come together even in times of difficulty.

It’s Not All Bad—Good Things Around the Corner

While some women certainly experience a drop in sexual desire at some point of menopause, many women also report an increased joy when it comes to sex. No longer is there a concern for pregnancy, and the hormonal shifts of menstruation slowly disappear. The lessening of stress surrounding pregnancy can often be a huge relief for women. Redefining intimacy in these moments is important—what does it mean to you and your partner? Sex therapists recommend exploring new methods of intimacy and being open with your partner. Rather than looking at this time as something to fear, looking at it through the lens of curiosity can open up many possibilities.


Discussing Menopause with Family Members

You might notice the changes before anyone else—a shift in mood, tenderness in the breasts, irregular cycles. Perimenopause can come on slowly, and it can be difficult to explain what’s happening in your body as you adjust to the shifts. Just as it may be hard for you to understand what’s happening in your body, it can also be challenging for a partner and family to understand what this shift means. Being open with any symptoms, as well as any needs you have, is one of the best ways to move forward into this next cycle of life.

Remove the Menopause Stigma

Menopause, like menstruation, is a powerful shift in the body of a woman or person with biologically female organs. Genetics have shown correlation between the onset of menopause in women—whenever your mother began menopause can be viewed as a rough blueprint for your own transition cycle. As you begin approaching that time frame, ranging from the late thirties through mid-fifties, pay attention to your cycles to see what is happening and if any symptoms are present. Some of the common early symptoms of perimenopause, that initial phase of menopause that can last up to five years or so, are breast tenderness, lower sex drive, irregular cycles, and worsening PMS symptoms. These shifts can affect not only your relationship with your body, but your relationship with your loved ones. Begin by talking about any symptoms as they appear.

Conversation with Family

Destigmatizing menopause happens in small, important conversations. Just like talking about the phases of menstruation—the follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstruating parts of that monthly cycle– talking about menopause and a decrease in estrogen is important, not just for daughters or other women in the family, but for all people. Perhaps you notice more irritability at moments in your cycle. It’s ok, and encouraged, to talk about those emotional highs and lows. You might notice you have less energy to begin or finish projects during your menstruation and just before. This, too, is important to discuss. Just as a woman’s cycle can affect her daily interactions, menopause also can affect the small moments of daily life. It takes courage to talk about how a female body is transformed by the process of menstruation and menopause.

Conversation with Partners

Talking Menopause

When it comes to conversations with an intimate partner, the topic can be direct and compassionate. Some of the commonly-reported symptoms of menopause are vaginal tightness and dryness, responses to your body’s lack of estrogen production. This can also lead to vaginal atrophy, a thinning of the vaginal dry. These changes can inevitably affect intimate relations with a partner. Rather than feeling shame around this transition, embrace it, and learn to discuss it. You can note if certain foods, exercises, times of the month correlate with a heightened libido. As you’re learning about this new phase of your body, experiment with new practices, like Kegel exercises to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor. You can also explore other types of intimacy with a partner.

Changes due to menopause are natural, and while supplements like Effisoy can assist with minimizing those symptoms, there are communication components that must happen regardless. It is a new stage, a new cycle, and with that comes beautiful opportunities as well as new challenges.

Let’s talk about menopause today without getting a further delay in discussion with your life partner because its important to discuss menopause and find the best possible and natural menopause relief solution.

Medical Treatment for Hot Flashes

Medical Treatment for Hot Flashes

As 75-85%of women in the United States experience hot flashes, the industry for trying to treat this mysterious symptom of menopause has grown vastly. Behavioral options and lifestyle changes are always encouraged, but there is also an entire spectrum of hormone regulating medicines as well as non-hormonal options, both medicines and supplements, that all come with their own benefits and cautions.

Non-Hormonal Regulating Medications

Most women who try to regulate their symptoms of menopause use hormonal options, though there is a non-hormonal variation available. The FDA has approved paroxetine, “a low-dose selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant,” to help alleviate the symptoms of hot flashes. Other similar anti-depressant drugs are also being researched for their ability to help ease symptoms of menopause. As with any drugs, there can be side effects, even for women taking this drug for menopausal symptoms rather than depression. The dose is generally smaller when taking paroxetine, and side effects can include nausea, headache, dizziness, jitteriness or drowsiness. As with any medication, doctors should be consulted and a plan should be made before beginning a new regimen of medication.

Hormonal Regulation Therapies

Some women also choose to go the route of hormone therapy as a cure for hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. As the body produces less estrogen, replacing that estrogen or simulating the replacement of those hormones can create changes in symptoms. There are many, many supplements available on the market, which is why it’s important to research the side effects of each. Some such hormonal remedies include estradiol, conjugated estrogen, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), and compounded or synthetic hormones. Many of these hormones work to replace or add estrogen to the body, whereas others, like Effisoy, mimic the production of estrogen without actually introducing any foreign elements into the body.

Risk Factors for Hormone Regulation Therapy

A history of blood clots, vaginal bleeding, heart disease, or various cancers can relate to a higher risk of reaction for some women looking for hormone regulation. Especially with therapies that introduce foreign hormones into the system, the body can have strong reactions. Effects can range from spottiness during menstruation to breast tenderness, cramping, bloating, and more serious effects related to stroke and cancers. These correlations were explored by the Women’s Health Initiative, funded through the NIH, in 2002. Though the study did show some correlation between hormone therapy and the increased risk of these diseases, the women most affected were older, typically above age 60, and post-menopausal. Other elements of this study showed that younger women experience more benefits thanrisks when using hormone therapy regulation.

As you navigate the range of options available, it’s important to consider the purity of the supplement, the research that has gone into it, and the effectiveness. Looking to the tradition of Japanese women, as well as the significantly lower rate of menopausal symptoms, is one of the reasons why Effisoy was created for women who are experiencing the negative symptoms of menopause. Some secrets are meant to be shared, and the wisdom behind Effisoy operates from that place. What works should be shared with others.

A Menopausal Diet

Menopause is a lifestyle change, a shift in the body and mind that requires attention, care and adjustment. As a woman ages, her body reflects the cellular aging, coming to a moment when it no longer needs to sustain the cycles of elevated progesterone and estrogen. Menopause starts as those estrogen levels begin o naturally fall. Along with symptoms like hot flashes, lack of sleep, reduced bone density and changes in mood, the body has to learn how to regulate without that constant level of hormones. This can sometimes result in changes to how the body metabolizes carbohydrates as well as how the body regulates cholesterol levels. A healthy, responsive diet to menopause is a great place to begin when those initial symptoms of perimenopause come on.

The Dairy Diet

In the United States, lactose intolerance has been on the rise. Between 30 and 50 million people report various levels of intolerance, and that number is much higher for African Americans, indigenous peoples, and Asian Americans. Researchers believe that white people of European descent have lower levels of lactose intolerance as they descended from European communities where dairy has been consumed for generations. The genetic mutation to digest lactase was passed on through those lineages.

While there are varying studies on the pros and cons of lactose, it has been proven that milk can increase bone density. As women go through menopause and age in general, their bone density can decrease significantly, and a study has found that consuming lactose has helped replenish that strength. Drinking milk or eating cheese before sleep also can help with sleeplessness due to the amino acid glycine, a building block for protein, which has also been used to treat people with schizophrenia, stroke, sleep problems, metabolic disorders, and other illnesses.

Possible Assistance from Fatty Acids

In studies done looking at the effect of fatty acids on regulating the menopausal symptoms of women, results were not always conclusive but still left room for encouraging experimentation. In one study, women who consumed omega-3 fatty acids did experience relief of symptoms. Scientists note women can experiment with and document intake of omega-3 fatty acids to see if there is an effect. Such foods would include fish like mackerel and salmon, as well as flax, chia and hemp seeds.

General Healthy Eating Tips during Menopause

Consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and quality proteins are all methods of boosting the body’s overall strength, muscle mass, and bone density. Studies looking at the consumption of whole grains compared to processed flours and sugars have found correlation between heart health and diet. The healthier the heart, and other organs, the stronger the body can maneuver hormone shifts. Some studies recommend avoiding spicy food, hot food, alcohol, and caffeine, as these can be triggering for some women during menopause who are prone to hot flashes.

The greatest take-aways when it comes to a healthy diet during menopauseare to focus on what works for you. By recording what you eat and any side effects, as well as focusing on healthy eating habits, you can better understand what your body needs. Food is, of course, one of the greatest determinants of health, and access to healthy food is linked to socioeconomic status, region (where one lives), race, ethnicity, and many other factors. Therefore, the intentionality involved in finding and preparing healthy foods is not always easy, especially for women working multiple jobs, taking care of a family, and living in a food desert. To the best of one’s ability, for a woman going through menopause, trying to prioritize a healthy diet can ease a lot of the symptoms.

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Cooling Down Hot Flashes: Behavioral Approaches

When a woman is experiencing hot flashes, it can be all-consuming. She may not be able to think about anything else and yet, prevention and preparation are two of the most important strategies for dealing with this symptom of menopause. Small, important shifts can be implemented at any point in the day and may have positive effects on a woman’s experience with hot flashes. As each woman is unique, her body and menstruation included, it’s important to test various behavioral strategies to see what works individually.

Before Bed

If you tend to get hot flashes during sleep, you can make a few small adjustments to your sleeping routine to help improve the environment. Sleeping in a cold room, and drinking small sips of water before bed, have been studied to be effective. Some women also employ a bed fan, a simple cooling device, during sleep to help the body regulate its temperature. While preparing the bed for sleep, thinking about layers can also be helpful. Hot flashes are more frequently experienced as hot and sweaty in the moment, but after, the sweat produced can lead to chills and a drastic cooling of the body. Preparing for such changes in temperature can help your body regulate.

During the Day

Similarly, dressing with layers can be helpful for women who experience hot flashes during the day. A portable fan can also be used, as well as a spray bottle, potentially with an essential oil for cooling like peppermint oil. Some women find relief to symptoms by not drinking, smoking, consuming caffeine, or eating spicy food. Maintaining a healthy weight is important as well, as women who are overweightor obese have been found to have higher rates of hot flashes. Ultimately, finding ways to cut daily anxiety—through healthy practices, exercise, and diet—are all beneficial.

Herbal Remedies

There are behavioral and medical methods of treating hot flashes, but one of the in-between options includes herbal remedies. For generations, women have used herbs and tinctures to assist their bodies during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Black cohosh and red clover have been anecdotally reported as reducing the symptoms of hot flashes, though studies haven’t had conclusive results. Traditional Chinese medicine has employed Dong Quai for thousands of years to help with gynecological problems, though it, like all herbal supplements, must be researched carefully. Women who have blood clotting problems, for instance, should not ingest Dong Quai. Ginseng, kava, and evening primrose have also been reported, and in various depth studied, for their effects on hot flash symptoms. If you are experiencing hot flashes, you can also go the natural supplementalroute, based on ancient Japanese wisdom of fermented soybean, as you continue to learn about herbal remedies can be helpful in the promise.

Experiencing hot flashes during menopause is a big challenge for women’s health. If you want to cool down hot flashes naturally, then find natural relief for hot flashes, a Japanese formula by ® Juveriente.

Hot Flashes: Are You Susceptible?


When hot flashes happen, often it feels like it’s too late to do anything. Sweating, stickiness on the skin, that rush of fiery heat moving through the body. There are many methods for addressing hot-flashes which are one of the most typical symptoms of menopause. There are both preventative cures as well as treatments that can be performed in the moment.

hot flashes symptoms and solutions

Why Hot Flashes

About 75% of American women get hot flashes during perimenopause or menopause. If you are experiencing this symptom of transition, you are not alone. Though the direct cause for hot-flashes isn’t known, there are many theories. Some scientists say that changes in reproductive organs causes the changes in hormones which can manifest in hot flashes. Similarly, changes to your body’s temperature regulator, the hypothalamus, has also been linked to hot flashes. The average woman who experiences hot-flashes will have them for just over 7 years, and hot flashes can begin at any stage of menopause, as well as before menopause begins. Some women get hot flashes 5-10 years before their last period, others during perimenopause and menopause, and others after menopause ends.

Who Gets Hot Flashes

Studies regarding ethnicity and race have also found some intriguing trends in who is most susceptible to hot-flashes. African American and Latina women are more susceptible to this symptom of menopause. Women with lower education levels tend to have symptoms that last longer, sometimes 10-15 years. Lower education levels often correlate with lower socioeconomic status, leading researchers to analyze the effect that stress may have on causing hot flashes as marginalized women often experience a greater variety and depth of social, economic, and other stresses. White and Asian women are less likely to get hot-flashes. However, white and obese women are more likely to have early onset of hot flashes. Women who smoke tend to have later onset hot-flashes. African American women are three times more likely to have hot flashes that last beyond menopause. The research continues into whether or not hot-flashes are genetic or environmental.

Risk Factors of Hot Flashes

Other potential risk factors for who gets hot flashes include smoking, potentially being overweight or obese, and having an irregular menstrual cycle. However, these factors manifest in different ways, and often risk-factors related to weight or irregular cycles are linked to having hot-flashes when younger, not necessarily during menopause. Women who report living with consistently high levels of stress and anxiety are also more prone to experiencing hot-flashes.

Super Flashers

One of the newer categories of hot-flashes has been deemed “super flashers,” to denote women who have hot-flashes early on, while they’re still menstruating, and then continue to have hot-flashes during and after menopause. These women, “super flashers,” tend to have hot-flashes for more than a decade.

Overall, there are many women in the United States who experience hot flashes and have to learn how to manage the symptoms. For some women, this experience may be mild, yet for others, it can be life-shifting. There are both medical and behavior ways to address hot-flashes.

Find what what exactly cause hot flashes and night sweats, and how to get rid of hot-flashes and night sweats naturally.

Lunar Cycles, Menstruation and Ovulation

Is it true that a woman’s menstrual cycle can align with the phases of the moon? The very root of the word menstruation, and menses, come from the Latin and Greek words for moon (mene) and month (menses). Some say it may be an old wives tale– perhaps the original old wives tale– but scientific studies have addressed this very question with fascinating results. One study done by the governmental agency NCHI found that out of almost 900 women surveyed between the ages of 19-25 there was a clear trend. More women did menstruate during the new moon– the phase when the moon is dark– compared to other times of the month. In fact, almost 30% of the women surveyed were menstruating during the new moon, whereas during the rest of the month, the number of women in their menstrual cycle ranged consistently between 8 and 12%.

On the other hand, other studies have revealed exactly the opposite, that there is no correlation between the moon and women’s cycles. Clue, one of the largest women’s health and fertility websites and applications, was able to track the data on over 7 million women. Their findings showed no correlation between the lunar cycle and women’s menstruating. So, is the theory fact or fiction?

The History of the Moon and Women

There are various explanations as to why some women cycle along with the moon. Traditionally, a woman’s menstruation can align with either the new or full moon. When a cycle begins during the new moon, this is known as a White Moon Cycle. Cycling or bleeding the full moon is referred to as a Red Moon Cycle. The importance of the moon throughout history is very much tied to the cycles of women ovulating and fertility. The new moon, an era of darkness, is a time for turning into oneself, nesting, and hibernating in a sense. Bleeding during this time has been called the winter of your cycle. It is a time of lower energy and tenderness. In comparison, the light of the full moon has been used for millennia to plant crops and make decisions. With so much light, the idea is that ovulation, the time of heightened fertility, energy and libido, occurs in this wealth of warmth.

If your cycle happens to go through the Red Moon Phase, when you menstruate during the full moon and ovulate during the new moon, there are also interesting historical explanations. Flo Living, a center for women’s health and fertility, often dives into these topics, explaining myth and science. They explain that traditionally, women who bleed during the full moon have become healers, wise women, and medicine women. These women, who would have heightened energy during the new moon, would be caring for the women who are bleeding at this time.

No Right or Wrong Time

woman menstruation cycle

Woman Menstruation Cycle

A woman’s cycle is its own evolving relationship. Sometimes subject to stress or environmental factors, one of the best things a woman can do is track her cycle and see the trends, emotionally and physically, that occur at each phase. Though there is nothing right or wrong with the timing of your cycle, some studies have indicated that spending time in nature might shift your cycle more in alignment with the lunar phases. As you move through your own monthly menses, note where the moon is in its cycle, and see if there is any relationship.

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From Menstruation to Menopause. ®Juveriente’s Blog

How do you know when menopause is finally happening? For most women in North America, they will experience symptoms of menopause between the ages of 40 and 58, the average age being 51. Race, age of first period, and use of birth control pills and other fertility-regulating methods do not seem to affect when menopause begins. However, one study has found that women who smoke tend to begin menopause earlier than non-smokers. Menopause has, however, been linked strongly to genetics, meaning your biological mother’s age of beginning menopause, as well as other women in your family, might indicate when you can expect to begin this new phase of your cycle as well. Menopause begins with a stage often referred to as perimenopause, which can last from months to years depending on the person.

First Signs and Symptoms

When perimenopause first begins, some signs you might notice are mood swings, vaginal dryness, some irritability, hot flashes, and irregular periods. Perimenopause indicates that the ovaries are starting to produce less estrogen. Most women in their 40s have these symptoms at varying degrees and with varying frequency. A good rule of thumb is to begin charting your menstrual cycle, as well as accompanying symptoms, as soon as possible. Familiarizing yourself with your own phases of menstruation helps to gauge whether there are new trends developing or if you’re still within a variation of your normal flow.

Testing for Menopause

The basic definition of menopause is twelve months without menstruation in the absence of any other conditions. However, that shift from perimenopause to menopause is sometimes difficult to define. It’s important, however, as a woman can still become pregnant during perimenopause (though the likelihood is small). One of the ways some women try to understand the shift is through testing. However, many people say testing is not necessary to determine if your body is moving through perimenopause and menopause. Hormone levels fluctuate greatly, and various hormone testing, as well as saliva testing, is not as reliable because of these constant fluctuations.

Noting your own cycles and your bodily changes is the best way to sense if there is a change, though if you want to look for more of a concrete explanation, there are some methods. One method for testing is FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) testing which looks at the level of this hormone in your body. In general, if you haven’t had your menstruation for over a year and your FSH levels are consistently at 30 mIU/mLor higher, it is assumed that you have begun menopause and moved out of the realm of perimenopause. However, because perimenopause has many fluctuations, a single FSH test does not confirm that menopause has began.

Evolution of the Cycle

As your menstrual cycle changes to perimenopause and then menopause, noting your body’s response and any new mental/social/emotional/physical changes is important. Take time to document. As your body changes, and your estrogen production decreases, taking a natural supplement can help alleviate those symptoms that some women seem to experience more than others. The most important thing is to approach the transition with curiosity, to better understand yourself and your body in this new cycle of living.

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