Decreased estrogen and osteoporosis

Decreased estrogen and osteoporosis

Estrogen, which is one of the female hormones, initiates secondary sex characteristics and causes menstruation, and maintains pregnancy. Its role is not limited there but also affects the whole body. As one such issue, decreased estrogen and osteoporosis have a close relation.

Around puberty, estrogen begins to be secreted from the ovaries, leading to menarche (first menstruation). At this time, estrogen causes a rapid increase in bone density and bone maturation. Achieving adequate bone density in the early twenties is vital for future bone health.

Menopause and bone density decrease

Also, everyone goes through menopause around the age of fifty. In other words, menopause is a state in which estrogen production drops significantly. Estrogen has the function of regulating the balance between the activities of bone-building and bone-destroying cells. After menopause, it becomes imbalanced, and the multiplication of bone-destroying cells strengthens. Thus the relation of decreased estrogen and osteoporosis progress.

After menopause, women’s bone density begins to decline, and when it reaches 70% or less of the average value of young women’s bone density, they are diagnosed with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which even a weak external force can easily cause fractures, and it is one of the causes of bedriddenness due to fractures of the spine and femur.

Know your bone density at first

You will need to know your bone density first to prevent osteoporosis. If you have never had an examination, we recommend taking it once. Even if you are young, if you had late menarche or had a temporary period of amenorrhea, knowing your current bone density in advance will help you take preventive measures for osteoporosis early. It might get you started, and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.

Hormone replacement therapy for bone health

One of the treatments for menopausal disorders is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which relieves symptoms by supplementing low estrogen. Estrogen prevents the decrease in bone density, and it is possible to treat menopausal symptoms and avoid osteoporosis simultaneously.

But HRT is yet controversial because balancing the hormone existing in very fine quantity is not easy even with a doctor’s prescription. It can easily excess the appropriate quantity and leads to various disorders.

Natural hormonal therapy?

It will be good for you to try natural supplements made of natural foods. Regardless it works or not, supplements made from natural foods will not cause health issues for you, because it’s only a food and a lot of people have it with no problem.

We, Juveriente®, introduce you such natural solutions for you through two different courses.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

I have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

We have receive a lot of voices of joy with this natural supplement. The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Please learn details in our product page.


The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Natural and safe menopause supplement will be worth trying if to address your hormonal imbalance only for hair growth or weight management.Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, brings you the essence of Japanese women’s health. Some clinical researches have reported that Japanese women have far lighter menopause experience. One of its key is Miso, fermented soy paste. It is a commonsense in Japan.

Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan. This is only a natural food and we don’t call it “a therapy”, but it may be only one we can nearly call a “natural hormone therapy”.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Sleep and bone health

The growth hormone secreted during sleep affects bone growth and repair.

Sleep is necessary to maintain physical and mental health. If you do not get enough sleep, both in quality and quantity, you will experience various problems, such as feeling unrefreshed, lacking attention, and sluggish. But that’s not all. Sleep and bone health have a critical relation.
During sleep, our body secretes various hormones.
Growth hormone promotes growth in the body and acts directly on the bones to make them grow stronger. They say that “a child who sleeps will grow.” Good sleeping will secrete growth hormones well and develop children’s bones thicker and bigger.

Deep sleep is the key to growth hormone secretion and bone health

Sleep occurs because the brain, being active during the day, gets tired and rests. Seeing, speaking, thinking, and moving your limbs are all controlled by your brain. The brain, which operates at total capacity during the day, consumes energy the more it is used and needs sleep to rest. Sleeping helps your brain recover from fatigue, allowing you to work harder the next day.

On the other hand, there is a phenomenon in which people naturally become sleepy at night, even when they are not so tired. The reason is that your body clock tells you it is time to sleep because it is night. In our body, two types of autonomic nerves, the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve regulate various body functions. The sympathetic nervous system works during the day to increase body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, etc., making it easier to be active. At night, the parasympathetic nervous system lowers these to relax and rest the body. The body clock regulates such body rhythms. When you wake up in the morning, you will reset your body clock to occur the next sleepiness 14 to 16 hours later.

During sleep, deep sleep (non-REM sleep) for resting the brain and light sleep (REM sleep) to rest your muscles alternate. In good sleep, non-REM sleep, which is deep sleep, accounts for 70 to 80% and appears in the first half of sleep. Your body will secrete a large amount of growth hormone at this time. Thus it is crucial to take a good deep sleep for bone health.

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health additionally.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)




Exercise for your bone health!

Build strength and balance with your bones.

When you put a moderate load (pressure) on your bones through exercise, the cells that form the bones are activated. It makes it easier for calcium to deposit in the bones. On the other hand, if the state of lack of exercise continues, calcium will be easier to dissolve from the bones to make them weaker. Do exercise for your bone health!

Recommended exercises: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, tennis, table tennis, gateball and gymnastics. 

In addition, exercise also strengthens muscles and balance and prevents falls and fractures. A moderate exercise habit is essential to prevent osteoporosis.

Start from walking

When people who don’t exercise regularly or older people suddenly start vigorous exercise, there is a risk of injury or accidents. Moderate exercise is an effective way to prevent osteoporosis and maintain good health. Never overdo it.
Walking is a simple and safe exercise. Aim to walk 1,000 more steps a day than you do now. Exercise for your bone health is easy by starting from such a light one. 

Can you get exercise from doing housework for your bone health?

Exercise habits are the habits of moving your body. You can expect great results from your daily housework. Cleaning, washing clothes, putting up and taking down bedding, shopping, etc., are excellent exercises. They put a moderate load on your bones. If you can strengthen your bones by doing daily housework, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health additionally.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)


Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!

An essential nutrient to maintain healthy bones

We can’t produce most of the so-called “vitamins” such as vitamins A and C in our bodies. So we must take them from external sources such as meals.
We take vitamin D from foods, too. For example, from fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms such as dried shiitake and cloud ear mushrooms.
However, we can also produce it in our bodies when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!
The intaken and produced Vitamin D is metabolized in the liver and kidneys and converted to the active form of vitamin D, which exerts its effects.

Health benefits

Its effect is calcium metabolism and action on bone. Active vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which is a material for bones, and when calcium intake is insufficient, it works to reabsorb calcium from urine. It also regulates calcium deposition in bones and promotes bone formation. Calcium comes first when we think of nutrients essential for bone health. But calcium is used efficiently with the help of vitamin D.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in other benefits, such as preventing flu by increasing immunity, preventing falls, strengthening muscles, and preventing cancer and allergic diseases like hay fever.

You need sunbathing

Vitamin D is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight
Subcutaneous fat under our skin contains a type of cholesterol, which is the source of vitamin D. When this cholesterol is exposed to UV light, a chemical reaction occurs to produce vitamin D.
Prolonged vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets (osteomalacia in adults). It’s a condition in which the bones become soft due to a lack of calcium, which constitutes the bones. We used to think of it as a disease in the past, but rickets has become a problem in recent years due to malnutrition and lack of sun exposure in some infants.
The negative aspects of ultraviolet rays, such as skin troubles like spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer, are often emphasized too much, but sunbathing is essential to maintain strong bones.

Let’s take sunbathing and increase your vitamin D

Like calcium, vitamin D is a nutrient that tends to be deficient. Especially in the elderly, the ability to create and activate vitamin D in the skin tends to decline. Changes in her lifestyle, such as eating less food, going out less often, and getting less exposure to the sun, can also make her vitamin D deficient.
Also, even if you are young, people who always wear sunscreen, hats, parasols, etc., should take precautions against UV rays. The amount of vitamin D produced in the skin through exposure to sunlight is greater than the amount obtained through food intake. So, a lifestyle that avoids exposure to ultraviolet rays to the extreme can lead to vitamin D deficiency.

To supplement vitamin D, try to spend about 1 hour in winter and 30 minutes in the shade of a tree in summer. When you sunbathe, your brain will secrete a substance called “serotonin.” It will provide you stress relief, concentration improvement, and brighter feeling. Stay active in the sun to keep your bones healthy.
Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!!

You can also take vitamin D through supplements.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vitamin D among its vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)


Phosphoric acid and bone health

Phosphorus is vital for your health

Phosphoric acid and bone health have a close link. Phosphorus is an element that plays a vital role in the body. Phosphorus exists as kinds of phosphate, which is phosphoric acid salt.
Almost all phosphorus in the body combines with oxygen to form phosphate. Phosphorus is one of the body’s electrolytes, a mineral that becomes charged when dissolved in fluids such as blood, but most phosphorus in the body is uncharged.

Phosphoric acid and bone health

Bones contain about 85% of the phosphorus in the body. The rest are mainly inside the cell and are involved in energy production. Phosphorus is an essential substance for the formation of bones and teeth. It is also a building block of several vital substances, such as the substances cells use to make energy, cell membranes, and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

Foods to contain phosphorous

Phosphorus is obtained from food and excreted in the urine and sometimes in the stool. How much is excreted in the stool depends on how much you absorb from foods. In this talk about the phosphoric acid and bone health, you will like to know what food contains it richly. They are milk, egg yolks, chocolate, and soft drinks.


A condition in which the concentration of phosphorus in the blood is deficient.
Phosphorus is one of the body’s electrolytes, a mineral that becomes charged when dissolved in fluids such as blood while most phosphorus in the body is uncharged.

Hypophosphatemia may be acute or chronic.

acute hypophosphatemia

In acute hypophosphatemia, the phosphorus level in the blood suddenly drops to dangerous levels. Acute hypophosphatemia can develop in people who are recovering from conditions such as

Severe undernutrition (such as starvation)
diabetic ketoacidosis
severe alcoholism
severe burns
A sudden drop in phosphorus levels can lead to arrhythmias and death.

chronic hypophosphatemia

In chronic hypophosphatemia, her phosphorus levels in the blood decrease over time. Chronic hypophosphatemia usually results from excessive phosphate excretion. Causes include:

chronic diarrhea
Long-term use of diuretics
Long-term use of large doses of aluminum antacids
Use of high doses of theophylline (used to treat asthma)

Take Phosphorous from Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex!

You can also take care of phosphoric acid and bone health through supplements.  Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you phosphorous in shape of Tricalcium Phosphate among its vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)

Vitamin D deficiency and bone density

Middle-aged and older women are more likely to develop osteoporosis due to a rapid bone density decline in female hormones. And even the younger generation tends to have less bone density buffer due to lifestyle changes. Here I like to talk about the vitamin D deficiency and bone density.

Bones not only support the body but are also closely related to the functions of internal organs, such as the flexibility of blood vessels, the ability to lower blood sugar, and the work of the kidneys. From the beauty viewpoint, the bones in the face decrease, and it causes “sagging and wrinkles” and affects the “appearance impression.” Keeping your bones healthy is good for your body and appearance.

Calcium has a strong image of nutrients that are good for bones, but I recommend (1) vitamin D, (2) calcium, and (3) vitamin K in that order. Vitamin D deficiency and bone density have a strong relation. Calcium cannot be absorbed sufficiently into the bones with low vitamin D.

What foods contain vitamin D? Rich in fish and mushrooms. Cloud ear mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, and sun-dried shiitake mushrooms contain it richly. However, eating fish is overwhelmingly efficient. You should eat one piece of fish a day. It also helps prevent arteriosclerosis.

Vitamin D strengthens the bones and the immune system, strengthening muscles and preventing falls. I continue to take vitamin D and live with an awareness of “bone activity” and “immunity enhancement.”

I often make steamed salmon and mushrooms in foil. Sprinkle some soy sauce and sake on the raw salmon, put your favorite mushrooms and butter on top, cover with foil, and steam in a walnut frying pan for about 15 minutes. Add ponzu sauce if you like. It’s so easy and helpful!

You can also take vitamin D through supplements. Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vitamin D among its vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)


What is the best way to improve your bone health?

Bone density decreases with age. When bone density decreases, the bones become fragile, and without knowing it, it may lead to the breakage of the back and hips. In addition, even a slight fall can easily lead to fractures. It is so-called osteoporosis.
It is essential to increase bone density to stay healthy for a long time. But what is the bestway to improve your bone health?

Exercise, sleep, and nutrition are vital in building strong bones. This time, Here are the ways how to make strong bones below.

Exercise for bones

Bone stimulation increases bone density. It would be best if you also had muscle strength to keep your bones strong. Move your body with moderate exercise such as walking, running, and lightweight training to stimulate your bones.

[e.g., One-legged gymnastics]
Putting a load on the base of the foot will strengthen the bones. It will also improve the muscle strength and balance of the lower body.
Do it next to a desk that you can easily reach.

■ Gymnastics
Lift one leg 5-10 cm off the floor and hold for 1 minute. Do the same with the opposite leg.
■ How much should I do it?
1 set for left and right, 1 to 3 sets per day

Sleeping will grow bones


Again, what is the best way to improve your bone health?

If you sleep too little or too lightly, your body will not produce growth hormones, which affects bone growth and repair. Get plenty of sunshine during the day, stay active, and try to get a good night’s sleep.

Nutrition for strong bones

Eating a well-balanced diet every day is the basis of good health. Let’s be conscious of adequate nutrients to promote bone metabolism. It will make your bone strong and durable.

■ Calcium
Necessary for bone and tooth formation and muscle contraction. Milk and dairy products contain a lot of and have a high absorption rate. Soybean products and small fish are rich in calcium.
■Vitamin D
It helps absorb calcium and strengthen bones—Salmon, mushrooms, etc. Moderate sunbathing is also effective for its production in the body.
■ Protein
Collagen material enhances bone quality. It is also essential for building muscles that prevent fractures—Meat, fish, eggs, soy products, etc.
■Vitamin K
It activates proteins and works directly on bones to improve bone quality. Abundant in natto (fermented soybean), green and yellow vegetables, eggs, etc.

A natural bone supplement

Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” may be the new best supplement for elderly. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Preventing falls at home

A fall that may only cause bruises or scrapes in a young person can significantly impact an older person’s life. In addition, fractures due to falls are likely to lead to bedridden, and women prone to osteoporosis have an increased risk of fractures. Preventing falls at home is critical and it requires your cautions.

Falls at home often lead to becoming bedridden.

Elderly people and households with elderly people must be careful about “falling.” You may take tripping and falling at home too lightly as a common accident, but as you get older, your physical function declines, and your muscles weaken. Compared to when they were young, they are less able to move their bodies, and it is not uncommon for them to become more prone to stumble over only small steps or to become bedridden after a fall. Even a minor fall can lead to the need for nursing care.

Fractures can lead to bedridden or requiring nursing care…

Injuries and bruises aren’t the only consequences of a fall. As you get older, the risk of fractures from falls increases. Above all, attention is necessary for “femoral neck fracture,” which is likely to occur due to falls.
A femoral neck fracture happens near the hip joint (groin). Even a minor fall, such as missing a step on the stairs at home, can result in a broken bone. Surgery and long periods of bed rest may be sometimes necessary, and the muscles may become weak and bedridden.
As a result, the muscles of the legs and lower back become weak, and even after the fracture has healed, walking becomes difficult, and in many cases, it requires nursing care.

Note that osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures.

Muscle weakness is one of the reasons why older adults are more likely to fall.
The prevalence of osteoporosis, which reduces the strength of bones, increases with age, and falls make fractures more likely. Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, and its prevalence is about three times higher than in men. Falls are likely to occur in familiar places such as living rooms and bedrooms, so it is necessary to take adequate measures to mitigate the impact of osteoporosis.

Beauty and Bones

Bone health issues by aging

If you go out less due to self-restraint and spend less time in the sun and walking, you will be worried about losing bone mass. If such a life is prolonged, there is concern about health problems due to bone loss.
You will also need to know the critical relationship of beauty and bones.

Middle-aged and older women are more likely to develop osteoporosis due to a rapid decrease in bone density due to the effects of decreased female hormones. And even the younger generation tends to have less bone savings due to lifestyle changes.

The relation between the beauty and bones

Bones not only support the body but are also closely related to the functions of internal organs, such as the flexibility of blood vessels, the ability to lower blood sugar, and the function of the kidneys. In terms of beauty matter, the decrease of facial bone volume causes “sagging and wrinkles” and affects the “appearance impression.” Keeping your bones healthy is good for your body and appearance.

Eat well-balanced meals three times a day.

Calcium intake is vital for bone health, but it’s not the only one. Various nutrients are also required, such as vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption, and vitamin K, which helps calcium uptake into bones. It is crucial to take in enough energy and nutrients.

Skipping meals increases your chances of getting the energy and nutrients you need.

balanced diet
What is a balanced diet
Staple food (rice, bread, noodles),
Side dishes (vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, seaweed dishes),
Main dish (meat, fish, egg, soybean dish)
A complete meal.

In addition, if you try not to bias the food in your daily diet as much as possible, you can ingest various nutrients in each food.
In particular, to increase calcium intake, it is possible to incorporate green and yellow vegetables such as spinach, seaweed such as hijiki, and soy products such as tofu.

If it’s not easy to take soy foods in your daily diet, you can try supplements like Effisoy® by Juveriente®.

Healthy diet will lead to your healthy bones, and eventually your beauty.

Clinical Study of the Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis with β-Cryptoxanthin

Happy Voices from the natural bone therapy seekers

Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex has helped many people for their bone health as a natural treatment for osteoporosis. Many of them sent us happy reviews.

The following is one of them;

“I am at my fourth month of trial. I suffered a fracture of the femur last year, had a hip replacement and am still monitored with x-rays every few months. There appears to be new bone growth according to my doctor. I am happy and will continue using it.”

What makes it unique?

Find more product reviews in Amazon!

What makes this product unique is β-Cryptoxanthin. It’s a kind of carotenoid richly contained in Satsuma Mandarin Orange. Satsuma mandarin orange is one of the most popular table fruits in Japan.  This is never be a medicine but only a natural treatment for osteoporosis with a natural fruit. It’s only a fruits extract. But clinical reports back its solid support for your bone health.

Clinical Report

Osteoporosis Clinical Study
Click the image for the whole report.

This report shows the way how β-Cryptoxanthin works as a natural treatment for osteoporosis. It activates the osteoblast and restrains the osteoclast’s work. Then it boosts your bone metabolism. This is the system how these functions happen and researchers found it through in-vitro studies. They also conducted human studies. They saw the actual improvement of human’s bone metabolism depending on the intake of this vitamin. 

This is only a natural food and helps your bone.

You may not have heard of β-Cryptoxanthin and may be wary about it. But, as a matter of fact, it is only one kind of carotenoid. The actually used ingredient in the supplement is only an extract of Satsuma mandarin orange. It is rich in β-Cryptoxanthin. Satsuma mandarin orange is called “Mikan” in Japanese. Mikan is one of the most popular fruits in Japan. Most Japanese people eat a lot of Mikan in winter.

People in the region to plant a lot of Mikan eat even larger volume of it. A Japanese agriculture institute found the apparent correlation between the blood β-Cryptoxanthin concentration and the onset risk of osteoporosis there by a cohort study to track 700 women for 4 years there.

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