
Ease the Mind, Love the Self (Natural Anti-Aging Techniques #1 by Kristen Sawyer).™Juveriente’s Blog

Are you struggling to fall asleep at night? Do you feel like your mind is running on overdrive with all that you have to do? For women entering into their menopausal cycle, at whatever age that cycle begins, estrogen depletion can cause a series of symptoms. At the neurological level, menopause can manifestas loss of memory, mood swings, fatigue, and irritability. This process of the body fluctuating is natural, but it doesn’t have to be life-changing. It requires is more attention to the self, an opportunity to take time to better understand what your body and mind really need.

One of the best ways to do this is to create time in your day for personal reflection and mental exercises. There are many benefits that are proven when the mind activates through various activities, like crossword puzzles or mind games, but one of the timeless practices that can truly help during this time of transition is meditation. Meditation, and the accompanying practice of mindfulness, have been buzz words in the United States for the last few years. Though they may seem like a trendy solution, the history of these practices is rooted in daily integration.

There is nothing new that you need to become more mindful. There is no program you need to buy, nor any class you need to take. Becoming mindful, and carving out time to meditate, is really just giving the mind time to relax, to recharge, to accept the changes that are happening at a hormonal and personal level.

A Mindfulness Exercise for the Mind

Menopause Meditation

menopause meditation

During menopause, many women question their own identity. What does it mean to be woman without the cycle that has governed, in some extent, your body for the last few decades? What it means is that you are at a time of redefining, of clearing out the old to make room for the new. A meditation exercise can be woven into the morning or evening routine. These practices help align the mind with intention of the body. They can also help focus the brain so that the feelings of irritability, of moodiness, of lack of focus can be addressed.

Body Scan

As one of the core practices of mindfulness-based stress reduction, a method of mindfulness pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, the body scanis an opportunity to check in with each part of the body, to reconnect all of the parts. This exercise can take as long as you have, from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

Materials: A comfortable chair, yoga mat, or place on the floor; a timer if wanted

The Practice

Find a comfortable seat or lie down on the ground. However you want to be is fine. Close your eyes and begin by slowly counting your breaths, in and out. A breath in and a breath out count as one. The second breath in and out count as two. Do this up until ten full breath cycles, and then repeat. After counting for a few cycles of ten breaths, you will notice your mind feels more malleable, less chaotic with its thoughts. Now, it is time to check in with the body.

Begin with your left foot. Draw your attention to that foot. Envision it. What is it feeling now? Is it cold? Warm? Tingly? Whatever you feel, that is fine. There is no right or wrong way to feel. Just note the feeling. Then move your mental gaze up to your left calf, your knee, your thigh. Ask yourself as you scan each part of your body–How is this part of my body feeling?

Work your way from your legs to you abdomen, your stomach, your chest, your arms, your neck and shoulders, and finally your face and your mind. If you feel your thoughts begin to wander, just let them do so. You don’t have to corral your thoughts as if you’re training a wild stallion. Let the thoughts pass. Keep bringing your focus back to where you are in your body. When you conclude scanning your whole body, before you open your eyes, pay attention to how your body in general feels. Is it lighter? Do you feel less stressed? Open your eyes slowly, smile at yourself, at the time you’ve taken for you.

Love Mind, Love Self

This exercise can be repeated whenever you need to take a few moments to reconnect with yourself. Remember, more than anything, that during this time of transition it is important to be gentle with yourself. Approach the process of menopause through the lens of curiosity, trying to better understand what is happening in your body and what it wants as it changes into this new season of life. It is a season that is full of new blossoming, of new opportunities. It is a rejuvenation into the next phase, and a clear mind is one of the ways you can best support yourself as you transition.

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The Wonders of Japanese Green Tea – Five health benefits of green tea. ™Juveriente’s Blog

Take Health Wisdoms from the Healthy Culture

We are all bombarded with health news all the time. Drink this, eat this, don’t eat this. It’s a bit confusing. Sometimes we just want some advice. One thing that we can do to help ourselves, is to look at cultures who are healthy and then look at what they eat and drink.

The Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea, the traditional healthy drink

Green tea is a popular drink in Japan. The Japanese have known about the benefits of tea for over 1,000 years. In the writings of the 12th century Japanese monk Eisai, he encouraged the drinking of tea for good health. Tea plantations were then established in the Uji region of Kyoto in the same period. Japan has made an art form of preparing, serving and drinking tea, the world famous Japanese tea ceremony.

Although tea has been drunk for over a millennium, today’s scientists are only just discovering why the drink is so special. They are beginning to understand some of the benefits that underpin green tea’s success in remaining popular for so long.


There are two main categories of tea, green and black. Green tea is less processed and is therefore considered more healthy than black tea. Green tea plants are typically grown in higher altitudes. The sencha variety of green tea is the most popular in Japan and is made with whole leaves. Matcha tea used to be a preserve of the elite in Japan but is now readily available all over the world. It is made from green tea that is grown in the shade, so that it has higher proportion of chlorophyll in the leaves. This gives matcha its bright green color. Matcha team is stone-ground whole tea leaves.

5 benefits of Green Tea

There are many claimed benefits of drinking green tea. Five of these benefits are garnering more attention with more dollars being invested in studies to show their efficacy. Let’s take a look at these five benefits:

Anti Cancer

Because of anecdotal evidence there has been much interest in the properties of green tea that might prevent cancer. Studies have shown that substances within green tea can stop cancer cells from growing. Whilst this has been shown in the lab it is much harder to produce definitive evidence in the wider population. Green tea contains polyphenols and catechins which are anti-oxidants. It is these extracts that have been linked to reducing the incidence of cancer. Anti-oxidants mop up free-radicals, stopping them causing damage and deformations in the cells of our bodies.


One of the major concerns facing us in the States is the huge increase in the number of people developing Type-2 diabetes. It is possible that green tea can assist in the body becoming more sensitive to insulin which means that the body can react better to changing sugar levels. The results from studies have varied but in recent years studies have claimed that green tea can help you reduce the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by up to 42%.

Weight Loss

Interestingly, in a society that historically has had less issues with obesity, Japan has also had an appetite for green tea. There is evidence that green tea can help maintain weight but also can help promote weight loss . Green tea is high in catechins, which numerous studies have pointed to be the active ingredient in weight loss. In a trial, those who drank green tea had a significant decrease in their body weight and also maintained their body weight after weight loss. This is significant as given the evidence from the Japanese population that they have less issues with their weight, it could be that this is linked to drinking green tea regularly.

Brain Health

The same catechins have been shown to improve brain health. Recent human and animal studies have shown that regular green tea drinking may decrease the incidence of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease. These neurodegenerative brain diseases impact the transmission of brain signals via the neurons. It is thought that the catechins in green tea could prevent these diseases as they have been shown to assist in the “firing” of neurons.

Aiding Sleep and Relaxation

Green tea also contains amino acids. One of these, L-theanineis known to help people get to sleep. L-theanine was discovered by Japanese scientists in 1949. The amino acid is important in the formation of serotonin and dopamine. This are important chemicals in our bodies, which assist in achieving a calm state and putting the body and mind into a relaxed condition.

So, should you drink green tea?

Tea Farm, Tokyo© Francisco Antunes

The Japanese continue to drink lots of green tea to this day. There appears to be a benefit for the rest of us to take up drinking it each day too. It is now easy to get hold of in the US and green tea has the potential to help keep our bodies fit and can also help with keeping our brains and minds in tip-top shape too.


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