Understanding Bone & Teeth Calcium Loss! Causes and Prevention

Combatting Calcium Depletion in Bones and Teeth

Loss of calcium from the bones and teeth is a critical issue in maitning your quality of life. Strategies to prevent this include a balanced diet, regular exercise, and vitamin D intake.

Factors Leading to Bone and Dental Calcium Loss

Several factors can contribute to bone and dental calcium loss. One major factor is a lack of calcium intake through diet. Without sufficient calcium, the body may start extracting calcium from the bones and teeth, leading to their weakening.

Another factor is hormonal changes. For instance, postmenopausal women experience a decrease in estrogen levels, which can contribute to bone loss. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, can accelerate calcium loss from bones and teeth.

Lifestyle choices like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to calcium loss. Smoking has been linked to decreased bone density, while excessive alcohol intake interferes with calcium absorption and utilization in the body.

Certain medications, such as corticosteroids and anticonvulsants, can increase calcium loss, particularly when used long-term. These medications can interfere with calcium absorption or increase its excretion.

Lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to calcium loss. Regular weight-bearing exercises help stimulate bone formation and strengthen bones.

In summary, factors leading to bone and dental calcium loss include inadequate calcium intake, hormonal changes, certain medical conditions, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, certain medications, and lack of physical activity.

Effective Strategies to Halt Calcium Loss from Bones and Teeth

To halt calcium loss from bones and teeth, several effective strategies can be employed. First, ensuring an adequate calcium intake through a balanced diet is crucial. Foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified products, should be included in daily meals.

Regular exercise, particularly weight-bearing exercises like walking or weightlifting, helps maintain bone health and prevent calcium loss. Additionally, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is essential, as they can weaken bones and lead to calcium depletion.

Maintaining a healthy vitamin D level is also crucial for calcium absorption. Exposure to sunlight and consuming foods like fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks can boost vitamin D levels.

Reducing excessive caffeine and soda consumption is advisable, as they can interfere with calcium absorption. Lastly, regular dental hygiene practices like brushing and flossing help maintain calcium levels in teeth, along with regular dental check-ups to identify and address any potential issues.

Calcium Loss in Postmenopausal Women: Addressing Bone Health

Postmenopausal women often experience calcium loss, leading to decreased bone health. Addressing this issue is crucial in preventing osteoporosis and related fractures. Adequate calcium intake through diet or supplements is recommended, typically around 1,200 mg per day. Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or strength training, help maintain bone density.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may also be considered to alleviate symptoms and protect bone health. Still, if you have an option of natural hormone balancing, then it will be a better choice over the risk of the HRT’s side effects. Regular bone density screenings and consultation with healthcare professionals are essential for early detection and timely intervention.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

A natural supplement from natural food will be one of the best option for you to address the risk of calcium loss in bones.

Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex provides you the essential nutrients for bone health along with a Japanese bone health support food extract. 

That main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Though natural and gentle, it has garnered a lot of amazing reviews in Amazon since its launching in 2016.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.








How to Take Care of Knee Joint Pain! A Complete Guide

Understanding Knee Joint Pain! Causes and Symptoms

Knee joint pain is a common ailment affecting people of all ages. It can be caused by a range of conditions, from injuries to arthritis. Managing this pain involves understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Common Causes of Knee Joint Pain

The common causes of knee joint pain include osteoarthritis, which occurs due to wear and tear of the knee joint over time.

Other causes include ligament injuries, such as an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear, and meniscus tears, which can result from sudden twisting movements.

Additionally, patellofemoral pain syndrome, also known as runner’s knee, can cause pain around the kneecap.

Overuse injuries, bursitis, and tendinitis are also common causes of knee joint pain. In some cases, underlying medical conditions like gout or infections can lead to knee pain as well.

Recognizing Symptoms of Knee Joint Pain

Symptoms of knee pain can include swelling, stiffness, redness, weakness, and a limited range of motion.

Pain may worsen when walking, running, or bending the knee. Some causes of knee pain may involve clicking or popping sensations, a feeling of instability, or a locking sensation.

The severity and duration of the symptoms can also vary depending on the underlying cause, such as injury, overuse, arthritis, or certain medical conditions.

Consulting a healthcare professional is advisable for proper diagnosis and treatment of knee pain.

Prevention and Maintenance of Healthy Knee Joints

Healthy knee joints are vital for mobility and comfort. By adopting a lifestyle that includes regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and preventive care, you can significantly improve the health and longevity of your knees. It’s never too early or too late to start taking care of your knee joints.

Lifestyle Modifications for Better Knee Health

Modifying certain aspects of your lifestyle can have a significant impact on the health of your knee joints. These changes can include maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of sleep, and avoiding activities that can cause excessive strain on your knees. Here are major courses to improve your lifestyle for your better knee health.

Regular Exercise:

Engaging in low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and cycling can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee joint and improve overall knee health.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Excess weight puts added stress on the knees, leading to increased risk of knee pain and injury. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can reduce this risk.

Proper Footwear

Wearing supportive shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability can help alleviate pressure on the knees and reduce the risk of knee pain and injury.

Injury Prevention

Avoiding activities that put excessive strain on the knees, using proper form during exercises, and wearing protective gear during sports can help prevent knee injuries and promote better knee health.

Balanced Diet

Consuming a diet rich in nutrients, particularly foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and nuts, can help reduce inflammation in the knees and support overall joint health.

Regular Stretching

Incorporating regular stretching exercises, especially for the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, can help maintain flexibility and range of motion in the knee joint.

Adequate Rest and Recovery

Allowing sufficient time for rest and recovery between physical activities can help prevent overuse injuries and promote better knee health.

Proper Posture

Maintaining good posture, whether sitting, standing, or walking, can help distribute weight evenly and reduce unnecessary stress on the knees.

Avoiding Prolonged Sitting

Limiting prolonged periods of sitting can help prevent knee stiffness and discomfort. Taking breaks to move and stretch throughout the day is beneficial for knee health.

Listening to your Body

Paying attention to any signs of knee pain or discomfort and seeking medical advice when needed is important for early intervention and better knee health.

Essential Exercises for Preventing Knee Joint Pain

Here are some examples of exercised for preventing knee joint pain.

1. Quadriceps strengthening: Perform exercises like squats, lunges, and leg extensions to strengthen the muscles at the front of the thigh, which help stabilize the knee joint.

2. Hamstring stretches: Stretching the muscles at the back of the thigh can help prevent imbalances and reduce stress on the knee joint. Perform exercises like standing hamstring stretches or lying hamstring curls.

3. Glute strengthening: Strong glute muscles help support proper hip alignment, which in turn can alleviate stress on the knees. Include exercises like hip thrusts and glute bridges.

4. Calf stretches: Tight calf muscles can contribute to knee pain. Stretching them regularly can help maintain flexibility and reduce strain on the knee joint. Perform exercises like standing calf stretches or calf raises.

5. Balance exercises: Improving balance can enhance knee stability and reduce the risk of injury. Try practicing single-leg balance exercises or incorporating balance boards or stability balls into your routine.

6. Low-impact aerobic exercises: Engage in activities like swimming, stationary biking, or using an elliptical machine to keep the knees active and well-conditioned with minimal impact.

7. Patellar mobilization exercises: These exercises involve moving the kneecap gently to improve its alignment and reduce pain. Consult a physical therapist for proper guidance on performing these exercises.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any exercise program, especially if you have existing knee issues or joint pain.

When to Seek Medical Advice

In some cases, knee pain can be more than just a minor nuisance. It can signal a more serious issue that requires medical intervention. There’s no need to panic every time your knee hurts, but you should know when to consult a doctor. sudden severe pain, inability to bear weight on your knee, noticeable swelling, and fever are all possible signs that you should seek medical advice.

Identifying Serious Knee Joint Pain Conditions

Properly identifying the source and nature of your knee pain is crucial for effective treatment. Pain may develop gradually over time, resulting from wear and tear, or it may erupt suddenly, due to an unexpected injury. Both can be signs of serious knee joint pain conditions such as osteoarthritis or torn ligaments. Consulting a healthcare professional is the first step to identifying these conditions.

The Role of Surgery in Knee Joint Pain Treatment

Surgery should be seen as a last resort for knee pain relief when all other nonsurgical treatments and physical therapies do not work. In fact, many serious knee joint pain conditions can be successfully managed without surgery. Procedures include arthroscopic surgery, partial knee replacement, and total knee arthroplasty. A discussion with your doctor is essential to determine your suitability for these operations.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex provides you the above all 3 essential nutrients for bone health along with a Japanese bone health support food extract. 

That main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Though natural and gentle, it has garnered a lot of amazing reviews in Amazon since its launching in 2016.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.








Discover the Best Type of Magnesium for Bone Health

Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Magnesium for Bone Health

Magnesium is a critical mineral for our overall well-being, including bone health. It plays a key role in maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis. This guide will assist you in understanding the importance of magnesium for bone health and how to choose the right magnesium supplement.

Understanding the Role of Magnesium in Bone Health

Approximately 50% of the body’s magnesium is stored in our bones, contributing significantly to the density and strength of our skeleton. A deficiency in magnesium can lead to various bone-related health issues such as osteoporosis. Understanding the role of magnesium in bone health can help us maintain our bone strength and overall wellness more effectively.

Different Types of Magnesium! Which is Best for Bone Health?

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a fundamental role in maintaining bone health. There are several types of magnesium available, each with distinct benefits and drawbacks for bone health. In this article, we’ll explore these different types and help you determine which is best for you.

Comparing Various Magnesium Types! Pros and Cons for Bone Health

There are several types of magnesium commonly used for bone health. The pros and cons of each type are as follows:

1. Magnesium citrate:
– Pros: It is easily absorbed by the body and often used for improving digestion. It can also help prevent kidney stones.
– Cons: It may have a laxative effect and could cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

2. Magnesium oxide:
– Pros: It is inexpensive and commonly available in supplement form.
– Cons: It has a lower absorption rate compared to other forms, making it less effective for bone health. It may also cause digestive issues.

3. Magnesium glycinate:
– Pros: It is highly absorbable and gentle on the stomach, making it a good choice for individuals with sensitive digestive systems. It also has a relaxing effect on muscles.
– Cons: It tends to be more expensive compared to other types.

4. Magnesium chloride:
– Pros: It is easily absorbed and well-utilized by the body. It can also promote better sleep and stress reduction.
– Cons: It can cause a burning sensation when applied topically, and large doses may have a laxative effect.

5. Magnesium orotate:
– Pros: It is easily absorbed and has been shown to support heart health in addition to bone health.
– Cons: It is not as commonly available and may be more expensive.

Overall, the best type of magnesium for bone health may vary depending on individual needs and preferences. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Why the Best Type of Magnesium for Bone Health Matters

Choosing the right kind of magnesium supplement can profoundly impact your bone health. The body needs magnesium to aid in the absorption of calcium, which is fundamental for bone strength and density.

Realizing the Importance of Selecting the Right Magnesium Supplement

There are several types of magnesium supplements, each with its benefits. However, for optimal bone health, magnesium citrate is the most recommended because of its high absorbability.

Improved Bone Health! The Top Magnesium Types You Should Know About

Magnesium plays a vital role in overall health. It is particularly beneficial for bone health, promoting stronger and healthier bones. This article outlines the top magnesium types you should consider for better bone health.

Navigating the World of Magnesium Supplements for Optimum Bone Health

With an array of magnesium supplements available in the market, it can be challenging to identify the right one. This section will guide you through the process, ensuring you select the best magnesium supplement for optimal bone health.

Magnesium and Bone Health! Benefits of Choosing the Right Type

Magnesium plays a significant role in our health, particularly in maintaining strong and healthy bones. Choosing the right type can significantly impact the overall health and strength of our bones.

Unveiling the Benefits of the Best Magnesium Type for Bone Health

The benefits of the correct type of magnesium for bone health are numerous. It contributes to bone density, prevents osteoporosis, and aids in efficient calcium absorption. Explore which magnesium type best fits your health requirements.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex provides you the above all 3 essential nutrients for bone health along with a Japanese bone health support food extract. 

That main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Though natural and gentle, it has garnered a lot of amazing reviews in Amazon since its launching in 2016.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.









Understanding Backache During Menopause: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Overview of Backache During Menopause

Backache during menopause is a common symptom experienced by women due to hormonal changes. Lower estrogen levels can lead to bone density loss, frequently resulting in osteoporosis and increased back pain. Muscular tension or spinal disc degeneration can also cause discomfort. Lifestyle changes, exercises, and maintaining a healthy diet can help alleviate the pain.

In this post, let’s see further details about backache during menopause and how we can alleviate it naturally.

How Menopause Symptoms Happen and Leads to Backache?

Menopause is a natural biological process representing the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles. It’s diagnosed after 12 months without a menstrual period. One of the significant changes during menopause is a decline in estrogen levels, a hormone essential for maintaining bone mass.

This decrease in estrogen can lead to bone loss and osteoporosis, leading to pain and discomfort in the back (backache). This process can put pressure on the vertebrae and cause them to weaken, which can result in back pain.

fatigue of a woman

Furthermore, these hormonal shifts can also lead to other issues such as changes in body weight and muscle mass, worsening the back pain.

How to Improve the Menopause Backpain?

Improvement of Diet

Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help alleviate the backpain during menopasue.

Firstly, Calcium-rich foods, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables can strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Vitamin D, found in fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks, aids in calcium absorption and also promotes bone health.

Soy products like tofu and edamame have isoflavones which are said to help with menopausal symptoms as a general knowledge. We, Juveriente®, know it is isoflavone from fermented soybeans, or isoflavone aglicone, which help balance your hormone and improve menopausal symptoms.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds can help reduce inflammation, thereby reducing pain. Additionally, staying hydrated can ensure that nutrient distribution throughout your body is maximized. It’s worth noting that each person may have different reactions to some foods, therefore it’s advised to further consult with a dietician.

By Excercise

Regular exercise can help alleviate pain of the menopause backache. Stretching exercises, such as yoga and Pilates, can improve your flexibility and strengthen your back muscles, hence decreasing pain.

Core strengthening exercises are equally beneficial as the core muscles support the back. Low-impact aerobic exercises, like walking or cycling, can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce strain on your back.

Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or lifting light weights, can help strengthen your bones and prevent osteoporosis, a common cause of back pain during menopause.

However, always remember to start slowly and gradually increase your exercise intensity over your body’s endurance capacity. In addition, it is far more essential to make it a firm habit by starting from moderate intensity than pursuing a clear result quickly.

Improve Your Posture

Improving your posture and making it a steady habit can significantly reduce backache during menopause. Start by being aware of your posture at all times. Practice exercises that strengthen your core muscles, such as yoga, Pilates, or regular aerobic activities. This will support your spinal alignment and ease the burden on your lower back.

A few quick checks can also assist in maintaining good posture – Your ears should be above the shoulders, shoulders over hips, and hips over the knees while standing or sitting.

Invest in ergonomic chairs and mattresses that contribute to a healthy posture. As part of your daily routine, take short breaks to walk or stretch if you have a desk job. When lifting heavy objects, use your legs instead of your back to prevent strain.

Maintain a healthy body weight to ease stress on your back muscles. Moreover, wearing low-heeled, comfortable shoes can also help improve posture.

Remember that they say it takes around 21 days to form a new habit. So, practice these steps regularly. Go slow, be patient with yourself; you’ll notice improvement over time.

A Natural Supplement to Balance Your Hormone from Japan

A natural supplement will be another course you can take to alleviate your backache by balancing your hormones.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soybean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. It also supports various aging and hormonal imbalance issues like insomnia, weight increase by aging, etc. 

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

Natural Remedies for Joint Pain Relief: Heal Naturally

Joint pain, a common issue often arising due to aging or injuries, can hinder everyday activities and impair quality of life. While medications are typically offered as a solution, they often come with their own array of side effects. This leads many to search for a more natural approach to alleviate discomfort.

In this article, we will explore various natural remedies for joint pain relief. From incorporating specific foods into your diet, trying out certain exercises, to utilizing herbs and supplements, we aim to provide comprehensive strategies that can help alleviate joint pain naturally, and potentially improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Causes of Joint Pain

Joint pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Among the most common causes are arthritis, which includes osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and gout, a type of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the blood.

Other possible causes include bursitis (inflammation of the cushioning pads around joints), tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon), and injuries like sprains and strains.

Lupus and fibromyalgia, two autoimmune diseases, can also lead to joint pain. Infections in the joint, such as septic arthritis, can similarly result in joint pain.

Lastly, certain diseases like cancer and bone diseases can cause joint pain.

Effective Natural Remedies

This chapter will introduce you to various natural remedies that possess the potential to mitigate joint pain while emphasizing their efficacy and usage. We aim to provide a guiding light for those foraying into the realm of natural therapeutics, hoping to offer relief from joint discomfort in the most organic way possible.

Turmeric and its anti-inflammatory properties

Turmeric, a staple spice in traditional Indian cooking, has been recognized as one of the most effective natural remedies for joint pain relief. The main bioactive component of turmeric, curcumin, possesses strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer properties. It directly interacts with inflammatory molecules to reduce inflammation and pain in joints.

People suffering from ailments like arthritis can significantly benefit from it. You can consume turmeric as a powder, in teas, or as an extract for optimal results.

It’s a safe, natural alternative to over-the-counter pain relievers, but always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen.

Ginger extract benefits for joint health

Ginger extract is a potent natural remedy for joint pain relief. It’s packed with anti-inflammatory compounds like gingerols, which are known to reduce inflammation and soothe joints.

Ginger extract also increases blood circulation, alleviating pain and swelling in the joints. Moreover, ginger blocks the formation of inflammatory compounds and has antioxidant effects that break down existing inflammation and acidity in the fluid within the joints.

Incorporating ginger extract in your diet or taking supplements could help in managing joint pain and improving joint mobility. It’s a safe, non-addictive, and effective alternative to synthetic pain relievers. Regular consumption can effectively benefit your joint health.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: A Natural Pain Reliever

Omega-3 fatty acids are a great natural remedy for joint pain relief. These essential nutrients, typically found in fish like salmon or in supplement form, have anti-inflammatory properties which can soothe the inflammation causing the joint pain. The body doesn’t produce these naturally, so you have to get them from your diet.

Omega-3s work by reducing the production of chemicals that cause inflammation, and when these decrease, you may experience less stiffness, swelling, and overall joint discomfort. However, like all remedies, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement regimen. Omega-3s are not an instant treatment, so consistencyover time is necessary for noticeable results.

Benefits of Massage and Physical Therapy

Massage and physical therapy are among the most effective natural remedies for relieving joint pain. They work by improving blood circulation which helps decrease inflammation.

Physical therapy strengthens the muscles around joints, thus reducing stress on the joint and easing pain. Massages help in relaxing muscles and reducing stiffness, contributing to greater flexibility and movement.

Manipulation done during physical therapy improves body alignment and posture, resulting in decreased joint strain. Both modalities foster the body’s natural healing mechanisms, making them a safer, non-drug alternative in managing chronic or acute joint pain.

Healthy Lifestyle for Joint Pain Prevention

In this chapter entitled “Healthy Lifestyle for Joint Pain Prevention,” we explore various natural remedies for joint pain relief. We delve into the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and other habits beneficial for joint health.

Importance of Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle to help prevent joint pain. It is important because it strengthens the muscles that support your joints, reducing the burden on them. Exercise also helps to increase flexibility, improve bone density and control weight, which are key factors in preventing joint pain.

Amongst natural remedies, exercise promotes the production of synovial fluid, which lubricates the joints and improves ease of movement. Consequently, regular physical activity can provide long term relief from joint pain by reducing inflammation and promoting joint health.

Even simple exercises like walking, cycling, or swimming can benefit joint health in a significant way. Always remember to adopt a routine exercising pattern and not to stress the body excessively at once.

In conclusion, a healthy lifestyle made up of regular exercise can act as a powerful remedy in preventing joint pain. It is recommended to combine regular exercise with a balanced diet for optimal results. Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise routine.

Healthy Eating Habits for Joint Health

Joint pain can significantly impact your lifestyle. Preventing joint pain begins with adopting healthy dietary habits.

Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish, walnuts, and chia seeds, are potent natural remedies for joint pain relief because they possess strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, also combat inflammation. Include colorful veggies and berries in your diet that are rich in vitamins C, D and E for joint health. Calcium-rich foods will help maintain bone health, which directly impacts your joints.

Combining healthy eating habits with regular light exercise and an overall active lifestyle can work wonders in preventing joint pain. Avoid pro-inflammatory foods such as processed items and sugar. You need not wait for pain to begin; start your healthy lifestyle today for better joint health.

Natural bone relief taken from a Japanese traditional fruit

A cohort study in Japan reports that blood concentration of Beta cryptoxanthin, which is richly contained in Satsuma mandarin orange, shows a strong correlation. But, it is rather indigenous to Japan and China, and hard to take for people in other regions.  Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” brings you its essence to you as a natural supplement. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Understanding the Importance of Bone Density in Men’s Health

The Significance of Bone Density in Men’s Health

Facts about Bone Density

Bone density, also known as bone mineral density, is a measure of the amount of minerals, such as calcium, in your bones. This measure can help assess your risk of developing osteoporosis and fractures.

Generally, peak bone density is reached by the age of 30, after which it begins to slowly decline. Men tend to have a higher bone density than women, reducing their risk of osteoporosis.

However, men are not immune to this condition and their risk increases with age, particularly after age 50. Certain factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, and lack of physical activity may also negatively impact bone density. It’s important for men to maintain a healthy lifestyle with appropriate nutrition and regular weight-bearing exercises like walking, jogging, or lifting weights to help preserve their bone density.

Regular screenings may also be beneficial, especially for those with risk factors like a family history of osteoporosis.

Risks and Effects of Low Bone Density in Men

Understanding Osteoporosis in Men

Osteoporosis, often associated with women, also affects men and is linked with reduced bone density, which is essential for men’s health. This degenerative disease makes bones more brittle, increasing the likelihood of fractures. In men, the decline in bone density begins later in life and progresses more slowly than in women.

However, since men typically have a larger skeleton, they have a lower incidence of osteoporotic fractures. Risk factors include aging, low body weight, use of corticosteroids, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and low testosterone levels.

Preventive measures such as a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, regular weight-bearing exercise, and avoidance of tobacco and alcohol can help maintain bone health in men.

How to Increase Bone Density for Optimal Men’s Health

Diet and Nutrition for Bone Health

Optimal bone density is essential part of men’s health. Diet and nutrition play a vital role in improving bone health. Firstly, include calcium-rich foods in your diet like milk, cheese, and yogurt. Calcium is vital for bone strength.

Secondly, Vitamin D assists in calcium absorption, found in salmon, cheese, and eggs. Sunlight exposure provides Vitamin-D, so it’s good to get some sunlight.

Thirdly, increase protein intake through meat, poultry, and fish. Protein builds strong bones. Lastly, consume vegetables- they’re packed with vitamins and minerals essential for bone health. Regular exercise also contributes greatly.

The Role of Weight-Bearing Exercises

Weight-bearing exercises play a crucial role in maintaining and improving bone density in men’s health. These exercises are any activity that makes your body work against gravity while staying upright.

Examples include weightlifting, jogging, tennis, and even brisk walking. These activities pressurize the bone, stimulating cells known as osteoblasts to increase bone mass, leading to stronger, denser bones. This is especially important as men age when the risk of osteoporosis and fractures can increase.

Consistent weight-bearing exercises can also enhance joint flexibility and balance, reduce the chances of falls, and contribute to overall body strength and fitness.

Current Research in Bone Density and Men’s Health

Recent research has emphasized the significant link between bone density and men’s health.  Current studies are investigating the potential role of testosterone in men’s bone health. It has been observed that testosterone levels are directly related to bone formation and density.

Additionally, researchers are exploring treatments such as bisphosphonates and parathyroid hormone therapy as potential options for men with low bone density. Weight-bearing exercises are being recommended as preventative measures due to their proven effectiveness in enhancing bone strength as we have discussed above.

Further research is required, though, to customize treatments and prevention strategies for men’s specific needs.

New Developments in Bone Health Treatments

Take the essence of Satsuma mandarin orange with a natural supplement

A cohort study in Japan reports that blood concentration of Beta cryptoxanthin, which is richly contained in Satsuma mandarin orange, shows a strong correlation. But, it is rather indigenous to Japan and China, and hard to take for people in other regions.  Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” brings you its essence to you as a natural supplement. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Locomotive Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Overview of Locomotive Syndrome

Locomotive Syndrome is a condition that impairs an individual’s mobility due to the degeneration of their locomotive system, primarily affecting bones, joints, and muscles. Typically seen in older adults, this syndrome can lead to decreased independence and quality of life. Symptoms include pain, reduced range of motion, and difficulty with daily activities.

Prevention and management of Locomotive Syndrome is key, with a focus on maintaining physical activity, muscle strength, and bone health.

Understanding Locomotive Syndrome

Understanding Locomotive Syndrome is crucial. It refers to a condition that affects our mobility and independence, especially in the aging population. This syndrome involves the deterioration of our locomotive organs, such as bones, joints, and muscles, which hinders our ability to move and perform daily tasks.

By gaining a better comprehension of the risk factors, symptoms, and preventive measures, we can work towards maintaining good health, functionality, and an overall better quality of life for ourselves and our loved ones.

Causes of Locomotive Syndrome

The leading causes of locomotive syndrome are as the following. While understanding each factor, it’s also essential to know that this condition is complex and multifaceted, with various causes and risk factors interplaying.

Age-Related Factors

Age-related factors play a significant role in the development of locomotive syndrome, a condition characterized by decreased mobility and increased risk of requiring nursing care due to musculoskeletal problems.

As individuals age, they experience natural changes in the bones, muscles, and joints, which can contribute to locomotive syndrome. These changes include the loss of bone density, decline in muscle mass and strength, and wear and tear on joints. The wear and tear may result in joint inflammation and pain, which affect an individual’s ability to move, causing reduced mobility.

Furthermore, age-related decline in balance and coordination can increase the risk of falls, thus exacerbating the symptoms of locomotive syndrome. It is crucial to maintain an active lifestyle and engage in regular exercise, which can help prevent or delay the onset of this condition in older adults.

Inactivity and Lifestyle Choices

Some primary causes of locomotive syndrome are inactivity and poor lifestyle choices.

A sedentary lifestyle with limited physical activity can lead to weak muscles, joint stiffness, and imbalance within the body. It increases the risk of developing locomotive syndrome. Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining muscle strength and flexibility. It promotes optimal joint function, and prevents the deterioration of the musculoskeletal system.

Lifestyle choices like poor nutrition, obesity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption also contribute to the onset of locomotive syndrome. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is vital for maintaining bone health and overall physical wellness.

Obesity puts additional stress on joints and muscles, while smoking and excessive alcohol intake are known to negatively impact bone health and the body’s ability to repair damaged tissues.

Symptoms of Locomotive Syndrome

This syndrome can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life and increase the risk of falls, fractures, and overall physical decline.

Before we dive into the various symptoms associated with Locomotive Syndrome, it is essential to recognize the importance of early detection and intervention to manage the condition effectively.

In the following section, we will explore the different signs and symptoms linked to Locomotive Syndrome, helping you better understand and identify possible concerns.

Impaired Mobility and Pain

The key symptoms of this condition include impaired mobility and pain. Patients with LS often experience joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation in various parts of their body, such as their knees, hips, and lower back. This discomfort can lead to difficulty in performing daily activities like walking, climbing stairs, and even standing for extended periods.

Muscle weakness and imbalances may also contribute to the development of locomotive syndrome. Reduced muscle strength can result in poor posture, compromised balance, and increased risk of falls or injuries.

Additionally, pain and discomfort in the affected areas may cause individuals to unconsciously alter their walking patterns or posture, potentially leading to further complications and mobility restrictions.

Decreased Functionality and Quality of Life

In more advanced stages, individuals may experience limitations in performing daily activities, such as dressing or bathing, and may require the use of assistive devices for mobility.

Additionally, the chronic nature of locomotive syndrome can result in mental health issues like anxiety and depression, further impacting quality of life. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to prevent progression and maintain independence.

Diagnosis of Locomotive Syndrome

Clinical Assessments and Tests

Diagnosing LS involves a combination of clinical assessments and tests to evaluate the patient’s overall function and identify any underlying issues.

Clinical assessments typically involve a thorough patient history, physical examination, and functional assessments. During the patient history, the clinician will inquire about any musculoskeletal pain, joint stiffness, and limitations in daily activities. The physical examination focuses on evaluating the range of motion, strength, and stability of the joints and muscles.

Functional assessments for LS may include tests such as the 25-Question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale (GLFS-25), the Timed Up and Go (TUG), and the 10-Meter Walking Test. These tests help evaluate the patient’s balance, walking speed, and overall functional performance.

Additionally, imaging techniques like X-rays, MRI, or CT scans may be used to identify any underlying structural issues affecting the musculoskeletal system. Blood tests can also be useful in detecting inflammation or other markers of disease.

Early diagnosis of LS is essential for implementing appropriate interventions to slow the progression of the condition, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of disability.

Treatment and Prevention of Locomotive Syndrome

Exercise and Physical Therapy

Treatment and prevention of Locomotive Syndrome involve a combination of exercise and physical therapy to maintain and improve musculoskeletal function, balance, and mobility. Regular exercise, including aerobic, strength, and flexibility training, plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and preventing the progression of Locomotive Syndrome. Walking, swimming, and cycling are examples of low-impact exercises that can be effective in managing musculoskeletal health.

Physical therapy is another essential element in the treatment and prevention of Locomotive Syndrome.

A physical therapist can design a personalized exercise and rehabilitation program that targets specific muscle groups affected by the syndrome. Strengthening exercises to improve muscle strength, stretching exercises to increase flexibility, and balance training to enhance stability can all be incorporated into the program.

Additionally, physical therapists can instruct patients in proper body mechanics and posture to reduce the risk of injury and slow down the progression of the syndrome.

Medication and Surgical Options

Besides exercise therapy, or if you fall into more severe symptoms, you have options like medications and surgeries.

Medications like analgesics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and muscle relaxants can provide relief from pain and inflammation associated with Locomotive Syndrome. However, prolonged use of these medications should be monitored due to potential side effects.

Surgical options may be considered for those with severe Locomotive Syndrome or when conservative treatments have failed. These include joint replacement surgery, spinal fusion surgery, and other procedures to restore joint function and correct deformities.

Prevention measures, such as maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and seeking early diagnosis and treatment, are key to reducing the risk of developing Locomotive Syndrome. Regular checkups with a healthcare professional are recommended to monitor for signs and symptoms and to receive appropriate intervention as needed.

Take the essence of Satsuma mandarin orange with a natural supplement

Another option is a natural supplement.

A cohort study in Japan reports that blood concentration of Beta cryptoxanthin, which is richly contained in Satsuma mandarin orange, shows a strong correlation. But, it is rather indigenous to Japan and China, and hard to take for people in other regions.  Juveriente®’s natural bone supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” brings you its essence to you as a natural supplement. Since its launching in 2016, it has gathered positive feedbacks as the following.

Mandarin OrangeI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit. Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Health benefits of picnic

It is a fantastic season to enjoy outside activities without exposure to too strong sunlight, from Spring to before summer. Our posts stressed the health benefits of moderate exercise and communication with your family and friends. Here we discuss the health benefits of picnic.

Spring is the perfect season for picnics

Spring is the perfect season for a picnic filled with nature that is pleasing to the eye when greenery sprouts and a wide variety of flowers begin to bloom.

The trees with colorful flowers and transparent green leaves are full of vitality, and just looking at them will give you energy.

They say that the component called “phytoncide” emitted by trees suppresses the activity of the sympathetic nerves, relaxes the mind and body, and regulates breathing. We feel that touching nature heals us. It has a scientific reason behind it and it’s one of the actual health benefits of picnic.
Let’s enjoy the colorful seasonal healing with your whole body.

A picnic can be a good start for your healthy habits

One of the crucial health benefits of picnic is that you it can  be an event that lead to your waking habits.

In our post, “How can I keep on walking for my health?”, we explained five tips to maximize your enjoyment of walking. You can conduct two of them, “set a destination” and “walk with a partner” by planning a picnic.
I also recommend trying another one of the tips, “Buy new shoes and clothes.” New shoes and clothes will make the picnic more fun. Moreover, those new shoes and clothes will make you feel like walking outside even after the event.

In addition, the refreshed feeling of the positive tiredness of a picnic will tell you the enjoyment of walking.

Taste the taste of the season.

One of the most enjoyable parts of a picnic is the lunch box.
It’s fun to take a lunch box outside on a good day. It will not only be beautiful to use seasonal vegetables and fruits, but also healthy. It’s one of the health benefits of picnic.

After the winter, which mainly provides us with root vegetables, colorful vegetables, mountain vegetables, and fresh fruits are in season.

If you like cooking, use them for your dish. But don’t worry, even if you are not good at cooking. Just cut fruits, vegetables, and cooked meats like bacon or sausage into small sizes and pack them with bread, cheese, and your favorite seasonings. You don’t need cooking skills or early rising to enjoy healthy, tasty sandwiches under the sky.
Such a natural lunch box contains foods to help your health, which we have written about in our posts.

Have fun with good friends and family.

Spending time with friends and loved ones is also one of the vital health benefits of picnic.

When you’re busy with work every day, you may spend all your days off sleeping at home, and you will find that you haven’t seen your friends in a while.

A tired body needs to get enough sleep and rest well, but going outside after resting the body also leads to rest. Exercising moderately and enjoying communication and conversation with friends will refresh your mind and body and effectively relieve fatigue.

Along with a picnic, I recommend incorporating play using tools such as frisbee, badminton, catch ball, and jump rope. The comfort of moving your body in nature is hard to experience in everyday life. Going back to childhood and having fun may be the absolute pleasure of a picnic.

Anyway, let’s play in the forest.

You can have a picnic anywhere in the park with grass. But it’s Spring.

Why don’t you visit the forest where you can feel nature from 360 degrees around you?

If you have a picnic among the deep trees, it will surely be a relaxing time to take away the day’s fatigue in an instant.


Male osteoporosis; It’s not the only women’s issue.

Male osteoporosis

Men over the age of 60 are at increased risk of male osteoporosis
Women commonly have osteoporosis, but men can never be off this health concern. As men age, the prevalence of osteoporosis increases, too. Male osteoporosis can lead the patient more severe bone-breaking risk of falling than women. Don’t let your guard down, saying, “Because I’m a man, my bones are strong.”

The estimated number of osteoporosis patients in Japan is about 12.8 million, of which 9.8 million are women and nearly 3 million are men. Women are indeed more susceptible to the disease, but considering that one in four people with the disease is a man, men should never let their guard down.

Though slower than women, it surely happen to male.

Men have larger and thicker skeletons than women, so they have more bone mass when young than women. Also, since there are no sudden changes in female hormones like menopause in women, the pace of bone loss is slower than in women. But the older men are, the more they will develop osteoporosis.

In the case of men, the danger signals start flashing after the age of 60. After age 70, the number of men diagnosed with osteoporosis is about half of women. Furthermore, around the age of 80, bone mass drops to about 70% of that when young, and many men develop male osteoporosis.

In addition, the rate of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are related to the development of osteoporosis, and the rate of smoking and drinking, which affect bone health, tend to be higher in men than women. Men need to be cautious enough from this point of view.

More severe risk of male osteoporosis

Bigger and more active men injure more severely by falling.

Male osteoporosis is more likely to lead to severe conditions than females.
As we age, men and women lose muscle strength and balance, making them more prone to falling. People with osteoporosis, in particular, have brittle bones, so even a slight fall can lead to fractures. In particular, men are larger and more active, so when they fall, they are more likely to hit their bodies hard and cause fractures and head injuries. It is common for men to shut themselves up at home even after they have recovered because they are afraid that they might fall again.

As a result, muscle strength and endurance decline due to inactivity. It can lead to deterioration of overall body functions such as bone and cardiopulmonary function and mental depression. In some cases, you may end up needing support or nursing care.

The worst scenario in the end of male osteoporosis

Like women, older men are prone to fractures in the vertebral body (backbone), proximal femur (base of the thigh: including femoral neck), base of upper arm, and wrist.

In particular, fractures of the base of the thigh are likely to lead to a state requiring support or nursing care, so you need the highest caution against the fractures caused by osteoporosis. In addition, since the spinal cord passes through the spine if the spine is fractured, it may compress the nerves and cause symptoms such as gait disturbance or dysuria, or compress the internal organs, resulting in other disorders than fractures.

For men, the risk of bone fractures increases after age 70, so early fracture prevention is necessary for both women and men.

How to prevent or mitigate male osteoporosis risk?

Various natural therapies

We have introduced various ways to prevent osteoporosis naturally. The main readers will be women, but they also work for men. 

Natural supplement to prevent male osteoporosis with Amazon’s global rating 4.5!

Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex has gained a lot of voices of joy since its launching in 2016. The global average rating on 3rd May 2023 is 4.5 stars. 

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Bone Strength Supplement Reviews
Juveriente® Bone Strength ComplexWe, Juveriente®, launched our natural bone health supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” in 2016 to bring international people the bone therapy essence from a Japanese popular fruit, Satsuma mandarin orange. The above link take you to reviews posted to our Amazon shop. The effect is apparent from the clinical report and cohort study and the source fruit is popular in Japan and China.

Please learn details in our product page.








Collagen for bone and joint health

Estrogen, one of the female hormones, promotes collagen production in the human body. It retains the firmness and luster of the skin. If female hormones are insufficient, collagen production will not go well. You will need to balance female hormones in natural ways. But today, we will discuss collagen for bone and joint health.

Decrease in bone quality due to deterioration of collagen
for bone and joint health

Collagen for bone and joint health is critical in caring for bone health. Calcium is not the only component of bones. About 50% of the volume consists of collagen. Bone requires hardness and suppleness; “bone density” due to mineral components such as calcium creates hardness, and “bone quality” due to collagen makes suppleness.

rebar concreteIf you compare the bones to a reinforced concrete building, the reinforcing bars that make up the framework are collagen, and the concrete is calcium. Calcium and other substances adhere to where the elastic collagen stretches the tissue to form the bone. Just as a building crumbles when rebar deteriorates, bones cannot stay maintained without healthy collagen.

Osteoporosis, likely to cause bone fractures, is a condition in which calcium and other substances decrease, creating gaps in the bones and making them fragile. Bone density is an indicator of this. However, we have recently found that osteoporosis can occur due to the deterioration of bone collagen, even if there is no problem with bone density.

Risk of deteriorated collagen for bone and joint health

The cartilage in the knee joint is only a few millimeters thick!

Knee joint pain is more common among middle-aged and older people than osteoporosis. Many of them are due to the deterioration of cartilage function due to aging.
Cartilage is an elastic and soft bone that contains a lot of collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid. It exists in the joints between bones and plays a significant role in absorbing the impact during exercise. Still, it is a thin layer, and the knee cartilage is only a few millimeters thick.

As we age, the collagen fibers in our cartilage deteriorate, causing the cartilage to wear down and become unable to act as a cushion. The bones come into direct contact with each other, causing pain. In addition, since the subchondral bone, which is the base of cartilage, is strongly impacted, it also causes bone deformation. Collagen for bone and joint health plays such a critical role.

What foods contain a lot of collagen?

Foods that contain a lot of collagen for bone and joint health are animal foods and marine foods. Animal foods include chicken wings, bones, pig feet, and beef tendons. Marine foods include shark fins, flatfish, fish skins, and eels. In addition, gelatin is a food made by heat-processing animal collagen. Gelatin is absorbed faster than collagen contained in food, so you can easily take collagen by mixing it with drinks or using jelly.

Rebalance your hormone and refresh your collagen synthesis capacity.

We have been discussing the deterioration of collagen for bone and joints due to hormonal imbalance and how to address it. While intake of collagen from foods is crucial, it will also help you if you improve the root cause, hormonal imbalance in an natural way.

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016.

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It helps the precursor, DHEA, and then help men and women respectively in line with their natural systems. The hormone boost doesn’t provide the only relief from menopausal symptoms. But, it also supports various aging issues including your collagen synthesis capacity. It is not limited only for menopause people, but also after menopause or older.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan. 

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