Senile osteoporosis symptoms, prevention and therapies

Today we will discuss about osteoporosis focusing on senile osteoporosis symptoms. What are the differences from other types and how can you prevent and treat?

What is osteoporosis

In a disease where bone density decreases, bones gradually become brittle and prone to fractures. It is osteoporosis. There are two types.
The first type is primary osteoporosis. There is no specific cause, just functional bone formation and resorption abnormalities.
There are three types of primary osteoporosis.

(1) Postmenopausal osteoporosis
(2) Senile osteoporosis
(3) Idiopathic osteoporosis

Osteoporosis in older women is a mixture of two components: postmenopausal osteoporosis and senile osteoporosis.

The second type is secondary osteoporosis. It happens upon another underlying disease.

About senile osteoporosis

A deficiency of estrogen, the primary female hormone, causes postmenopausal osteoporosis. Estrogen works in women’s bodies to regulate calcium uptake into bones. Postmenopausal osteoporosis usually affects postmenopausal women between the ages of 51 and 75, although it can occur earlier or later in some women.

On the other hand, we think senile osteoporosis is caused by age-related calcium and vitamin D deficiency and an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation. It usually affects people over 70 and is twice as common in women as in men.

Senile osteoporosis symptoms

(1) The most significant difference in senile osteoporosis is not in the symptoms but the age when it happens.  That is, the aftermath of possible bone fractures. Once a fracture occurs, it may force long-term rest, leading to “bedridden.” for older people. (Falls are the most common cause of bone fractures in them!)

(2) The symptoms are almost the same as other osteoporosis. The loss of bone density progresses very slowly. For this reason, there are no symptoms in the early stages of osteoporosis, and even as the disease progresses, subjective symptoms may not appear at all. When bone density decreases and bone deformation or fracture occurs, sudden intense pain, gradual aching bone pain, and body deformation appear.
In long bones such as arms and legs, the epiphysis (base of the bone) is fractured rather than the center of the bone.
In the spinal column (vertebrae), fractures are more likely to occur from the middle of the back to the lower back. The spine is particularly prone to fractures due to osteoporosis.

Prevention of senile osteoporosis

Prevention works much better than treatment for osteoporosis in most cases. You should maintain and increase bone density to prevent osteoporosis by; taking adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D, engaging in weight-bearing exercise, and, in some people, taking drugs.

Estrogen replacement therapy helps women maintain bone density.
This treatment is most effective within 4-6 years after menopause, but it will work even later.
The decision to implement estrogen replacement therapy after menopause is complicated. This treatment has side effects and risks. It increases the risk of developing uterine cancer and slightly increases the risk of breast cancer.
Taking progesterone with estrogen reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer. However, the risk of developing breast cancer does not change.

Natural supplements for senile osteoporosis symptoms

Hormone replacement therapy and osteoporosis medicines may be too strong. On the other hand, natural supplements help women of any age without reverse effects because they are only from foods. We, Juveriente®, recommend you two types of our natural supplements to address senile osteoporosis. 

Bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

 Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex has gained a lot of voices of joy since its launching in 2016. 

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.









A natural hormone balancer

Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, based on fermented soy bean germ extract has been loved as a natural menopause relief since its launching in 2016. 

Its primary function is to boost the weakened synthesis of a hormone precursor, DHEA. It’s safe as it only heals the natural synthesis function. This product has gained a lot of happy reviews as a menopausal symptoms reliever. But it also helps you after menopause because it boosts natural hormone synthesis and balances necessary hormones for people of any age.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ

The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.


Which type of exercise contributes most to building strong bones?

Which type of exercise contributes most to building strong bones?

Which type of exercise contributes most to building strong bones? They say that physical stimulation to the long axis of the bone causes a transmission of a small amount of electric current to the bone and increases its strength.

We know that the bone density of athletes is higher than that of the general population. Still, not all athletes show excellent bone density, and we think that the greater the physical overload, the higher the bone density increase. For example, they say swimmers who do not overload themselves have less bone density than athletes who use the ground on land. Therefore, an exercise that is effective for protecting bones is an exercise that involves a lot of load and impact.

Actual types of exercise to build strong bones

Jumping, for example, is effective. There is a report that a premenopausal woman improved her bone density with 50 jumps per day. Other activities such as volleyball, basketball, jump rope, and jogging will also have similar effects.Jump Rope
Older people should be careful as they may hurt their backs and knees. Some of suitable types of exercise to contribute most to building bones for them will be “back muscle exercise,” “single leg standing,” and “squat.” Also, walking will be suitable.
Instead of strolling, take vast strides with an upright posture, and walk rhythmically. Also, spending more time climbing stairs and walking can help your bones.
Walking with light dumbbells is called dumbbell walking. Walking with more resistance slightly to your body weight will add to the effect.

Work-out for bone building

Since bones are usually connected to muscles by tendons, work-out is also effective exercise to contribute to building strong bones by directly stimulating the bones.workout woman
When you do work-out using a weight machine, your muscles contract strongly every time you lift a weight, and it will transmit the stimulus to your bones. In addition, work-out can strengthen the upper body bones while walking or jogging alone don’t. It is also practical because you can selectively train your weak parts.

On the other hand, you need to be careful about injuries, falls, and fractures caused by exercise. The number of older people who break bones at fitness clubs is increasing. Be very careful of exercise fractures.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

It will be a good idea to take a natural bone strength supplement in addition to the above exercises. Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex has gained a lot of voices of joy since its launching in 2016. 

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.









3 Essential Nutrients for Bone Health

Calcium is an essential nutrient for bones. Then, is it safe for bones if you take only calcium? The answer is “NO.” To build healthy bones, it is crucial to take in a well-balanced intake of the 3 essential nutrients for bone health, “calcium,” “vitamin D,” and “vitamin K2,“. Vitamin D and K2 help your body properly absorb calcium and promote its deposition in the bones. The three nutrients shape the “Golden Triangle of Bones.”

[calcium] becomes material for bones and teeth

1 of 3 essential nutrients for bone health

It is an essential nutrient for bones, and at the same time, it is a critical substance in all cell functions and nerve transmission, so a constant concentration is vital in the blood. If you don’t get enough calcium from your diet, your body will extract and use calcium from your bones instead. It leads to brittle bones and teeth.

RICH IN: dairy foods, small fish, sea weed

[Vitamin D] increases absorption of calcium in the intestine

2 of 3 essential nutrients for bone health

A fat-soluble vitamin that helps support bone health. This vitamin aids the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestinal tract, increases blood calcium concentration, and promotes bone formation and mineralization. While you can take it from food, your body will synthesize it through exposure to sunlight. Insufficient vitamin D is a factor that hinders bone growth in children and causes osteoporosis in the elderly.

RICH IN: salmon, dried fish

[Vitamin K2] helps deposit calcium in bones

3 of 3 essential nutrients for bone health

A fat-soluble vitamin made by microorganisms that helps strengthen bones. It is also involved in a protein called osteocalcin, which is necessary for bone formation. It also has a blood-clotting effect that seals wounds when injured. Deficiency can lead to bleeding and osteoporosis. Among vitamin K, we think that vitamin K2 will be able to maintain nutritional status longer.

RICH IN: natto, cheese, beef liver, chicken

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

Juveriente®’s Bone Strength Complex provides you the above all 3 essential nutrients for bone health along with a Japanese bone health support food extract. 

That main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Though natural and gentle, it has garnered a lot of amazing reviews in Amazon since its launching in 2016.

If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.









Is oatmeal good for osteoporosis?

Is oatmeal good for osteoporosis?

Is oatmeal good for osteoporosis? Today we discuss about this question, we sometimes hear as the supplier of our natural bone therapy supplement.

Oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber and nutritionally balanced, oatmeal is a strong ally for women. It is one of the ingredients that you can expect the improvement effects from physical disorders in each scene of a woman’s life.

Oatmeal’s common nutrient aspect

The reason is the nutrients contained in oatmeal.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin E

Oatmeal is high in iron and calcium, often deficient in women, and helps prevent common conditions such as anemia and osteoporosis.

It also contains minerals such as magnesium and vitamins such as B and E.

Magnesium may have a calming effect.

Vitamin B6 is known for its hormonal balance, and vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties that slow aging.

Thanks to these minerals and vitamins, for example, they say it relieves symptoms such as menstrual syndrome and menopause.

In addition, you can supplement your calcium by combining oatmeal with milk or yogurt for your breakfast.
One cup of milk contains 220 mg of calcium, and half a cup of yogurt contains 120 mg.

Special nutrient aspect

In addition to these well-known nutrients, oatmeal also contains lignan.

Lignan is a polyphenol type classified as phytoestrogen, acting like the female hormone estrogen. Lignans may assist in the action of decreased female hormones.

Downside of oatmeal

100g of oatmeal contains 0.4-2.2g of phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc. A common way to reduce phytic acid is to soak it in water for a long time (overnight) or ferment it.

2 different course to support osteoporosis from Juveriente®

While oatmeal is fine to support your osteoporosis issue, Juveriente® offers you 2 different natural supplements to address it. One is directly a natural bone supplement and the other is a natural menopausal relief supplement.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines.

This product also contain necessary vitamins for bone health. If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.









The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

You may think of hormonal replacement therapy to adrress menopausal hormonal imbalance. But, needless to say, it’s better to try natural supplements extracted from natural foods before trying a too strong medical care. Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, brings you the essence of Japanese women’s health. Some clinical researches have reported that Japanese women have far lighter menopause experience. One of its key is Miso, fermented soy paste. It is a commonsense in Japan.

Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan. This is only natural food, and we don’t call it “therapy,” but it may be your answer to how to treat menopause depression naturally.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Bone Strength Supplement Reviews

Since 2016, Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex

We, Juveriente®, launched our natural bone health supplement, “Bone Strength Complex” in 2016 to bring international women the bone therapy essence from a Japanese popular fruit, Satsuma mandarin orange. Today we introduce you some of the bone strength supplement reviews posted to our Amazon shop.

The effect is apparent from the clinical report and cohort study and the source fruit is popular in Japan and China. In addition, the extract powder contained in the Bone Strength Complex, called “Beta Cryptoxanthine” as the branded natural food ingredient, is made by one of the Japanese enterprise manufacturer and the quality is highly reliable.

Regardless of such ideal bases, there had been no supplement brands to introduce this wonderful and natural bone health extract. We believed it will surely help those who want natural therapy for their bone health concerns and be happy to have received a lot of happy voices since 2016. 

Actual happy reviews in our Amazon shop

Bone strength supplement review 1

This product works!

Enjoying Anti Aging WomenI have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.

Bone strength supplement review 2
Juveriente Bone Strength Complex was highly recommended by a friend of mine who eliminated her osteopenia in just a few months. She had it very well documented with bone density tests. I am at my fourth month of trial. I suffered a fracture of the femur last year, had a hip replacement and am still monitored with x-rays every few months. There appears to be new bone growth according to my doctor. I am happy and will continue using it.

Bone supplement review 3
I had been diagnosed with osteopenia in my hips several years ago and had been taking calcium/magnesium supplements with little effect. I have now been taking Bone Strength Complex for 4 months and the results from my recent scan show perfectly normal bones, no more osteopenia! I had not really changed my diet or started exercising more, so it must be the Bone Strength Complex. I would definitely recommend this.

Bone supplement review 4
Slowly increased my osteoporosis testing score

Now, it may be your turn to embark on a natural health journey with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex!

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines.

This product also contain necessary vitamins for bone health. If you like to try multi-vitamin supplement, how about adding the natural bone therapy fruit extract with Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex?

Please learn details in our product page.






Osteoporosis drugs and side effects

We Juveriente® is providing a natural bone supplement, Bone Strength Complex, to those who need natural therapy of bone health since 2016. It has received high reputation as great reviews in Amazon. While the fans of our product will prefer only natural therapies at first, it will be worth knowing osteoporosis drugs and side effects as your knowledge.

Three types of drugs

Osteoporosis drugs balance the work of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. There are three types by following functions:

(1) to suppress bone absorption
(2) to enhance bone genesis
(3) to rebalance bone metabolism

Doctors will choose one from a wide range of drugs according to the patient’s “fracture risk,” “age,” “lifestyle,” etc. In addition, the appropriate medicine differs depending on the fracture site, such as “drugs that are highly effective for the spine” and “drugs that are highly effective for the bone at the base of the thigh.”

Proper and consistent use of osteoporosis drugs can increase bone density and reduce the risk of fractures. People with a disease that causes bone loss or without enough exercise or nutrition should continue their medication. In either cases, you will need to consult with the osteoporosis drugs and side effects with your doctor.

Drugs that suppress the bone absorption

Osteoporosis drugs that suppress bone absorption activity suppress the activity of osteoclasts, maintaining a balance with bone formation. There are “Bisphosphonates,” “Denosumab,” and “SERM.”


Bisphosphonates vary by administration types, oral administration, injection at a medical institution, or IV dripping.

Oral medicine has some variations in dosing intervals, such as once a day, once a week, and once a month.

IV drugs have two types, once every four weeks and once a year.

The once-a-year type will be suitable for people who require nursing care, people with dementia, and those who take many medicines for other diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

When taking Bisphosphonates, patients should be fasted before and after the administration and remain upright for 30 to 60 minutes after taking the drug.

Eating before or after taking medicine will hamper absorption significantly and affect the therapeutic effect. In addition, if you lie down immediately after taking the drug, the ingredients of the drug may flow back up, causing esophageal inflammation or ulcers.


Denosumab is a medicine injected subcutaneously at a medical institution once every six months. The effect of increasing bone density is high, and it is for relatively severe cases. It is a new drug with a long dosing interval.


SERMs act like the female hormone estrogen. It is mainly for postmenopausal women in their 50s and 60s who are not at high risk of fractures.

Drugs that enhance the function of building bones

Osteoporosis drugs that enhance the function of bone formation promote the osteoblasts to form bone and maintain a balance with bone absorption. There is a “parathyroid hormone drug.” One type is injected at a medical institution once a week, and the other is self-injected once a day. This drug is for people with multiple fractures and extremely low bone density. You can use it for up to 24 months.
In February 2019, a once-a-month injection called “Romolizumab,” which simultaneously has the characteristics of “suppressing bone absorption and promoting bone genesis, was released.

Drugs to rebalance bone metabolism

Since this type of medicine suppresses bone absorption and promotes bone genesis, it is a drug that adjusts the balance of bone metabolism through both actions. There is an “active vitamin D3 medicine.” It suppresses osteoclasts’ activity and, consequently, bone absorption. It also promotes calcium absorption from the small intestine and promotes bone formation.

About side effects

Here I explain about osteoporosis drugs and side effects. Some Bisphosphonates may cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and stomach pain, while SERMs may worsen menopausal symptoms. Active vitamin D3 drugs, on the other hand, are characterized by fewer serious side effects.
In addition, as a side effect of Bisphosphonates and Denosumab, which suppress the action of bone absorption, cases of jawbone necrosis during dental treatment, such as tooth extraction, have been reported as rare cases. When you receive dental treatment, tell your dentist that you are using the medicine that suppresses bone absorption, and also make efforts to manage oral hygiene. Although rare, atypical femoral fractures also happen.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

I have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

We have receive a lot of voices of joy with this natural supplement. The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Needless to say, it is better to try a natural food before jumping to strong medicines. Please learn details in our product page.



Decreased estrogen and osteoporosis

Decreased estrogen and osteoporosis

Estrogen, which is one of the female hormones, initiates secondary sex characteristics and causes menstruation, and maintains pregnancy. Its role is not limited there but also affects the whole body. As one such issue, decreased estrogen and osteoporosis have a close relation.

Around puberty, estrogen begins to be secreted from the ovaries, leading to menarche (first menstruation). At this time, estrogen causes a rapid increase in bone density and bone maturation. Achieving adequate bone density in the early twenties is vital for future bone health.

Menopause and bone density decrease

Also, everyone goes through menopause around the age of fifty. In other words, menopause is a state in which estrogen production drops significantly. Estrogen has the function of regulating the balance between the activities of bone-building and bone-destroying cells. After menopause, it becomes imbalanced, and the multiplication of bone-destroying cells strengthens. Thus the relation of decreased estrogen and osteoporosis progress.

After menopause, women’s bone density begins to decline, and when it reaches 70% or less of the average value of young women’s bone density, they are diagnosed with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which even a weak external force can easily cause fractures, and it is one of the causes of bedriddenness due to fractures of the spine and femur.

Know your bone density at first

You will need to know your bone density first to prevent osteoporosis. If you have never had an examination, we recommend taking it once. Even if you are young, if you had late menarche or had a temporary period of amenorrhea, knowing your current bone density in advance will help you take preventive measures for osteoporosis early. It might get you started, and I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.

Hormone replacement therapy for bone health

One of the treatments for menopausal disorders is hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which relieves symptoms by supplementing low estrogen. Estrogen prevents the decrease in bone density, and it is possible to treat menopausal symptoms and avoid osteoporosis simultaneously.

But HRT is yet controversial because balancing the hormone existing in very fine quantity is not easy even with a doctor’s prescription. It can easily excess the appropriate quantity and leads to various disorders.

Natural hormonal therapy?

It will be good for you to try natural supplements made of natural foods. Regardless it works or not, supplements made from natural foods will not cause health issues for you, because it’s only a food and a lot of people have it with no problem.

We, Juveriente®, introduce you such natural solutions for you through two different courses.

The natural bone strength complex made from Satsuma mandarin orange

I have been taking Juveriente Bone Strength Complex for two years. I was waiting for my bone density test this year to write a review. My bone density test results improved. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis two years ago. The prescription medications for Osteoporosis have too many side affects and I was looking for a good alternative. I am proud to report this product works and has no side affects. The gel capsules are easy to swallow.” (Nov. 17th 2022, a product review for our Amazon shop)

We have receive a lot of voices of joy with this natural supplement. The main functional ingredient is simply an extract of a Japanese popular citrus fruit!! Please learn details in our product page.


The Natural menopause supplement with excellent reviews in Amazon

Natural and safe menopause supplement will be worth trying if to address your hormonal imbalance only for hair growth or weight management.Juveriente®’s Effisoy, launched in 2016, brings you the essence of Japanese women’s health. Some clinical researches have reported that Japanese women have far lighter menopause experience. One of its key is Miso, fermented soy paste. It is a commonsense in Japan.

Fermented foods are often hard to eat for people of other dietary cultures. But you can take the essence easily through the supplement. Effisoy is the only supplement brand to bring you fermented soy extract outside Japan. This is only a natural food and we don’t call it “a therapy”, but it may be only one we can nearly call a “natural hormone therapy”.

Here are some of the real product reviews in our Amazon shop.

“Restful sleep finally!!”, “I Am Now Free of Hot Flashes!!”, “Lifesaver”

LEARN MORE About Effisoy, made of fermented soy bean germ
The only supplement to contain fermented soy isoflavone beside Japan.

Sleep and bone health

The growth hormone secreted during sleep affects bone growth and repair.

Sleep is necessary to maintain physical and mental health. If you do not get enough sleep, both in quality and quantity, you will experience various problems, such as feeling unrefreshed, lacking attention, and sluggish. But that’s not all. Sleep and bone health have a critical relation.
During sleep, our body secretes various hormones.
Growth hormone promotes growth in the body and acts directly on the bones to make them grow stronger. They say that “a child who sleeps will grow.” Good sleeping will secrete growth hormones well and develop children’s bones thicker and bigger.

Deep sleep is the key to growth hormone secretion and bone health

Sleep occurs because the brain, being active during the day, gets tired and rests. Seeing, speaking, thinking, and moving your limbs are all controlled by your brain. The brain, which operates at total capacity during the day, consumes energy the more it is used and needs sleep to rest. Sleeping helps your brain recover from fatigue, allowing you to work harder the next day.

On the other hand, there is a phenomenon in which people naturally become sleepy at night, even when they are not so tired. The reason is that your body clock tells you it is time to sleep because it is night. In our body, two types of autonomic nerves, the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve regulate various body functions. The sympathetic nervous system works during the day to increase body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, etc., making it easier to be active. At night, the parasympathetic nervous system lowers these to relax and rest the body. The body clock regulates such body rhythms. When you wake up in the morning, you will reset your body clock to occur the next sleepiness 14 to 16 hours later.

During sleep, deep sleep (non-REM sleep) for resting the brain and light sleep (REM sleep) to rest your muscles alternate. In good sleep, non-REM sleep, which is deep sleep, accounts for 70 to 80% and appears in the first half of sleep. Your body will secrete a large amount of growth hormone at this time. Thus it is crucial to take a good deep sleep for bone health.

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health additionally.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)




Exercise for your bone health!

Build strength and balance with your bones.

When you put a moderate load (pressure) on your bones through exercise, the cells that form the bones are activated. It makes it easier for calcium to deposit in the bones. On the other hand, if the state of lack of exercise continues, calcium will be easier to dissolve from the bones to make them weaker. Do exercise for your bone health!

Recommended exercises: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, tennis, table tennis, gateball and gymnastics. 

In addition, exercise also strengthens muscles and balance and prevents falls and fractures. A moderate exercise habit is essential to prevent osteoporosis.

Start from walking

When people who don’t exercise regularly or older people suddenly start vigorous exercise, there is a risk of injury or accidents. Moderate exercise is an effective way to prevent osteoporosis and maintain good health. Never overdo it.
Walking is a simple and safe exercise. Aim to walk 1,000 more steps a day than you do now. Exercise for your bone health is easy by starting from such a light one. 

Can you get exercise from doing housework for your bone health?

Exercise habits are the habits of moving your body. You can expect great results from your daily housework. Cleaning, washing clothes, putting up and taking down bedding, shopping, etc., are excellent exercises. They put a moderate load on your bones. If you can strengthen your bones by doing daily housework, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Natural and safe supplements will support your bone health additionally.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vital vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)


Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!

An essential nutrient to maintain healthy bones

We can’t produce most of the so-called “vitamins” such as vitamins A and C in our bodies. So we must take them from external sources such as meals.
We take vitamin D from foods, too. For example, from fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms such as dried shiitake and cloud ear mushrooms.
However, we can also produce it in our bodies when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!
The intaken and produced Vitamin D is metabolized in the liver and kidneys and converted to the active form of vitamin D, which exerts its effects.

Health benefits

Its effect is calcium metabolism and action on bone. Active vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which is a material for bones, and when calcium intake is insufficient, it works to reabsorb calcium from urine. It also regulates calcium deposition in bones and promotes bone formation. Calcium comes first when we think of nutrients essential for bone health. But calcium is used efficiently with the help of vitamin D.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in other benefits, such as preventing flu by increasing immunity, preventing falls, strengthening muscles, and preventing cancer and allergic diseases like hay fever.

You need sunbathing

Vitamin D is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight
Subcutaneous fat under our skin contains a type of cholesterol, which is the source of vitamin D. When this cholesterol is exposed to UV light, a chemical reaction occurs to produce vitamin D.
Prolonged vitamin D deficiency can lead to rickets (osteomalacia in adults). It’s a condition in which the bones become soft due to a lack of calcium, which constitutes the bones. We used to think of it as a disease in the past, but rickets has become a problem in recent years due to malnutrition and lack of sun exposure in some infants.
The negative aspects of ultraviolet rays, such as skin troubles like spots, wrinkles, and skin cancer, are often emphasized too much, but sunbathing is essential to maintain strong bones.

Let’s take sunbathing and increase your vitamin D

Like calcium, vitamin D is a nutrient that tends to be deficient. Especially in the elderly, the ability to create and activate vitamin D in the skin tends to decline. Changes in her lifestyle, such as eating less food, going out less often, and getting less exposure to the sun, can also make her vitamin D deficient.
Also, even if you are young, people who always wear sunscreen, hats, parasols, etc., should take precautions against UV rays. The amount of vitamin D produced in the skin through exposure to sunlight is greater than the amount obtained through food intake. So, a lifestyle that avoids exposure to ultraviolet rays to the extreme can lead to vitamin D deficiency.

To supplement vitamin D, try to spend about 1 hour in winter and 30 minutes in the shade of a tree in summer. When you sunbathe, your brain will secrete a substance called “serotonin.” It will provide you stress relief, concentration improvement, and brighter feeling. Stay active in the sun to keep your bones healthy.
Here comes the sun, Vitamin D!!

You can also take vitamin D through supplements.

Juveriente’s Bone Strength Complex will provide you vitamin D among its vitamin set for bone health while it also helps your bone health from the cellular level. (Learn about it more here.)


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