Preventing falls at home

A fall that may only cause bruises or scrapes in a young person can significantly impact an older person’s life. In addition, fractures due to falls are likely to lead to bedridden, and women prone to osteoporosis have an increased risk of fractures. Preventing falls at home is critical and it requires your cautions.

Falls at home often lead to becoming bedridden.

Elderly people and households with elderly people must be careful about “falling.” You may take tripping and falling at home too lightly as a common accident, but as you get older, your physical function declines, and your muscles weaken. Compared to when they were young, they are less able to move their bodies, and it is not uncommon for them to become more prone to stumble over only small steps or to become bedridden after a fall. Even a minor fall can lead to the need for nursing care.

Fractures can lead to bedridden or requiring nursing care…

Injuries and bruises aren’t the only consequences of a fall. As you get older, the risk of fractures from falls increases. Above all, attention is necessary for “femoral neck fracture,” which is likely to occur due to falls.
A femoral neck fracture happens near the hip joint (groin). Even a minor fall, such as missing a step on the stairs at home, can result in a broken bone. Surgery and long periods of bed rest may be sometimes necessary, and the muscles may become weak and bedridden.
As a result, the muscles of the legs and lower back become weak, and even after the fracture has healed, walking becomes difficult, and in many cases, it requires nursing care.

Note that osteoporosis increases the risk of fractures.

Muscle weakness is one of the reasons why older adults are more likely to fall.
The prevalence of osteoporosis, which reduces the strength of bones, increases with age, and falls make fractures more likely. Osteoporosis is more common in women than men, and its prevalence is about three times higher than in men. Falls are likely to occur in familiar places such as living rooms and bedrooms, so it is necessary to take adequate measures to mitigate the impact of osteoporosis.

Beauty and Bones

Bone health issues by aging

If you go out less due to self-restraint and spend less time in the sun and walking, you will be worried about losing bone mass. If such a life is prolonged, there is concern about health problems due to bone loss.
You will also need to know the critical relationship of beauty and bones.

Middle-aged and older women are more likely to develop osteoporosis due to a rapid decrease in bone density due to the effects of decreased female hormones. And even the younger generation tends to have less bone savings due to lifestyle changes.

The relation between the beauty and bones

Bones not only support the body but are also closely related to the functions of internal organs, such as the flexibility of blood vessels, the ability to lower blood sugar, and the function of the kidneys. In terms of beauty matter, the decrease of facial bone volume causes “sagging and wrinkles” and affects the “appearance impression.” Keeping your bones healthy is good for your body and appearance.

Eat well-balanced meals three times a day.

Calcium intake is vital for bone health, but it’s not the only one. Various nutrients are also required, such as vitamin D, which promotes calcium absorption, and vitamin K, which helps calcium uptake into bones. It is crucial to take in enough energy and nutrients.

Skipping meals increases your chances of getting the energy and nutrients you need.

balanced diet
What is a balanced diet
Staple food (rice, bread, noodles),
Side dishes (vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, seaweed dishes),
Main dish (meat, fish, egg, soybean dish)
A complete meal.

In addition, if you try not to bias the food in your daily diet as much as possible, you can ingest various nutrients in each food.
In particular, to increase calcium intake, it is possible to incorporate green and yellow vegetables such as spinach, seaweed such as hijiki, and soy products such as tofu.

If it’s not easy to take soy foods in your daily diet, you can try supplements like Effisoy® by Juveriente®.

Healthy diet will lead to your healthy bones, and eventually your beauty.

Clinical Study of the Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis with β-Cryptoxanthin

Happy Voices from the natural bone therapy seekers

Juveriente® Bone Strength Complex has helped many people for their bone health as a natural treatment for osteoporosis. Many of them sent us happy reviews.

The following is one of them;

“I am at my fourth month of trial. I suffered a fracture of the femur last year, had a hip replacement and am still monitored with x-rays every few months. There appears to be new bone growth according to my doctor. I am happy and will continue using it.”

What makes it unique?

Find more product reviews in Amazon!

What makes this product unique is β-Cryptoxanthin. It’s a kind of carotenoid richly contained in Satsuma Mandarin Orange. Satsuma mandarin orange is one of the most popular table fruits in Japan.  This is never be a medicine but only a natural treatment for osteoporosis with a natural fruit. It’s only a fruits extract. But clinical reports back its solid support for your bone health.

Clinical Report

Osteoporosis Clinical Study
Click the image for the whole report.

This report shows the way how β-Cryptoxanthin works as a natural treatment for osteoporosis. It activates the osteoblast and restrains the osteoclast’s work. Then it boosts your bone metabolism. This is the system how these functions happen and researchers found it through in-vitro studies. They also conducted human studies. They saw the actual improvement of human’s bone metabolism depending on the intake of this vitamin. 

This is only a natural food and helps your bone.

You may not have heard of β-Cryptoxanthin and may be wary about it. But, as a matter of fact, it is only one kind of carotenoid. The actually used ingredient in the supplement is only an extract of Satsuma mandarin orange. It is rich in β-Cryptoxanthin. Satsuma mandarin orange is called “Mikan” in Japanese. Mikan is one of the most popular fruits in Japan. Most Japanese people eat a lot of Mikan in winter.

People in the region to plant a lot of Mikan eat even larger volume of it. A Japanese agriculture institute found the apparent correlation between the blood β-Cryptoxanthin concentration and the onset risk of osteoporosis there by a cohort study to track 700 women for 4 years there.

Supplements As Oriental Medicine’s Dietary Therapy: That’s Juveriente®

Juveriente® Have Received A Lot Of Great Reviews since 2017

We, Juveriente®, have received various feedbacks for our 2 products, Effisoy® and Bone Strength Complex. We are happy to see in many reviews that our effort is helping so many women.


“Oh wow. Thank you for this product. I was suffering. Suffering! After a couple of weeks most of my hot flashes and night sweats are gone.”

“I have severe hot flashes for the past 7 years. After watching Dr Melissa YouTube video, I’ve been taking this product plus other supplements (Milk Thistle, Iodoral) and it completely took my hot flashes away. (Nothing else worked for me.). I’ve been using this product for over a year. I ran out of it and the hot flashes returned. I recommend watching Dr Melissa YouTube video it was a life changer for me.”

Bone Strength Complex;

“I had been diagnosed with osteopenia in my hips several years ago and had been taking calcium/magnesium supplements with little effect. I have now been taking Bone Strength Complex for 4 months and the results from my recent scan show perfectly normal bones, no more osteopenia!”

“Great product. Had osteopenia. Improvement when I had my bone density test.”

We also receive some negative feedbacks claiming that a few weeks or even a few days dosage doesn’t help them. We always explain to such customers by saying they need more patients with continual taking, and the duration before they see certain effects will vary depending on individuals.

The Concept of Oriental Medicine

The above explanation may sound obsolete to you. You might have already heard the same from a lot of supplement brands.

But such notices, “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals”  are never define the supplement as weaker versions of medicines for us. They are rather the key concepts of the basic of Juveriente’s supplements, Oriental Medicine.

The standard, or modern medicine, which we call Western medicine hereafter, specifies the deceased part and remove it or fix it directly. Drugs for it are often made of a single chemical.

But the idea of Oriental medicine is totally different. It will pursue the root cause of decease in the disorder or imbalance of your daily life and health. It may be in your imbalanced diet, a disorder of your discharging like sweat or bowel movement, or a disorder of circulation and metabolism.

Then it will aim the recovery of such imbalances sometimes with a little help of herbal medicines or acupuncture and moxibustion, and mainly through daily diet.

Such indirect treatment will not remove the problem immediately. “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals”

But surely safe, and it addresses the root cause of the problem and provides you sustainable help.

(Of course, there are a lot of cases that such mild oriental medicine is not enough. We will discuss it in our next post.)

Oriental Doctor
The old grinding of Chinese herbal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine

Japanese Diet and Oriental Medicine

“Medicine” meant Chinese traditional medicine in Japan in most of its long history (about 1,500 years)  and it was simply called “Medicine”.

Japanese first modern government, which replaced the last and long lasted Samurai government in the late 19 century, adopted modern medicine imported from the Western countries as the official medicine.

Since then, Japanese people call modern Medicine Western Medicine, or only Medicine, and their former standard medicine Oriental medicine or Kanpo.

Regardless of this historical major change of their public policy, Oriental medicine is deeply rooted in their culture and daily life. Even doctors of Western medicine sometimes recommend Oriental medicine treatments to their patients.

Its idea is also rooted in the Japanese diet and makes it healthy. It never is their principle idea that a specific food provides them a particular health effect. Each food has various and general health effects, and good health needs multiple and diverse foods.

But there are surely various foods which help your health in some specific problems. We, Juveriente focused on some of them, which have back data and great performances in Japan, made them into supplements, and introduced them to the world.

Thus, the concept of Juveriente supplements is an extension of Oriental medicine. “It may take time” and “The duration before you feel certain effects will vary depending on individuals” “But surely safe, and it addresses the root cause of the problem and provides you sustainable help.”





Osteoporosis In Men / Harder impact once got

Risk of osteoporosis in men

Women have more tendency to get osteoporosis than men, as most people know. But it doesn’t mean that the men’s osteoporosis doesn’t exist. According to “Percentage of Adults Aged 65 and Over With Osteoporosis or Low Bone Mass at the Femur Neck or Lumbar Spine: United States, 2005-2010“, 16.2 % of American adults aged 65 and over had osteoporosis at the lumbar spine or femur neck (Table 1Figure 1). While women had it by 24.8%, men also did by 5.6%. 

Men also get osteoporosis as their age gets higher.

Men have bigger and thicker skeleton than women and have more bone mass when they are young. They don’t experience a steep decline in their hormones like women’s menopause. These factors moderate the men’s osteoporosis risk. But, such a chance gets higher also on men as they age higher.

Osteoporosis in men happens after their age of 60, generally, and its ratio becomes about half of women. The bone mass of men aged around 80 is only about 70% of their youth and many of them can get osteoporosis.

Men also have factors to facilitate osteoporosis risk besides the factors to moderate it as the above. They have more tendency to have diabetes or hypertension. More men smoke and drink than women. These are related to the onset of osteoporosis.

Men’s osteoporosis can bring them more lifetime health risks.

Both men and women become easy to fall due to the waned muscle and sense of balance. Weakened bone by osteoporosis is easy to be broken even by a little falling. Men have bigger bodies, and their moves are strong; they tend to hit their bodies harder on the ground or floor and it may break their bones or cause a head injury. So, we can tell you that the osteoporosis in men has higher risk of such injury.

Thus men tend to shut themselves in their house after such injuries worry the same trouble from happening again. As a result, they will not move their bodies enough, and their muscle strength and muscle strength will decline. Eventually, it leads to the deterioration of their body functions and mental depression. In the worst case, they may fall into the condition to need care.

Laying on a hospital bed and having nothing to do

Which bones are broken? What happens as a result?

The bone parts often to be broken for older men are the same as women, vertebral body (backbones), proximal portions of femur, base of upper arms, and wrists.

Among these parts, the bone-breaking at the base of the femur often brings down the patients into the condition needing care, and you will need to be very careful.

The spinal cords pass through your backbones. If the backbones are broken, it can cause health disorders beyond the broken bones. The broken part may press the nerve to cause disturbance of gait or urination disorder.

The possibility of bone-breaking increases after the age of 70, even in men, and it can lead to further severe health problems. Thus men should take care of bone health as well as women.

Learning from the Japanese and Natto

What is Natto?

Japanese Natto Food: Our recent article explored the benefits of fermented food, particularly foods like miso, and soy sauce. A deep-dive into another fermented food, natto, shows that this particular food may have many benefits that help women going through menopause. Natto, not nearly as popular as its “cousin” tofu, has been eaten in Japan for millennia. It is made of fermented soybeans, soybeans which are fermented with the bacteria bacillus subtilus. The beans are first cooked for hours before the bacteria are introduced in a temperature-controlled fermentation room. After a day or so, the beans are cooled and stored in a refrigerator for the flavor to mature.


The beans develop into a slightly sticky texture, though they still look like gooey chickpeas. Some complain that the odor of natto is not the most appetizing, ranging from exercise socks to paint thinner, from ammonia to Camembert cheese, and yet, depending how it’s prepared, the odor does not have to be overly pungent. It is certainly an acquired taste, but with that acquisition come all of the health benefits.

Health Benefits of Natto

Fermented Supplement Effisoy
Supplement is the best way to take only the benefit
of fermented soybeans, without unfamiliar
odor and texture.

The active ingredient in Natto is nattokinase. This enzyme not only helps aid circulation, but it also works to clean out the blood vessels which reduce the risk of hypertension, stroke and heart disease. It is also strong in K2, a vitamin that helps with bone health. The ability to bolster bone strength is one of the reasons why natto should be considered by menopausal and postmenopausal women. One study of Japanese women who were postmenopausal showed that those who consumed natto regularly were less likely to develop bone density loss which helped protect them against osteoporosis. In comparison to other soy products like tofu, there was no correlation between improved bone density and consumption.

Superfood Benefits

A healthy Japanese old woman with his white dog
A healthy Japanese old woman

When looking at the chemical breakdown of natto, it’s easy to see why it’s such a superfood. Natto has no cholesterol, and also contains lots of potassium and dietary fiber, two of the elements responsible for cleaning out the arteries. Because natto is fermented, the bacteria it contains helps to clean out the gut while the enzyme nattokinase cleans out the blood vessels. Vitamins, protein, and iron are all abundant in natto as well, making it not only healthy food to consume, but a good weight loss food that is both filling and nutritious.

Natto Recipe Preparation

When making a dish with natto, there are many methods for preparation. In Japan, it is commonly served with rice and fermented vegetables. This way of serving natto is a traditional breakfast in Japan. Another way to eat natto is to whip it with a fork, making it into a sort of fluffy paste, and then use apple cider vinegar, mustard, and cultured vegetables to add more flavor. It is, as mentioned above, an acquired taste, so finding a way to prepare it that works for you and your loved ones is best. 

As more evidence comes out that much of menopause is influenced by lifestyle, more so than genetics, it’s important to consider healthy diet and exercise choices that can minimize any difficult symptoms of menopause. Natto is one of the foods that can best alleviate negative symptoms while working to ensure healthy flow of systems in the body.


Healthy Living for the Bones: Exercise

When it comes to having healthy bones as you age, one of the best things you can do is exercise. Like muscles, bones are, quite simply, living tissue. Always changing, always growing, always capable of strengthening. Through food and supplemental choices, one can bolster the body’s ability to fortify bones with calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus, but another important component, especially when combating risk of osteoporosis, is exercise.. 

Simple, specific movements, specifically when working against gravity or using weight as resistance are two of the best ways to improve bone strength. In general, humans reach their peak bone mass in the third decade, and from that span of time, are in a slightly degenerative process that requires more attention and care to support healthy bones. Starting a daily exercise routine, 30 minutes as many days as possible, as recommended by the Surgeon General, is one of the best ways to weave healthy habits into your daily life. 

Anti-Gravity Exercises
exercises - healthy living for strong bones

When working to strengthen aging bones, some of the best exercises require minimal investment. Walking, jogging, and hiking are three ways that your body is working against gravity, and three ways that your bones can strengthen over time. The force that you exert as you lift and lower, move and stretch your legs, is one of the best ways for the body to work within its own limits, to use what is naturally available, in order to become stronger. Similarly, other anti-gravity exercises could be playing tennis, dancing, or climbing stairs. All of these activities, with the exception of tennis, require no financial investment in other objects, like a racquet or a ball. There are dance classes available for all ages, and all stages of dance, in most cities, and dancing on your own, or with the assistance of online videos, is always an option. Finally, climbing stairs, whenever you get the chance, rather than taking the escalator or the elevator, is a direct way you can strengthen your bones. Think about it with each step: my bones are getting stronger. 

Resistance Training
women stretching - healthy living for strong bones

Coupling anti-gravity exercises with resistance exercises is the best combination you could create. Resistance exercisesare essentially strength training and using weights to improve muscles and bones. It essentially uses force to strengthen. Higher weights with shorter repetitions are recommended for younger folks, but as we age, higher weights may not be as feasible for older folks. Newer studies have shown that light weights coupled with a lot of repetitions also work to increase bone density. Noting that osteoporosis most often affects the hips, wrists, and vertebrae in the spine. The hip bones, or pelvis, can be strengthened with leg lifts, squats, lunges (weighted or not), and other types of weighted movement with resistance bands. For wrists, strengthening the ulna and radius, the two bones that are below the elbow, as well as the humerus, can all help the bones in the wrist. Various combinations of bicep and tricep exercises, as well as lateral lifts and even light bench pressing, can help strengthen this part of the body. 

Taking Care of the WholeOverall, while exercise is a vitally important component of bone strength, it should be paired with healthy food and daily supplements to help bones to become as healthy as possible. These exercises can be practiced in small moments of daily life, even at an office or at home, rather than at a gym. Walking, taking the steps, and lifting light weights above the head (even if it’s a book or an object in the office) are ways that you can bring health into everyday practices.


Healthy Living for the Bones: Food and Diet

Did you know that your bones are alive? Every day, our bones are constantly breaking down and building back up. This constant cycle is one of the many ways the body replenishes nutrients, strengthens, and evolves. However, with time, and age, bones tend to break down more than they restrengthen. This breaking down of bones- most often in the wrist, hips, knees, or spine- is known as osteoporosis. There is much to understand about the disease, but more than anything, prevention in the areas of diet and supplements is vitally important for fotralizing the bones and strengthening the body. 

Food for the Bones

Many studies have been done on food that contributes to bone health, but the most important factors come down to calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Vitamin D strengthens bones by helping the body absorb more calcium and phosphorous, two of the elements your body needs more than most. Calcium and phosphorus are the bone builders. Specifically, phosphorus provides structure to the nucleic acids and cell membranes, which contributes to your body’s energy production. Calcium, on the other hand, mostly resides in the bones and teeth. It helps the body communicate better through its nervous system, as well as strengthens the bones to withstand fractures, or breaking. The two together are better absorbed with extra vitamin D. 

Food Choices for Healthy Bones

When creating a diet that provides key nutrients for the body, it’s important to start with calcium. Dairy products, from cheese to milk, are key sources of calcium. Most cheeses, are the best sources of calcium, with parmesan having the most. Softer cheese have slightly less calcium but still contain substantial amounts. Yogurt, ranging from plain to greek to flavored, also contains high amounts of calcium. If, however, you are dairy-free or lactose intolerance, there are many options that do not fall into the dairy realm.

Seeds, specifically poppy, sesame, celery and chia, all contain significant calcium for bone health, as do the fish bones of salmon and sardines. Believe it or not, eating canned salmon and sardines, because of their edible bones, is a great source of calcium. Certain beans, specifically winged beans, are also great sources, as well as the solid snack food– almonds. In the realm of vegetables, dark leafy greens like collard greens, spinach and kale also contain quantities of calcium which can help reinforce bone health. There are plenty of options, and the key is to incorporate these healthy eating habits into your daily life and choices. 

Additional Support for Strong Bones

Complementing food choices is the option of addition supplements, like Bone Supplement. This combination of minerals and vitamins targets the body specifically, helping to strengthen the bone by providing  more vitamin D to better absorb phosphorus and calcium, those two minerals your body craves the most when it comes to bone health. Remember, bones, though they are steady and strong, are not nearly as solid as we think they are. They are constantly regenerating, and the more ways you can bolster them in their regeneration process, the stronger they will be for years to come. 

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